Found 7 Articles for MariaDB

How to Change Root Password of MySQL or MariaDB in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:39:54


Introduction As with any password, the root user password for a MySQL or MariaDB database should be changed regularly for security reasons. The root user has complete access and control over all databases and tables within the system, making it a prime target for any potential attacks. Regularly changing the root password can help prevent unauthorized access to your data, as well as provide an added layer of security against potential server breaches. Checking Current Root Password A root user is a powerful administrator account that has full access to the MySQL or MariaDB server. It is important to regularly ... Read More

How to Monitor MySQL_MariaDB Databases using Netdata on CentOS 8?

Mrudgandha Kulkarni
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 14:08:05


In today's data-driven world, monitoring the performance and health of databases is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of applications and the overall efficiency of your infrastructure. When it comes to monitoring MySQL or MariaDB databases on CentOS 8, Netdata emerges as a powerful and user-friendly tool. Netdata provides real-time insights into various metrics and performance indicators, allowing you to proactively identify bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and ensure the reliability of your database environment. In this blog post, we will explore how to set up and configure Netdata to monitor MySQL/MariaDB databases on CentOS 8. We will walk you through ... Read More

Setting Up Nginx with MariaDB and PHP/PHP-FPM on Fedora 24 Server and Workstation

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:54:08


Hosting websites and online applications requires setting up a web server infrastructure. In this article, we'll try to understand the setting up of Nginx on Fedora 24 Server and Workstation using MariaDB and PHP/PHP-FPM. This combination creates a strong stack for managing databases and presenting dynamic content. The main concepts covered here can be applied to subsequent versions of Fedora or other Linux distributions, even if Fedora 24 is an older edition. Main Characteristics of Fedora 24 Server Fedora 24 Server was created using the Linux kernel, which serves as the foundation of the operating system. The Linux kernel offers ... Read More

Setting Up LEMP Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:38:31


LEMP stack is a powerful combination of open source technology used for Web development and hosting. LEMP comprises Linux, which is the operating system in the combination, Nginx (pronounced as engine x) is a web server software, used to handle HTTP requests from servers, it helps the delivery of static and dynamic content. MySQL or MariaDB are used for efficient data storage and retrieval and PHP is used to construct dynamic web applications, enabling developers to communicate with databases and integrate dynamic information into HTML pages. Installing and configuring each component of LEMP, one at a time is required to ... Read More

Setting Up High-Performance ëHHVM' and Nginx/Apache with MariaDB on Debian/Ubuntu

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:37:14


Setting up high overall performance HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) with Nginx, Apache, and MariaDB on Debian or Ubuntu entails configuring an effective internet server stack to optimise the overall performance of internet programmes. HHVM is a just-in-time compiler designed for PHP, resulting in advanced execution speed. Nginx/Apache acts because the internet server software programme manages incoming requests efficiently. MariaDB serves as the database server to keep and manipulate statistics effectively. The system consists of putting in and configuring HHVM, Nginx/Apache, and MariaDB on the Debian/Ubuntu system. HHVM is incorporated with the internet server software programme, allowing the execution of PHP ... Read More

Setting Up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP) on Fedora 24 Server

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 14:32:04


Follow these instructions to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP) on a Fedora 24 server. First, perform a minimum installation of Fedora 24. Install the necessary components, including PHP, MariaDB, and Apache, after updating the system. Activate the automatic startup of the Apache server and permit incoming HTTP traffic over the firewall. Set a strong root password, activate the MariaDB service, and safeguard the installation. Set PHP settings appropriately for your needs. By creating a straightforward PHP file and using a web browser to view it, you may test the LAMP architecture. After completing these procedures, your Fedora 24 ... Read More

Install Lighttpd with PHP and MariaDB on RockyAlmaLinux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 16:29:33


Introduction RockyAlmaLinux is a robust and secure Linux distribution that serves as a perfect replacement for CentOS. If you're looking to set up a web server environment using Lighttpd, PHP, and MariaDB. This article will guide you through the installation process. We'll provide detailed instructions along with examples and the expected output of each command. Prerequisites Before we begin, make sure you have administrative access to your RockyAlmaLinux system and an active internet connection. Step 1: Update the System First, let's update the system's package repositories and upgrade the installed packages to their latest versions. Open a terminal and run ... Read More
