Found 7 Articles for Moods & Inclinations

Why does your baby get angry with anyone?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


If your baby feels angry, it means he knows a tad about the difference between right and wrong. If your baby feels angry, it means he/she is hurt or the baby finds a situation unfair. It is a clear indication that your child can see the world around him/her and react to it.Some Common Indications of Anger In Your BabyHe/she may show some facial expressions that show frustration, confusion, anger, or hurt.He/she may start speaking or making speaking sounds in a hurry.He/she may hit something or someone.Tips To Calm Down Your Angry BabyTry to hold your child in your arms ... Read More

Do our clothes influence our mood?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A person who wears un-ironed clothes suggests that he is lethargic and not interested in grooming well. No one wants to befriend such a person. These improperly maintained clothes make his mood even more slavish.Someone who wears dull colors always may be sad or a bore! No positivity radiates from that person and the clothes make him duller indeed. The one who always wears bright colors, full of flowers or meadows, is certain to be happy and maybe even contended with his lot.Thus, what we wear significantly influences how others perceive you and how they respond to you. When we ... Read More

What are things that hold you back from doing what you really want to?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Human desires and aspirations are endless and innumerable. How is it that very few people are able to fulfil their whims and fantasies while others are left pale-faced and listlessly craving. What are the impediments to their success and why are they being disheartened. Let’s discuss what factors are stopping them from wish-fulfilment:MotivationThe amount of motivation and zealous effort that one expands on any work always gives positive results. Hard work always pays.Home EnvironmentThe encouragement and support received at home from parents and siblings motivates an individual and develops a positive approach and aids in goal fulfillment positive reinforcement through ... Read More

What are the best ways to turn on your man in bed?

Updated on 25-Jun-2020 11:57:39

7K+ Views

Love is beyond the physical attractions and sexual drives. However, it is the key to reaching the peak of your relationship which creates the ecstatic moments in your life.Is Sex Mandatory in a Relationship?Love and sex are two sides of the same coin which needs equal attention for the success of any relationship.Conventionally, men used to approach the women and conduct the entire activity with hardly any proactive step from the partner. However, the time has changed and the arousal of the sex drive must be initiated from both ends.What do Men Think?If you think that men are only concerned ... Read More

Why do we cry? Can it be controlled?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 09-May-2022 11:24:20


Humans cry to express their emotional state which may be sadness, anger or joy. It’s a powerful nonverbal communication used by all ages of people to express their strong inner feelings. Shedding tears is common in almost every human being to express their emotions.There can be both positive and negative tears. Crying can be a result of profound joy or happiness, feeling blissful or ultimate contention or due to sadness or feeling helpless.People cry when they feel emotionally stressed or busted. Crying may not be always out of sadness or frustration or hopelessness, though. It’s a way of expressing the ... Read More

Why is it so difficult sometimes to say no?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 06-May-2022 06:26:24


There will be many situations in life where it will be difficult to say NO. We think saying no is rude and many people find it difficult to develop the art of saying "NO".Why is it difficult to say NO?We usually try to avoid conflict. We fear that our "NO" may start a conflict with our colleagues or friends or members of the family. So we feel it is better to avoid the word "NO".Do you remember when we were kids when our parents said No, it was a firm "NO", did it change with the time? We are afraid ... Read More

What makes children get attracted towards particular colors?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 10:47:32


Children get attracted to bright Colors. Children when they take to the world through their eyes, the bright colors are the first aspects that catch their eyesight. Bright colors help them to distinguish and categorize objects.By the age of 5 months, children can see bright colors. They are attracted to bright colors such as red, green, blue and orange contrary to muted shades and pastels. With their developing eyesight and capacity to acknowledge the people and things around them, children are drawn towards brighter colors.
