Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

MLOps Tools, Best Practices and Case Studies

Neetika Khandelwal
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 11:22:03


A collection of procedures and methods known as MLOps are meant to guarantee the scalable and reliable deployment of machine learning systems. To reduce technological debt, MLOps uses software engineering best practices such as automated testing, version control, the application of agile concepts, and data management. Using MLOps, the implementation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models in expansive production environments can be automated while also improving quality and streamlining the management process. In this article, you will come across some of the tools and best practices that would help you do this job. MLOps Best Practices Following ... Read More

How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing Human Intelligence?

Prita Roy
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:27:19


Artificial intelligence or Machine Learning has been invented to reduce human workload. As the usage of AI has increased for the past decades, the day is not so far that AI rule over human intelligence. If you're an avid user of AI, stay with us and read the post, as the article will explore many important aspects of using artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence or Machine learning is a vast subject. But to understand what is inside the topic, you can be something other than an engineer or science student. Therefore, before jumping into the deep discussion about how it ... Read More

What are Structured and Unstructured Data?

Parth Shukla
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 13:00:15


Introduction In machine learning, the data and its quality are one of the most critical parameters affecting the performance and other parameters while training and deploying the machine learning model. It is assumed that if good-quality data is provided to a poorly performing machine learning algorithm, there is a high chance of better performance than ever from the algorithm and vice versa. In this article, we will discuss the two common types of data: structured and unstructured data. Here we will discuss their definitions and the core intuition behind them, followed by some other meaningful discussion. Knowledge about these key ... Read More

How to Select Important Variables from Dataset?

Parth Shukla
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:07:11

1K+ Views

Introduction In machine learning, the data features are one of the parameters which affect the model's performance most. The data's features or variables should be informative and good enough to feed it to the machine learning algorithm, as it is noted that the model can perform best if even less amount of data is provided of good quality. The traditional machine learning algorithm performs better as it is fed with more data. Still, after some value or the quantity of the data, the model's performance becomes constant and does not increase. This is the point where the selection of the ... Read More

How to Read Machine Learning Papers?

Parth Shukla
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 12:47:54


Introduction Machine Learning and Deep Learning are emerging technologies in the current industry scenario. There is a lot of work related to the industry and significantly impacting the present world business scenario. There are lots of people who are trying to enter this field and want to get benefited. To master one field, it is necessary to get updated on the latest research works and the things happening in the latest days. There is a lot of content available on the internet that can b useful for the same. Still, the approach to reading these machine learning papers should be ... Read More

Correlation Between Categorical and Continuous Variables

Parth Shukla
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 12:43:41

22K+ Views

Introduction In machine learning, the data and the knowledge about its behavior is an essential things that one should have while working with any kind of data. In machine learning, it is impossible to have the same data with the same parameters and behavior, so it is essential to conduct some pre-training stages meaning that it is necessary to have some knowledge of the data before training the model. The correlations are something every data scientist or data analyst wants to know about the data as it reveals essential information about the data, which could help one perform feature engineering ... Read More

Mitigating Cloud Computing Cybersecurity Risks using Machine Learning

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 04-Jan-2023 13:35:07


Various cloud computing service models, such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), are gaining popularity because of their elasticity, on-demand, and pay-per-use characteristics (SaaS). The proliferation of IoT-enabled devices in our offices, homes, and hospitals means we now produce vast data, and in contrast, these cannot be stored on an IoT device. As a result, they have come to rely on cloud computing and cloud storage for all of their data processing and archiving needs. However, cyberattacks are wreaking havoc on this computing model. Providers of cloud computing services can employ machine learning to monitor for and stop ... Read More

Exploratory Data Analysis on Iris Dataset

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 12:45:01

4K+ Views

IntroductionIn Machine Learning and Data Science Exploratory Data Analysis is the process of examining a data set and summarizing its main characteristics about it. It may include visual methods to better represent those characteristics or have a general understanding of the dataset. It is a very essential step in a Data Science lifecycle, often consuming a certain time.In this article, we are going to see some of the characteristics of the Iris dataset through Exploratory Data Analysis. The Iris Dataset The Iris Dataset is very simple often referred to as the Hello World. The dataset has 4 features of three ... Read More

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 12:02:48


Introduction Simultaneous Localization and Mapping or SLAM is a method that let us build a map and locate our vehicles on that map at the same time. SLAM algorithms are used for unknown environment mapping and simultaneous localization. How is SLAM useful? Engineers can use SLAM for avoiding obstacles and also use them for path planning. SLAM software allows robot systems, drones, or autonomous vehicles to find paths in unknown environments and difficult terrains. This process involves a high amount of computing and processing power. SLAM can be useful for mapping areas that are too small or dangerous for ... Read More

Role of Log Odds in Logistic Regression

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 12:00:56

3K+ Views

Introduction Logistic Regression is a statistical method to predict a dependent data variable based on the relationship between one or more independent variables. It makes use of log odds and with the help of a logistic function, it predicts the probability of an event occurring. It is a classification method. What are Log Odds and Why are they Useful for Logistic Regression? Logistic regression is used to predict binary outcomes. For example, in an election, whether a candidate will win or not, whether SMS is spam or ham, etc. Odds are the ratio of the probability of success to failure. ... Read More
