Found 11 Articles for Magnetism

Poles of Magnets

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 12:29:27


Introduction Every matter in the universe is composed of tiny particles called molecules. They attract each other with some attractive force. There exists an intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. Likewise, the electromagnetic force is the force of attraction or repulsion between charged particles. Magnetic force is part of the electromagnetic force. What are magnets? Magnets are materials that are having a magnetic field around it. Some materials get magnetized by giving magnetic fields. This is known as magnetism. All magnets cannot have the same material. The materials used for magnets are of three types such as diamagnetic materials, ... Read More

Bar Magnet As An Equivalent Solenoid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:07:49

2K+ Views

Introduction Bar magnet is an equivalent to a Solenoid. We all have seen Bar magnets and played with them in our childhood. It has astounding properties of attracting certain kinds of materials. For example, it attracts iron but shows neutral behaviour towards plastic. Bar Magnets are made of some special kind of materials called ferromagnetic materials and they have permanent magnetic behaviour. Magnets are very useful in today’s technological world. Many electronic devices such as speakers, hard drives, and TV use magnets. We know, that electric current also can produce magnetic fields. Can we produce something like a bar ... Read More

Discovery of Magnets

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 17:42:22


Introduction The world around us is filled with interesting objects. Some are very heavy and some are very light. Some objects swiftly let the electricity and heat pass through them, and some resist. Some materials attract objects of iron. These are called magnetic materials. We all have played with a piece of magnet in childhood. Refrigerator magnets were very popular among kids. An object which can create a magnetic field is known as a magnet. Initially, the natural magnets were known as lodestones. They can be compared to the electric charge. As the electric charge creates the electric field and ... Read More

Dipole Uniform Magnetic Field

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 13:54:54


Introduction Whenever a magnet is kept in a magnetic field it suffers force. A magnetic field is a physical field to describe the effect on magnetic materials. The uniformity of the magnetic field has a particular effect on the dipoles in its vicinity. It is very important to learn about the nature of forces and torque acting on the dipole and further understand the reason behind it. On another interesting note, the analogous relation of the magnetic dipole in the magnetic field with the electric dipole in the electric field shall also be derived and pondered upon. What is ... Read More

Studying the Behaviour of Permanent Magnets

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 12:47:13


Introduction The magnet is generally referred to as such materials that have their component atoms in a particular order that helps the materials to generate a magnetic field around the material. These kinds of materials that exhibit properties of magnetism is usually known as the materials that are responsible for attracting iron or the objects that contain iron. Focusing on such conceptualisation of physics, the current tutorial will discuss the permanent magnets along with their types and properties of it. What is a Permanent Magnet? A permanent magnet contains such materials with n intrinsic structure that helps to create ... Read More

Relation Between Gauss and Tesla

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:53:23


Introduction The division of magnetic induction in the CGS technique is Gauss. Gauss is operated for explaining the magnetic field’s strength. It is designated after German physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. The character G denotes the value of the mentioned CGS techniques. Both Tesla and Gauss are used for the estimation of the magnetic induction which is applied when a particle moves through a field which is magnetic. In this tutorial, an appropriate discussion is made on the application of the CGS and Tesla techniques. Figure 1: Magnetic Field What Is Gauss? Gauss’s law represents a better understanding of the ... Read More

Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Ferromagnetic

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

3K+ Views

Introduction It can be stated in the context of the differentiation that, Diamagnetism is the magnetism type which forms at the opposite of external magnetic field and has a feeble repulsion with magnets. Ferromagnetism, is the magnetism in substances that form along the direction of external field of magnets and remain even if the magnetic field is removed. Paramagnetism is also determined as one of the types of magnesium in substances which also form along in same direction to external magnetic field and gets disappeared when the magnetic field is removed. What is Magnetic susceptibility? The dimensionless proportionality ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction: Cyclotron Cyclotron is a device used to accelerate charged particles to a very high speed, that is, to a very high kinetic energy. These high speed charged particles are used in the following purpose: To study nuclear reactions To insert an ion in a solid Used to start radioactive decay So for all these purposes, Cyclotron is used. Since we need high velocity charged particles in this device so we will keep the charged particles between two oppositely charged plates. The electric field increases speed because it exerts an accelerating electric force on the charged particles ... Read More

Curie's Law

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction According to Curie’s Law, the magnetization in a paramagnetic material and an applied magnetic field is directly proportional. When the object is heated, the temperature increases, then the magnetization is inversely proportional to be temperature. This law was discovered by the French physicist named Pierre Curie. That is why it is named Curie’s law. Images Coming soon Curie’s Law Most of the elements combined with the compounds possess paramagnetic nature. It is present in compounds that have palladium, iron, platinum, and some rare elements. The atoms which are made up of these elements of compounds have inner shell electrons ... Read More

Rare Earth Magnets

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 12:05:23


Introduction Rare earth magnets were discovered in the 1970s and 1980s and are regarded as magnificent types of permanent magnets. The magnet's structure is formed from the rare elements that do not exist on this earth. The electron's arrangement in the elements of rare earth lets them develop the powerful magnetic fields of magnets. Physicists demonstrated that rare elements of the earth are extremely expensive; however, the fields of magnets are so strong that magnets can be made very small. The fields of a magnet are created by the rare earth magnets that are much more powerful as compared to ... Read More
