Found 1376 Articles for MS Excel

How to Remove Unwanted Text From Cell in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:49:38


Millions of users across the world utilise the robust spreadsheet programme Microsoft Excel for a variety of data manipulation activities. It happens frequently while working with data that you need to clean up or extract specific information from a cell while deleting extraneous text or characters. We will examine various techniques to effectively delete undesirable content from Excel cells in this step-by-step tutorial. We can remove superfluous spaces, trim leading or trailing characters, remove particular words, or extract particular substrings for you. You will have the knowledge and abilities necessary to streamline your data and make sure that your Excel ... Read More

How to Remove Trailing Spaces From Cells in Microsoft Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:49:00


The unanticipated discomfort of trailing spaces in Excel cells can frequently result in formatting problems and data mistakes. But don't worry we're here to walk you through a simple method to get rid of those annoying trailing spaces and make sure your data is correct and clear. Millions of people use the robust spreadsheet programme Excel to successfully organise, analyse, and present data. When copying or importing data from different sources, trailing spaces, which are blank spaces at the end of cell contents, might be created unintentionally. They can result in errors in formulae, sorting, and filtering because they are ... Read More

How to Remove Time from Date in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:17:50


Excel is a strong programme that is frequently used for reporting, data analysis, and data manipulation. You could frequently get into circumstances while working with date and time data where you need to split the date portion from the time portion. With the integer portion representing the date and the decimal portion indicating the time, Excel stores date and time values as serial numbers. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to use a variety of techniques to eliminate the time element from date values in Excel. We will investigate straightforward yet efficient methods to extract only the date while ... Read More

How to Remove Texts Before or After a Specific Character From Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:15:04


Powerful spreadsheet programmes like Excel provide a wide range of features to alter and clean up data. Getting rid of text that comes before or after a specific character in a cell is a common data cleaning activity. In this article, we'll walk you through each step of how to complete this work using the built-in functions in Excel. Excel offers the tools you need to organise your data and save time, whether you need to get rid of prefixes, suffixes, or any other undesirable text. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned Excel user, becoming proficient in text manipulation ... Read More

How to Remove Text Within Brackets/Parentheses in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:48:15

5K+ Views

When working with huge datasets or text-heavy documents in Excel, you may have run into circumstances where you needed to remove text that was encased in brackets or brackets in order to clear up the content. Excel provides a number of easy ways to remove annotations, footnotes, or any other textual contents that are encapsulated in these symbols. This step-by-step article will guide you through several methods for removing text enclosed in brackets or brackets that are appropriate for various Excel versions. By the end of this session, you will have the skills necessary to effectively remove text that ... Read More

How to Remove Text Indicator (‘) in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:47:49


In this tutorial, we'll show you step-by-step how to delete the text indication, sometimes referred to as the single quotation or apostrophe ('), from Excel cells. In order to instruct Excel to treat a value as text, the single quotation is frequently used as a prefix, which might be useful in some circumstances. To convert the data into numerical or date formats or just to clean up your spreadsheet, you might want to remove this indicator in some circumstances. We will examine various approaches to accomplishing this work throughout this tutorial, taking into account both individual cells and entire columns. ... Read More

How to Remove Tab Color in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:43:55


Powerful tools for data organisation, analysis, and presentation include Microsoft Excel. You can use one of its features to give the tabs at the bottom of your workbook colour, which makes it simpler to identify between various pages and enhances the workspace's overall appearance. To preserve continuity or conform to a different theme, you might want to delete or alter the tab colour in some circumstances. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to remove Excel tab colours using a variety of techniques. These methods are easy to use and powerful, regardless of your level of experience. You will have ... Read More

How to Remove Some Special Characters From String in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:34:14


Microsoft Excel is a robust programme that is frequently used for calculations, data analysis, and other data manipulation tasks. Working with huge datasets can frequently lead to the discovery of strings containing undesirable special characters that need to be cleaned up or eliminated in order to ensure accurate data processing. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to clean up your data and make it more usable for your research by deleting specified special characters from strings in Excel. Regardless of your level of Excel proficiency, this video will give you the skills and information you need to effectively clean ... Read More

How to Remove Salutations From Names Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:33:49

2K+ Views

Names frequently begin with salutations like "Mr., " "Mrs., " or "Ms., " but these and other salutations might occasionally cause errors in your data or obstruct specific activities you want to carry out. Excel offers effective tools to execute this operation with simplicity, regardless of whether you have a sizable dataset or only a few names and salutations. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to organise your name cells, get rid of any salutations, and end up with names that are clear and salutation-free. By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and abilities ... Read More

How to Remove Rows Based on Cell Value in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:33:21


Excel is a potent spreadsheet programme that enables users to effectively store and modify data. You could occasionally come across circumstances where you need to clean up or filter your data by deleting rows that fulfil specific requirements. When working with huge datasets or when you want to concentrate on a particular piece of information, removing rows based on cell values is a regular activity. In this lesson, we'll show you how to remove rows that contain specific cell values using two separate techniques: Excel's built-in filtering tool and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming. Remove Rows Based on Cell ... Read More
