Found 1301 Articles for MCA

What are the FTP Operations?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:19:04


When using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the user implements some or all of the following operations −Connecting to a remote hostTo implement a file transfer, the user begins by logging into the remote host. Four commands are used.Open selects the remote host and sets up the login session.User recognizes the remote user ID.Pass authenticates the client.Site sends data to the foreign host that is used to provide services specific to that host.Navigating the directory structureAfter a client has been authenticated and logged on to the server, that client can navigate through the remote host's directory structure to locate the file ... Read More

What are the FTP Connections?

Updated on 04-May-2021 15:35:54

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The two types of Connections in FTP are as follows −Control ConnectionThere are two steps −The server issues a positive open on the well-known port 21 and waits for a client.The client uses an ephemeral port and issues an active open.The connection remains open during the whole process.Data ConnectionThe data connection facilitates the well-known port 20 at the server site. The following steps display how FTP creates a data connection.The user, not the server, issues a passive open using an ephemeral port.The client assigns this port number to the server using the PORT command.The server receives the port number and ... Read More

What is FTP?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:10:33

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FTP represents File transfer protocol and it is a standard internet protocol supported by TCP/IP used for transmitting the files from one host to another. FTP needs TCP as a transport protocol to help the reliable end to end connections and executes two types of connections in managing data transfers.The FTP clients initiate the first connection, referred to as the control connection, to wellknown port 21 (the clients port is typically ephemeral). It is on this part that an FTP server listens for it and accepts new connections. The control connection is issued for all of the control commands a ... Read More

Explain the functions of Presentation Layer.

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:04:37


The functions of the presentation layer are as follows:It provides the users with a way to execute the session service primitives. For that, it uses the contexts, each consisting of some data types and their transfer syntaxes. When a session is established, the peer entities negotiate for one or more contexts. It can change these contexts as the session progresses.Once the negotiations have been agreed upon, each machine is free to represent the data structures internally in the most convenient form. It is known that it should express that it can be transmitted and understood by the remote peer entity ... Read More

Explain the functions of Session Layer.

Updated on 04-May-2021 12:56:30

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The session layer services are provided by a functional unit set, which constitutes the session layer. The session layer can be understanding as a general-purpose tool kit out of which the user selects the tools to be used.The functions provided by the session layers are as follows:Session EstablishmentThe session layer’s primary function is to provide and establish connections between communicating users, known as sessions. It can transfer the data over these sessions in a reliable and orderly way.It can settle a session between two computers for communication, file transfer, remote login, or other purposes. It can establish Connection-oriented and connectionless ... Read More

What is Session Layer in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 12:53:47

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It is one of the parts of the upper layers. The Application Layer, Presentation Layer, and Session Layers form the OSI reference model's upper layers. They provide user-oriented services. The session layer provides a defined set of services to the presentation layerPresentation Layer uses session layer protocols and transport services. The session layer service’s actual user is the application layer through which the presentation layer lies between them. It has relatively few features as compared to lower layers. It controls structures and the interaction between the application programme.It synchronizes the interaction between elements and controls the direction of information flow, ... Read More

Explain the purpose of UDP?

Updated on 04-May-2021 15:52:07

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User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provides a connectionless packet service that offers unreliable 'best effort' delivery. This represents that the packet's arrival is not guaranteed, and also there is no guarantee for the correct sequencing of forwarded packets.An application that does not require an acknowledgement of data receipt. For example, audio or video broadcasting used UDP.UDP is also used by application of the typical transmit of a small amount of data at one time. For example, UDP provides a protocol port to distinguish between multiple programs implemented on a single deviceEach UDP message includes both a destination port number and a ... Read More

What is SCTP in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 12:36:36

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SCTP stands for Stream Control Transmission Protocol. It is a new reliable, messageoriented transport layer protocol. SCTP, however, is mostly designed for Internet applications that have recently been introduced. These new applications, such as IUA (ISDN over IP), M2UA and M3UA (telephony signaling), H.248 (media gateway control), H.323 (IP telephony), and SIP (IP telephony), etc.SCTP combines the best features of UDP and TCP. SCTP is a reliable message-oriented protocol. It preserves the message boundaries, and at the same time, detects lost data, duplicate data, and out-of-order data. It also has congestion control and flows control mechanisms.Features of SCTPThere are various ... Read More

What is SLIP in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 12:35:40

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SLIP stands for Serial Line Internet Protocol. SLIP is an Internet protocol that allows users to gain Internet access using a computer modem. Today, SLIP is not used as frequently as its successor, PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), which provides enhanced error detection and automatic configuration.SLIP is commonly used on dedicated serial links and sometimes for dialup purposes and is usually used with line speeds between 1200bps and 19.2Kbps. It is useful for allowing mixes of hosts and routers to communicate with one another (host-host, host-router and router- router are all common SLIP network configurations).SLIP defines a sequence of characters that frame ... Read More

What is IGMP in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 12:35:02

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IGMP stands for Internet Group Management Protocol. It is a protocol that allows several devices to share one IP address so they can all receive the same data. IGMP is a network layer protocol used to set up multicasting on networks that use the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Specifically, IGMP allows devices to join a multicast group.IGMP is not a multicasting routing protocol; it is a protocol that manages group membership. In any network, there are one or more multicast routers that distribute multicast packets to hosts or other routers.The IGMP protocol gives the multicast routers information about the ... Read More
