Found 597 Articles for Management

How Does Strategic Management work in Project Management?

Palvi Soni
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:47:33


Strategic management involves strategic decisions and these decisions depend upon the current state. Every time you meet a new obstacle, you don’t always need to create an entirely new strategy; instead, you could adjust the one you already have. Agile strategies allow you to quickly react to changing conditions, capture new opportunities, and maintain relevance in an ever-evolving market. In project management, strategic decisions are very effective and support the project's success. These decisions are always a result of your specific situation; if you are aware of your strategy, you will be in the best position to make decisions and ... Read More

Common Mistakes in Project Scope Management

Palvi Soni
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 17:41:01


When the organization manages projects, there are chances that it may encounter some unwanted errors. The main motive of project management is to reduce risks. Every project head lead must focus on the project alignment aspects. This blog highlights the common mistakes that an organization might face while executing any project. Common Project Scope Management Mistakes Check out the listed common mistakes and see if you can initiate better project scope management practices by avoiding these. Unclear Goals Unclear goals at the beginning of many initiatives cause them to fail. While stakeholders may have a certain goal in mind, ... Read More

What Is Measurement System Analysis?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 10:04:17


A recent survey of data professionals found that even in 2022, companies were still struggling withhow to make use of the mountains of data they collect. This data is critical for any decision−making process. With this in mind, it's essential to have accurate information at the beginning−and throughout the entire measurement system analysis process−so that employees can become more productive. Remember that building a strong foundation starts with good planning and execution. What do you understand by Measurement System Analysis? Measuring process variability can be difficult to determine. One way to evaluate it is with Measurement System Analysis (MSA), which ... Read More

Lean Thinking: Overview, Origins, Principles, Benefits, and Applications

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 18:14:37


In a world where everything is changing, and customers have greater power, the question is: How can we meet the needs of our customers? In this article, we will answer that question by providing an overview of Lean Thinking: an approach to executing business initiatives that respond to customer demand. What is Lean Thinking? Lean thinking is a management philosophy and principles aiming to streamline business processes and eliminate waste. The goal is to create more value for the customer while using fewer resources. The origins of lean thinking can be traced back to the Japanese auto industry after World ... Read More

Lean Process: Key Concepts, Applications, Benefits

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 18:11:29


Today's competitive economy requires businesses to offer a high level of value. From quality products to unparalleled customer care, achieving the best business possible is the end goal. And with lean process solutions, those objectives are realized through better efficiency - for all parties involved. Lean processes have been around for years. The Toyota Production System, first introduced in the 1930s, has been used as the lean process solution for decades. Many agencies are focused on the number of hours they put in. But there needs to be better for the work and the clients. This is why we prefer ... Read More

Fundamentals of Lean Methodology

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 18:08:22


A lean methodology is a systematic approach that focuses on value-based work. It can be applied to any organization and trains people to do their tasks efficiently. Lean is an approach that helps organizations reduce waste with the help of various tools and techniques. What is Lean? Lean methodology is a process improvement approach that seeks to eliminate waste in all areas of an organization. The goal of lean is to streamline processes and make them more efficient, effective, and customer-focused. In many cases, lean is used as a synonym for the Toyota Production System (TPS), developed by the Japanese ... Read More

5 Keys to Success in Quality Management

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 18:04:28


Managing quality is one of the most important aspects of an organization. Ensuring that all processes and products meet customer requirements, managing inventory for constantly changing customer needs, and training staff on meeting customer requirements are all essential to effective quality management. Quality Management Quality management is a process that helps organizations to ensure that their products and services meet the requirements of their customers. It involves setting up quality objectives, measuring and monitoring progress, and taking corrective action when necessary. There are Several Key Elements for a Successful Quality Management Quality objectives − Organizations need to identify what ... Read More

Difference between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:37:03

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The French mining engineer and businessman Henri Fayol is credited with developing a set of 14 management principles designed to improve the effectiveness of management at all levels of a company. He spent a lot of time thinking about and talking about different management techniques. After extensive research, Fayol concluded that the two most important abilities a person may have are technical competence and the capacity for high-level administrative work. Management theory as a whole is undeniably one of his most significant contributions. These are the cornerstones of an organization's efficient administration, and their absence can have a devastating effect. ... Read More

Which Business Certification Courses Are Trending?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:39:09


Want to advance your career and add value to your resume? Professional certifications and training can provide the exposure for you to grow as a business owner and IT professional. They also are a great showcase of your skills, which will increase your employment opportunities. That said, they may provide you with the needed preparation to better manage complex business situations and information technology. What is the Importance of Business Certification Courses? Business and IT certificates are both specialty certifications that focus on the needs of working professionals. They cover sectors ranging from health care to engineering and point you ... Read More

Top Ways to Prepare for PMP Credential Examination

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:37:29


If you want to pass the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam, you're going to need a lot of work. It's important that you're prepared in advance because the materials are extensive and there will be a lot of tests involved. Studying for an exam can often be a struggle, but these top PMP exam tips should help you ace your test! The PMP Exam is a highly valued set of qualifications, but it can be challenging to prepare for due to its vast content. Ways to Prepare for the PMP Exam Survey Gather all the charts, graphs, and ... Read More
