Found 1376 Articles for MS Excel

How to calculate running total /average in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:27:08


The climax of a continuing sequence of partial totals of a particular data collection is what is known as a cumulative total, which is also referred to as a running total in certain circles. The use of a "running total, " which shows the total as it increases and allows for the accumulation of data to be summarised as it occurs over time, is required in order to present the summary of the data. This widely common method is used on a day-to-day basis by students and professionals who are assigned the task of using Excel to compute and calculate ... Read More

How to calculate running count of occurrence in list in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:26:01

2K+ Views

Excel makes it simple to generate a running count of an occurrence or the total number of values in a list. By using the COUNTIF function with a mixed reference, we are able to obtain a running or continuous total for an item, which in turn enables us to build a running count of an occurrence in a list. This gives us the ability to acquire a running or continuous total for an item. Step 1 if, inside the Days list, you just want to determine the current count of "Monday, " please proceed as follows. Step 2 Choose ... Read More

How to calculate retirement date from date of birth in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:24:12

5K+ Views

Consider the scenario in which an employee has said that they want to retire when they reach the age of 62; with just the employee's date of birth in Excel, are you able to accurately predict when the individual will really leave their position. You may use the EDATE function to determine when someone's retirement date will be based on their birth date. Step 1 I have a list of workers' birth dates, and if their retirement age is 62, the formula that follows may assist you in calculating when they will be eligible to retire; in order to do ... Read More

How to calculate rank percentile of a list in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:22:56


You could use a data collection that contains values and can be filtered based on certain criteria. For the sake of this illustration, we will make use of a list of the populations of the world's capital cities. Calculating the percentile rating of each continent's respective capital cities is going to be a difficult task for us. If you make regular use of Conditional Formatting's Icon Set, then you should be aware that the icons in the set are determined by the percentile of each value. Having said that, are you familiar with the formula that determines the rank percentile ... Read More

How to calculate quarter start date or end date based on a given date in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:20:30

3K+ Views

If you manage a business or are involved in almost any other field, it is quite likely that you will often find yourself in a situation in which you need to determine which calendar quarter a certain date falls under. Excel does not come equipped with a feature that can generate this information based on a certain date, which is a great disappointment. By using this strategy, we are able to convert any given day into a calendar quarter. If you already have a column of dates and you want to achieve the following result, you will need to modify ... Read More

How to calculate quarter and year from date in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:18:48

3K+ Views

It's probable that if you run a company or pretty much any other area, you'll find yourself needing to know what calendar quarter a certain date comes under very often. Regrettably, Excel does not include a function that may produce this information depending on a specified date. We are able to transform any given date into a calendar quarter by using this method. If you already have a column of dates and you want to achieve the following result, you will need to modify the dates to just include the quarter and the year. Step 1 Following is an easy ... Read More

How to calculate percentage of total in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:17:23


In this article, we are going to go over a few methods that will assist you in calculating percentages in Excel in an effective manner, as well as understand the fundamental percentage formulas that will remove the element of guessing from your calculations. To determine the percentage, you can either press "Ctrl+Shift+%" or select the "%" button in the number group of the Home tab in order to convert the output to a percentage. The illustration that was just given is a specific instance of calculating percentages of a total. Now, let's study a few more examples that will help you make quick ... Read More

How to calculate / get day of the year in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:15:54


Did you ever attempted to determine in Excel which day of the year a particular date falls on based on the 365 days in a year? For instance, the current date is 22-08-2022, and I need to find out which day of the year today is based on the 365 days that make up a year. In this tutorial, I will discuss a straightforward method that may be used to deal with it. You can solve this problem by using a straightforward formula. We do not have a direct function that allows us to determine the precise day of a ... Read More

How to Calculate or Assign Letter Grade in Excel

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:14:47

3K+ Views

It is a normal practice for teachers daily to give letter grades based on the student's scores to determine their grades. In our case, I have considered and given a grading scale that consists of 90-100 grade A, 80-90 grade B, 70-79 grade C, 60-69 grade D, and 0-59 grade E. In this article, you will learn how to calculate or assign letter grades to students in a Microsoft excel sheet easily and quickly. If you need to give the letter grade based on the score values, then the nested IF function in a Microsoft Excel sheet can help you ... Read More

How to calculate number of days in a month or a year in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:12:16

2K+ Views

The number of days in a leap year is 366, whereas the number of days in a common year is 365. As is general knowledge, there are both leap years and common years. To determine, from a given date, the total number of days that comprise a month or a year. When you have a list of dates organised in a column, you can use the formulas given in this tutorial to compute the number of days in each month. Let’s understand step by step with an example. Step 1 In the first step, Let’s assume we have a sample ... Read More
