Found 2 Articles for Microservices

Difference between Microservices and Web Services

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:38:25

1K+ Views

Microservices are characterized by their compact size and their independence from one another. They bring a fresh perspective to the modularization of software, which itself is not an original idea. They are separate processes that coordinate their efforts and share information with one another in order to complete a mission inside a more comprehensive programme. Businesses now have the ability to implement new technologies in a more timely and efficient manner than ever before, thanks to Microservices.Web services are any services that are accessible over the internet and are constructed using standard Internet technologies. These technologies are considered to be ... Read More

Difference between API and Microservices

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 05-Jul-2022 13:19:32

3K+ Views

The process of developing an application using microservices partitions the program's functionality into a collection of separate modules. APIs are a component of an application that allows for its communication with other software programmes. Therefore, APIs may be utilised to facilitate the creation of microservices. As a direct consequence of this, you may simplify the process of developing software.There are several microservices whose only purpose is to do internal work or to provide some assistance to API activities. But there are many ways to make an API without using microservices. This means that these technologies are more likely to work ... Read More
