Found 597 Articles for Management

Factors that Affect the Perception of an Individual

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:40:25

13K+ Views

Before discussing anything about the above topic, let’s first understand what is meant by "perception." Perception is a process by which an individual interprets anything that comes in front of him or her. It is the way in which he or she utilizes his or her sensory impressions to interpret a particular situation and give a particular meaning to the environment. However, what we perceive can differ widely from what reality is. For example, most employees view an organization as the best place to work because it has favorable working conditions, interesting job roles, better pay, and excellent benefits, but ... Read More

Domains That Contribute to Organisational Behaviour

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:39:46


Organisational behaviour is a domain that has built itself by taking into consideration the various behavioural science domains. Various behavioural sciences have contributed to its significance. It has contributions from various behavioural disciplines mainly psychology and social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. The contributions of psychology are mainly at the micro level of analysis or we can say individual level, while the other disciplines have contributed to the organisational behaviour at the macro level or group processes and organisation level. Contributing domains of organisational behavior Let's understand every discipline which has contributed to organisational behaviour. Psychology Let's first understand ... Read More

Different Views of Conflict

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:39:01

2K+ Views

Let's first explain what we mean by "conflict." Conflict is a perception of thoughts. When no one is aware of the conflict, it is generally believed that no conflict exists. So conflict is a process that begins when one side perceives that the other side has or is about to negatively affect something that the first party cares about. Examples of conflict in an organisation Incompatibility of goals Differences in the interpretation of factors Disagreement based on behavioural expectations It is right to say there has been a lot of controversy over the role of conflict in different types ... Read More

Why Organizational Innovation Is So Difficult

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:51:59


In order to improve a firm's productivity, effectiveness, and attractiveness, new concepts, procedures, or technologies must be introduced within that organization. It entails coming up with original answers to organizational problems, putting them into practice, and continually enhancing the manner in which things happen. Organizational innovation may occur in multiple ways, such as the introduction of fresh products or services, adjustments to existing procedures, adjustments to workplace strategy or design, and the use of new technology. The requirement to satisfy consumer expectations, increase organizational efficiency, or maintain a competitive edge in a business setting that is changing rapidly is ... Read More

Top Challenges of Implementing a Management Style

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:51:03


While working in business may be rewarding and prosperous, there are also challenges and challenging times that come with the job. Directors must understand how to handle these situations so they can inspire their teams to improve and succeed in the workplace. You may assess if a job in managing would be a good fit for you by comprehending the many problems that leaders encounter in the workplace. The way a leader uses in directing and overseeing their team is referred to as their management style. A manager's choice of method will be influenced by their personalities, the demands ... Read More

Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior, and Job Satisfaction

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:50:15


The phrase "organizational culture" reflects the mindsets and ideas that have continuously permeated a company, as well as the staff members' views and the anticipated worth of their job. These opinions and standards will affect employees' emotions and conduct. To fulfill the initial goals, system administrators modify their management style, which may have an impact on how satisfied people are at their jobs. So, it is crucial to comprehend the connection between corporate culture, leadership style, and employee work fulfillment. Workplace happiness may be strongly impacted by leadership conduct, which is an essential element. Leaders that display productive ... Read More

Measuring and Maintaining Employee Happiness

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:49:07


Professional well-being and contentment, often known as job satisfaction, are crucial components of any organization's growth. It describes the degree of fulfillment, happiness, and joy that person feels when employed by a business. Organizational climate has a beneficial effect on job productivity, absences, and staff turnover since it increases personnel’s likelihood to be connected, effective, and devoted to their employment. Professionals that are dissatisfied, on the other hand, may become disconnected, ineffective, and more inclined to depart from the organization. Companies that value employee satisfaction often promote a positive working atmosphere, give chances for advancement and improvement, deliver favorable ... Read More

Why Employees Are the Most Valuable Intangible Assets?

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:21:12


No denying that the fundamental intangible asset for every firm is its cultural resources. The human assets, not really the permanent or material assets, are what distinguish a company aside from its rivals in the competitive and ever-changing corporate environment of today. In the modern globalized world, the most significant and potent differentiator between organizations is their Human Resources (HR), often known as Human Assets. Workers departing a company may be practically reproduced, but because every human has a unique skill set and expertise, their expertise and abilities sets cannot be precisely matched by the person who replaces them. Strategic ... Read More

The Corporate Time Traps

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:22:00


The many aspects of work, actions, or circumstances known as "corporate time traps" take up a great deal of time, effort, and assets without significantly advancing the aims or goals that the company has set. Such time traps may reduce the institution's inventiveness, output, and development, which eventually affects corporate earnings and efficiency. Business time traps may involve extensive conferences, protracted communications that are unneeded, cumbersome procedures, centralization, and outmoded technology or practices. These time traps frequently result from organizational inertia, reluctance to change, unclear information, and a failure to prioritize activities and goals. For enterprises to make the ... Read More

How to Overcome Fear by Developing Excellent Focus in Corporate World?

Abhimanyu V
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:22:35


In some circumstances, for instance, when we must defend ourselves against dangers, the human feeling of fear may be helpful. Fear may, therefore, negatively affect output, confidence, and overall performance if it permeates an organizational context. Fear may appear in a variety of forms, such as anxiety about disagreement, uncertainty about the future, a fear of speaking publicly, nervousness about failing, and anxiety regarding the future. It takes a collective approach from managers, executives, and staff members for a company to overcome fear. It calls for a dedication to fostering a climate of psychological empowerment where individuals are free ... Read More

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