Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to Convert Zip Code to State in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:26:49

5K+ Views

In Excel, you will occasionally be asked to convert a given zip code to the state name. A zip code can be used to uniquely identify a place based on a number. The zip code is mainly used for shipping the parcels. Every state has a starting and ending zip code according to its assigned order. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert a zip code to a state in Excel. Even though there is no direct formula available to complete the task, we can use the LOOKUP function to complete our task. We can use lookup when ... Read More

How to Convert Zeroes to Dashes in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:25:21

6K+ Views

Sometimes in Excel, you just need to convert the zeros to dashes to represent that there is no value in the cell. We can do this task if we treat zero as a value. If we try to solve this manually, it can be good for small amounts of data, so we need a faster approach for large amounts of data. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert zeros to dashes in Excel. We can complete this task using the find and replace function and formal cell operation. Converting Zeroes to Dashes Using Find and Replace We'll open ... Read More

How to Convert Zeros to Blank in a Selected Range in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:23:27


In Excel, you may need to convert zeros to blank cells at times. If we attempt to complete the task manually, it can be a time-consuming process. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert zeros to blanks in a selected range in Excel. The blank represents the value of being empty and may or may not be filled in the future. Sometimes zeros can also be considered a value. We can complete the process using the Find and Replace and VBA applications. Converting Zeros to Blank in Excel Here we will first open the find and replace function, ... Read More

How to Convert yyyymmddhhmmss Date Format to Normal Datetime in Excel?Datetime in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:21:50

1K+ Views

In Excel, we always try to show the date and time in the format of dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss, which is the standard format when we use the date and time in Excel. But when the date and time are given in another format, some users may feel uncomfortable using them because they could have only used the standard format all this time. Generally, in Excel, when we enter any format of date and time in the sheet, it will be directly converted to the standard format. If we try to convert any other format to standard format manually, then it can ... Read More

How to Convert yyyymmdd to Normal Date Format in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:20:25

18K+ Views

Sometimes in Excel, you can see that the dates in the sheet have no separators between the date, month, and year. So, we need to convert them to a valid fSometimes in Excel, you can see that the dates in the sheet have no separators between the date, month, and year. So, we need to convert them to a valid format to perform any operations on them and to make our sheet more efficient. If we try to solve this problem using the format cells, then an error will be displayed in the result. So, we need to use other ... Read More

How to Convert Weekday String to Number in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:18:56


Sometimes in Excel, you would need to convert the given day name to a number, like one for Monday, two for Tuesday, and so on. If we try to convert the days manually, we can use it if there are fewer values; when there are more values, we can’t use the manual process as it can be a time-consuming and inaccurate process. We can convert the days to numbers using the formulas to save a lot of time when performing the task. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert a weekday string to a number in Excel. Even ... Read More

How to Convert Week Number to Date or Vice Versa in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:17:57

35K+ Views

Have you ever wondered if there is any feature in Excel from which we can find the start and end dates of a week in any year without using the calendar? There is no direct way, but we can solve this task in Excel using the formulas supported by the programme. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert a number to a date or a date to a week number in Excel. Converting a Week Number to Date in Excel Here we will first use the formulas to get the start and final data. Let's look at a ... Read More

How to Convert Vertical List to Horizontal or Vice Versa in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:16:35


Have you ever tried to convert a vertical list to a horizontal list, or vice versa, in Excel? Manually doing this can be time-consuming because we must type data into each cell and each new cell. We can complete this task in a faster and simpler way by using the paste special function. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert a vertical list to a horizontal list in Excel and vice versa. The lists that are represented in vertical and horizontal ways are known as "vertical lists" and "horizontal lists, " respectively. Converting a Vertical List to Horizontal ... Read More

How to Convert Vector / Single Row or Column to Matrix in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:15:17

3K+ Views

A matrix is rectangular array with n rows and m columns. Sometimes in excel when we have a data in single column or single row you would want to convert them into a matrix. If you try to solve this manually, then it can be a time-consuming process, as we need to copy each row manually and paste them. So let us see a faster process. We can solve this using the formulas supported by Excel. The only condition for the matrix is that the all the values must be filled in whole "m*n" values. This tutorial will help you ... Read More

How to Convert Various Non-Standard Date Formats to Standard Date in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:13:38

2K+ Views

Sometimes you may have observed that the dates in the sheet are not in a valid format. If the dates are not valid, we will not be able to perform any operations. So, it is very important for us to know different ways in which we can convert them into a valid format. Read this tutorial to learn how you can convert various non‑standard formats to standard formats in Excel. We can solve this task by using formulas and formatting cells in Excel. Converting Non-Standard Date Formats to Standard Date in Excel Here we will use the DATEVALVE formula to ... Read More
