Found 597 Articles for Management

What is Project Cycle Management?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:43:42

2K+ Views

Project cycle management is a process of planning and organizing a project. It is done with the help of project management principles. The main purpose of the project management cycle is to ensure there is a minimal error in the end product and that the process is aligned with the stakeholder’s expectations. Each project has a lifecycle, marking the project's beginning and completion. There are several things that go into the project lifecycle. The phases include project planning, project execution, and closure. These phases are further divided into several stages, and each requires a different set of tools. The goal ... Read More

Risk Management Strategies in Project Management

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:38:07


Risk is an inevitable part of any project - whether you are starting a new project or modifying an existing one. While it can’t be avoided, some steps will certainly make it manageable. The risk could be positive or negative, depending on the type of project. Some risks have a positive impact on your outcomes, i.e., they turn into golden opportunities, while other risks are the challenges or obstacles that your business might encounter when deploying a new process, strategy, or product. Risk management strategies, as the name implies, are a set of procedures and tools that help you deal ... Read More

Major Leadership Theories Every Manager Should Know

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:32:55


Not everyone is born a leader. Some people need to strive to become a leader. After all, a leader plays a very crucial role in driving the company toward success. To become a leader, it’s essential you possess the right skills or acquire them. That’s where leadership theories can help. These theories tell us why certain people have a good chance of becoming a leader, what qualities they have, and what sets them apart from others. A leader is much more than someone who sets the mission and vision for the company or guides the workforce toward organizational goals. They ... Read More

How to Create a Project Report: Objectives, Components, Use Cases, and Examples

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:27:47

2K+ Views

Only a project manager knows the struggle of keeping the stakeholders, end-users, and business associates up-to-date about the project's current status. Besides, following each requirement and instruction closely can get on your nerves. That’s where the project reports step in. A project report is an effective tool for managing all aspects of a project precisely. These reports help guide people in the right direction and show the accurate status of the project. If you don’t create a report, there’s no way you can know whether you achieved your customers’ expectations or the stakeholders’ goals. What is a Project Report? The ... Read More

Best Practices For Preparing a Lessons Learned Document

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Nov-2022 07:17:02


What do you do after you have finished a project that you and the team have been working on for months? You celebrate. But have you really completed the project? You might have drawn a conclusion, but your project is incomplete until you create a lessons-learned report. Just delivering the output won’t do. You need to document the challenges you faced while working on a project and the lessons you have learned. This is going to benefit your personal and professional growth. But most importantly, a lessons-learned report is useful for the organization. It helps your teams learn things like ... Read More

Time Management Skills to Help You Become a Success

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 06:15:42


Time, as we all know follows no strict boundaries and knows no limit. But we’ve just got the 24 hours in a day where there’s a need to fit everything into our already crammed schedules, and sleep goes compromised. But if one looks well enough, they’d see how successful people seem to fit just about everything into a day, and is that because they’ve got various tricks up their sleeves? Well, the answer is no, they just know about time management, and by going through this blog, you could just consider yourself one of them! What are Time Management Skills? ... Read More

What Does an MBA Syllabus Look Like?

Anusha Beri
Updated on 31-Oct-2022 07:19:05


Working professionals and recent college grads often choose an MBA. Why is that? A vast range of specialties, prosperous job options, and the luxurious lifestyle we all desire are all available with an MBA. People from various walks of life enroll in this program to advance their careers. But how can you choose the MBA concentration that's best for you? Before selecting a specialism, you should know your professional aspirations and the MBA course outline of all the available MBA programs that could benefit you. The MBA curriculum is created to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the ... Read More

What is Business Analysis and What does a Business Analyst Do?

Anusha Beri
Updated on 31-Oct-2022 07:18:02


There is fierce competition in the market. Therefore, companies wishing to prosper must use all the resources and tools at their disposal. Making wise judgments is essential, and making intelligent decisions requires trustworthy information. Here comes business analysis. In this blog, your introduction to business analysts will cover their characteristics, responsibilities, duties, and how to become one. Those seeking a solid career could have just discovered one, while those operating a business may understand why you need one in your company. Let's begin with learning the definition of business analysis before stepping foot in the realm of a ... Read More

What Are the Entry Requirements for an MBA?

Anusha Beri
Updated on 31-Oct-2022 07:16:44


The Master of Business Administration, or MBA, is one of the world's most desirable postgraduate study programs. India is an appealing destination to complete due to the high number of prestigious MBA programs Whether you're an early-career professional trying to improve your business acumen after earning your bachelor's degree, a mid-career professional looking to move functions, industries, or locations, or an entrepreneur with entrepreneurial ambitions, the MBA curriculum has something for you. The following information will provide you with all the information you need about applying to MBA programs in India, including the required qualifications, MBA entrance exams, and ... Read More

Top 10 Most Effective Business Analysis Techniques

Anusha Beri
Updated on 31-Oct-2022 07:15:39


Business analysis has grown in relevance in recent years due to the development of new tools and processes. Business analysis has contributed to a qualitative leap in business management by giving various businesses and organizations the most remarkable results and solutions. We're here today to look at some of the most effective business analysis techniques and how to utilize them. There are several practical business analysis problem-solving methodologies to pick from. Nonetheless, the methods listed here are the most widely employed, and it's safe to assume that their popularity originates from their success. But, before we get into the real ... Read More
