Found 1376 Articles for MS Excel

Excel batch find and replace specific text in hyperlinks

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:05:42


In certain circumstances, you may have to find and replace a particular text within hyperlinks while excluding all other content forms. In such cases, you would almost exclusively use the Find and Replace function, which is completely functional when applied to single values. However, if there are dozens or even hundreds of products that need to be replaced, no one would want to manually make all of those replacements one at a time, and then do it all over again if the data were to change. To our relief, Excel provides a number of more powerful strategies for doing mass ... Read More

Dynamic highlight data point on Excel chart

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:06:11


When there is a large amount of data plotted on a chart, it might be difficult to interpret. Although it is generally considered best practise to plot just the data that is relevant to the problem at hand, there are times when it is necessary to display a large number of data points on a single chart. If you find yourself in such a predicament, it is a smart idea to have a dynamic chart on hand that emphasises the chosen series in order to make it simpler to understand and evaluate the data. Actual vs Budget Chart If you ... Read More

Creating an actual vs budget chart in Excel step by step

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:06:37


You may create a chart in Excel that compares the actual value of each project to the target value for that project. This article will show you how to produce an actual vs. budget chart in Excel in a step-by-step manner as well as how to make use of a powerful chart tool in order to complete this task in a timely manner. An Actual vs Budget Chart in Excel Let’s understand step by step with an example. Step 1 At first, we must create a sample data for chart in an Excel sheet in columnar format as shown in ... Read More

Create an interactive chart with series-selection checkbox in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:07:05


Most of the time, we will insert a chart in order to better present the data, and sometimes, we will use a chart that allows for more than one series option. In this particular scenario, you could wish to display the series by ticking the corresponding checkboxes. Interactive Chart with Series-Selection Suppose you have access to the financial data for a corporation called My Company Ltd., and you are interested in determining how the company's revenue has changed over the course of the last several quarters. At the same time, you should also evaluate the development in relation to the ... Read More

Click hyperlink in Excel to go to a specific page in Word document

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:07:51

2K+ Views

If you have a spreadsheet created in Microsoft Office Excel, creating a hyperlink to a Word document and inserting it anywhere in the spreadsheet is quite simple and straightforward to accomplish. When you click on the hyperlink, the Word document opens up to the first page automatically. You will need to make use of a method that involves bookmarks in Word in order to be able to generate a hyperlink that will go to a certain page. Step 1 You may open the Word document you wish to access at a specified page by clicking a hyperlink in Excel. Keep ... Read More

Change cell reference in formulas to range names in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:08:22


If we have previously defined names for the cell reference, then the cell reference in the formula will change to their defined names automatically. This is something that we are familiar with. However, if we establish formulae for the cell reference before defining names, the references to the cells will not be updated to reflect their newly defined names. Change Cell reference in formulas to range names in Excel Let’s understand step by step with an example. Step 1 At first, create a sample data as shown in following screenshot. Step 2 Next, select the range C4:C9 and click ... Read More

Calculate the difference between two dates in days, weeks, months and years in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:08:45


When working with dates in a worksheet, it may be necessary to determine the number of days, weeks, months, or years between two provided dates. Calculate the difference between two given dates in Days You can use the following formulas to calculate the number of days that exist between two specific dates. Step 1 At first, you must create a sample data as shown in following screenshot. Step 2 Any one of the following formulas should be entered into a blank cell to generate the correct result. Formulas =DATEDIF(B3, C3, "D") Or, =C3-B3 Here, B3 is Start ... Read More

Apply Conditional Formatting for Each Row in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:09:13

3K+ Views

Conditional formatting, as we all know, will generate a rule that will decide which cells get formatted and how they should be formatted. It's possible that you'll wish to use the conditional formatting for per row at some point. Using conditional formatting, for instance, you might want to fill the background color of the cells in this area with a different color if cell A2 is greater than cell B2, A3 is greater than cell B3, and so on. Let’s understand step by step with an example. Step 1 At first, we must create a sample data, as shown in ... Read More

How to send worksheet only through Outlook from Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:09:40


It is common for us to create and work on multiple Excel worksheets at the same time. The workbook could have separate worksheets for different years, products, and departments, or even the same workbook could have separate worksheets for multiple years, products, and departments. If you would like to share a part of a sheet or a single worksheet from the workbook with a colleague or boss or any other person, sometime you may need to email a part of the sheet. Although there may be alternatives to this way of doing things, in this tutorial, I am going to ... Read More

How to enlarge or shrink a picture with one click in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Sep-2022 08:10:06

2K+ Views

Excel 2019 enables users to incorporate not just numerical data but also images and graphics. Including pictures and other images is a terrific way to make your spreadsheets look more appealing. You can generate your own photos to add to a workbook or copy and paste images into a spreadsheet, much like you can in Microsoft Word. You can even create your own images to add. Excel gives you the ability to import graphics, shapes, symbols, and even 3D images and photos available on the web. Let's say that there are several pictures on a sheet, and they range in ... Read More
