Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

How to send Custom Json Response from Rasa Chatbot's Custom Action?

Someswar Pal
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 11:57:54


Introduction Rasa Chatbot's developer-friendly custom actions allow for the generation of arbitrary JSON answers. It facilitates the development of dynamic and customized JSON answers. Rasa Chatbot is a flexible platform for developing conversational AI chatbots. Natural language processing and conversational management are brought together in this paradigm. Using custom actions, programmers can instruct the chatbot to perform very precise tasks. Calls to APIs and database queries fall within this category. Developers can improve the chatbot's usability by making use of dynamic material and formatting that is specific to each user by means of custom JSON answers. Setting up Rasa ... Read More

Goldfeld-Quandt Test in Machine Learning: An Exploration of Heteroscedasticity Assessment

Someswar Pal
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 11:48:58


Introduction The variance of the error terms in a regression model varies across the levels of the independent variables. This phenomenon is known as heteroscedasticity. It goes against the homoscedasticity or constant variance assumption of traditional linear regression. Coefficient bias, ineffective standard errors, and erroneous findings from hypothesis testing are all possible outcomes of heteroscedasticity. Regression model validity and trustworthiness depend on the detection and correction of heteroscedasticity. Researchers are better able to acquire precise statistical inferences, efficient standard errors, and credible hypothesis testing if they are aware of the presence and nature of heteroscedasticity. Role of Statistical Tests in ... Read More

What is Continuous Kernel Convolution in machine learning?

Someswar Pal
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 11:38:19


The remarkable progress of machine learning has revolutionized numerous domains by empowering computers to uncover patterns and make well-judged predictions based on data. When it comes to processing images, one particularly powerful tool that has emerged is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). These networks possess remarkable worthiness to efficiently capture local patterns, making them platonic for image wringer tasks. However, to remoter enhance the capabilities of CNNs, an innovative technique tabbed Continuous Kernel Convolution (CKC) has been introduced. In this article, we will delve into the concept of CKC and its significance within the realm of machine learning. What are Convolutional ... Read More

How to Use Bidirectional LSTM for Emotion Detection in Machine Learning?

Someswar Pal
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 11:14:23


Emotion detection is a fascinating subject of machine learning that has sparked a lot of sustentation in recent years. Understanding and assessing human emotions from text data offers a wide range of applications, including sentiment wringing in consumer feedback, social media monitoring, and developing virtual teammate abilities. Among the several emotion detection methods available, Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) stands out as a powerful tool capable of swiftly capturing the contextual information needed to unceasingly categorize emotions in text. Let's start by comprehending the relevance of Bidirectional LSTM. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a sort of recurrent neural network (RNN) ... Read More

Improving model accuracy with cross validation technique

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 17:27:52


Introduction Cross Validation (CV) is a way of training machine learning models in which multiple models are trained on a part of the data and then accessing their performance or testing them on a independent unseen set of data. In the Cross-validation technique, we generally split the original train data into different parts iteratively so that the algorithm trains and validates itself on each portion of the data none of them are left out in the process In this article let us have a deep good understanding of the Cross-Validation technique and its significance in improving Model accuracy. Cross Validation ... Read More

Checking the normality of a data set or a feature

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 16:47:09


Introduction Normality is defined as the phenomenon of belonging to a normal or Gaussian distribution in statistical terms. The normality of a dataset is the test for a dataset or variable if it follows a normal distribution. Many tests can be performed to check the normality of a dataset among which the most popular ones are the Histogram method, the QQ plot, and the KS Test. Normality testing – Checking for Normality There are both statistical and graphical approaches to determining the normality of a dataset or a feature. Let us look through some of these methods. Graphical Methods Histogram ... Read More

What is OOB error?

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 16:38:09


Introduction OOB or Out of Bag error and OOB Score is a term related to Random Forests. Random Forest is an ensemble of decision trees that improves the prediction from that of a single decision tree.OOB error is used to measure the error in the prediction of tree-based models like random forests, decision trees, and other ML models using the bagging method. In an OOB sample, the number of wrong classifications is an OOB error. In this article let's explore OOB error/score. Before moving ahead let us a short overview of Random Forest and Decision Trees. Random Forest Algorithm Random ... Read More

The Hathaway Effect: Does The Anne Hathaway Effect Really True?

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 16:25:20


Introduction Today Machine Learning plays a crucial role in predicting stock prices and the growth of popular organizations and investment banks. While working on many such problems we consider many relations and correlations between different kinds of factors. The Anne Hathaway Effect is one such peculiar correlation related to popular businessman and investor Warren Buffet, Anne Hathaway, and his company Berkshire Hathaway(BRK). In this article let us know more about the effects and observations around this phenomenon. The Anne Hathaway Effect The Hathaway effect news was first picked up by CNBC. According to this effect, whenever Anne ... Read More

Techniques to find similarities in recommendation system

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 16:20:44


Introduction Similarity metrics are crucial in Recommendation Systems to find users with similar behavior, pattern, or taste. Nowadays Recommendation systems are found in lots of useful applications such as Movie Recommendations as in Netflix, Product Recommendations as in Ecommerce, Amazon, etc. Organizations use preference matrices to capture use behavioral and feedback data on products on specific attributes. They also capture the sequence and trend of users purchasing products and users with similar behavior are captured in the process. In this article, let's understand in brief the idea behind a recommendation system and explore the similar techniques and measures involved in ... Read More

Limitations of fixed basis function

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 16:00:10


Introduction Fixed basis functions are functions that help us to extend linear models in Machine Learning, by taking linear combinations of nonlinear functions. Since Linear models depend on the linear combination of parameters, they suffer a significant limitation. The radial function thus helps model such a group of models by utilizing non-linearity in the data while keeping the parameters linear. Different linear combinations of the fixed basis functions are used within the linear regression by creating complex functions. In this article let us look into the fixed basis function and its limitations Fixed Basis function A linear regression model ... Read More

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