Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to Copy Chart with Text Boxes in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:56:07

1K+ Views

Generally, in Excel, when we copy a chart, the textboxes that are present on the chart are not copied by default. But when we need to copy the text along with the chart, we need to use the method in this article. Read this tutorial to learn how you can copy charts with text boxes in Excel. If we try to complete this task manually, then it can be time-consuming as we need to create every text box. We can complete this task faster by using the grouping of charts and text boxes; another method is to click on the ... Read More

How to Copy Cells If Column Contains Specific Value/Text in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:54:17

3K+ Views

Copying data in Excel is a very involved process, but have you ever tried to copy based on a single element in the sentence? If we need to copy sentences based on a single element manually, it can be a time-consuming process. we can complete this task in very less time by following the tasks. Read this tutorial to learn how you can copy cells if a column contains specific values or text in Excel. Copy Cells If a Column Contains Specific Value/Text Using Filter Here, we will first use the filter option, then use the text filter and copy ... Read More

How to Copy Cells Data with Row Height and Column Width in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:53:11

7K+ Views

Generally, in Excel, when we enter data of long length, adjusting the cell size is one of the more time-consuming processes as we need to manually adjust the cells. When we copy the cells to another location within the same sheet or to another sheet, if we need to adjust the cells every time, it can waste a lot of your time. Read this tutorial to learn how to copy column width and row height in Excel. Row height and column width in Excel can help us adjust the data on the sheet, which can improve our data visibility in ... Read More

How to Copy Cell without New Line Break in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:50:51

3K+ Views

Generally, in Excel, when we copy data from a sheet and try to paste it in a notepad, the cursor will move to the next line after pasting the data. When you don't want to move the cursor to the next line, you can keep it on the same line. We can complete the task with the help of a VBA application, as it can’t be completed directly in Excel. Read this tutorial to learn how to copy in Excel without adding a new line break. Even though it can be a lengthy process, it can be a simple one. ... Read More

How to Copy Cell Formula Only Not Formatting in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:49:47


Generally, in Excel, when we copy the cells, whether they contain formulas or not, the formatting of the cell will be copied automatically. Sometimes you only want to copy the formulas and not the formatting. In this case, we can use the copy and paste functions directly. If we try to copy them manually, it can be time-consuming and give us less accurate results. In order to complete our task more efficiently and quickly, we must use the paste special function. Read this tutorial to learn how you can copy formulas only and not formatting in Excel. Here, we will ... Read More

How to Copy Cell Format from One Cell (One Sheet) to Another Cell (Sheet) in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:47:46


You could have tried to copy formulas and data in the sheet from one cell to another cell or even to a different sheet, but have you ever tried to copy the formatting of a cell from one cell to another cell? Let us assume a situation where you need to apply complex formatting to a particular cell and it is already present in another cell on the sheet. We can complete this task just by copying the formatting instead of repeating the formatting again. Read this tutorial to learn how you can copy cell formatting from one cell to ... Read More

How to Copy Cell as Text Value Not Formula in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:46:01

4K+ Views

If we have formula cells on an Excel sheet and we try to copy them in the default way, the formula is copied instead of the values. This can create a mess if we try to copy the data from one sheet to another, as we also change the reference values in the sheet for the formula. Manually typing the cell valves into a new list of cells and then copying them is our direct solution. This can be a time-consuming and inaccurate process. We can use a simple trick mentioned in this tutorial to complete our task in a ... Read More

How to Copy Cell Above or Cell Left with Shortcut Key in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:44:29

2K+ Views

Generally, in Excel, copying the data can be a time-consuming process as it involves many steps like clicking on the cell and using the copy command, then going to the destination cell and using the paste command. To get data from the left or above the current, we can use the simple trick described in this tutorial. Read this tutorial to learn how you can copy cells above or below with a shortcut key in Excel. Any combination of keys that can complete a task in less time is known as a shortcut key. A shortcut key can help us ... Read More

How to Copy and Paste Without Borders in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:42:51


When we copy data with borders in Excel and paste it in another location on the same sheet or another sheet, the borders are automatically copied with the data. If you want to copy the data without borders, it can be a problem. If we try to remove the borders after pasting every time, then it can be a waste of time if we are copying the data multiple times. So, we need a faster process by which we can paste the data without borders, even though we copied the data with borders. Read this tutorial to learn how you ... Read More

How to Copy and Paste Values Skipping Duplicates in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:41:30

8K+ Views

Sometimes in Excel, you want to only copy the values that are unique. The values that are repeated are known as duplicate values. If we try to manually select only the unique values to copy, then it can be a time-consuming and inaccurate process. Read this tutorial to learn how to copy and paste values in Excel while avoiding duplicates. Copy and Paste Values Skipping Duplicates Using Filter Here, we will first select the data and then use the filter to paste the values, skipping the duplicate values. Let us see a simple process to know how we can copy ... Read More
