Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

How to Become an RPA Developer?

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:27:03


Introduction RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. An RPA developer is a person who designs, maintains, builds, and implements RPA systems. In an organization, an RPA developer has the role to create optimized workflow processes and work cross-functionally with operations and business analysts. Scope of an RPA Developer Today the world is moving towards automation where organizations maximum repetitive processes to be automated as much as possible. Thus the demand for highly skilled RPA professionals has gained pace. With the right skill set, RPA developers can fill the in the respective domains. An RPA developer is essentially a software developer ... Read More

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) - Types and Tools

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:25:51

3K+ Views

Introduction Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the process of summarization of a dataset by analyzing it. It is used to investigate a dataset and lay down its characteristics. EDA is a fundamental process in many Data Science or Analysis tasks. Different types of Exploratory Data Analysis There are broadly two categories of EDA Univariate Exploratory Data Analysis – In Univariate Data Analysis we use one variable or feature to determine the characteristics of the dataset. We derive the relationships and distribution of data concerning only one feature or variable. In this category, we have the liberty to use either ... Read More

Document Retrieval using Boolean Model and Vector Space Model

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:21:37

5K+ Views

Introduction Document Retrieval in Machine Learning is part of a larger aspect known as Information Retrieval, where a given query by the user, the system tries to find relevant documents to the search query as well as rank them in order of relevance or match. They are different ways of Document retrieval, two popular ones are βˆ’ Boolean Model Vector Space Model Let us have a brief understanding of each of the above methods. Boolean Model It is a set-based retrieval model.The user query is in boolean form. Queries are joined using AND, OR, NOT, etc. A document ... Read More

DeepWalk Algorithm

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 23-Mar-2023 16:17:07


Introduction The graph is a very useful data structure that can represent co-interactions. These co-interactions can be encoded by neural networks as embeddings to be used in different ML Algorithms. This is where the DeepWalk algorithm shines. In this article, we are going to explore the DeepWalk algorithm with a Word2Vec example. Let us learn more about Graph Networks on which the core of this algorithm is based. The Graph If we consider a particular ecosystem, a graph generally represents the interaction between two or more entities. A Graph Network has two objects – node or vertex and edge. ... Read More

Deep Learning and the Internet of Things

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 15-Mar-2023 09:53:21


Deep Learning provides a new horizon to the Internet of Things. The availability of different IoT sensors helps us collect data that is so important for Deep Learning. There are many uses of Deep Learning in IoT, which makes IoT more powerful. Deep Learning and the Internet of Things together form a new era that is more advanced than Web 3.0. IoT Divisions The major key sub-divisions under IoT, like IoP (Internet of People), IoT (Internet of Everything), and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), are developing and highly dependent upon Deep Learning technology. There are many different Deep Learning Models ... Read More

Why should you learn machine learning and artificial intelligence

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 14:29:40


Introduction Due to the rising need for qualified individuals, interesting job prospects, commercial applications, customization, and innovation, studying machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more crucial. Professionals who can design, construct, and maintain these systems are required as more businesses use AI and ML technology. In addition to providing interesting job prospects across a range of industries, ML and AI may assist organizations in streamlining operations, making data-driven choices, and increasing productivity and profitability. Moreover, ML and AI are at the forefront of technological advancement and may be utilized to tailor client experiences. People can ... Read More

What is Overfitting and how to avoid it?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 14:24:36


Introduction In statistics, the phrase "overfitting" is used to describe a modeling error that happens when a function correlates too tightly to a certain set of data. As a result, overfitting could not be able to fit new data, which could reduce the precision of forecasting future observations. Examining validation measures like accuracy and loss might show overfitting. The validation measures frequently increase until a point at which they level out or start to drop when the model is affected by overfitting. During an upward trend, the model looks for a good match, and once it finds one, the movement ... Read More

What are business benefits of machine learning?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 17:07:55


Introduction Businesses are turning to machine learning in today's data-driven environment to acquire insights, make wise decisions, and spur development. Machine learning is the use of algorithms with artificial intelligence that can learn from data and make predictions or judgments based on that learning. Machine learning may assist companies in finding trends, streamlining workflows, and improving forecasts by studying massive datasets. Many advantages of machine learning exist, from cost savings and improved customer experiences to better decision-making and competitive advantage. We will go through the commercial advantages of machine learning in more detail in this post, giving instances of how ... Read More

Understanding Precision and Recall

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 14:15:05


Introduction The first thought that enters our minds when creating any machine learning model is how to create a model that is accurate and an "excellent fit, " as well as what problems will arise along the process. The two most crucial yet perplexing ideas in machine learning are recall and precision. Performance indicators for pattern recognition and classification in machine learning include precision and recall. Building a flawless machine learning model that produces more precise and accurate outcomes requires an understanding of these ideas. In machine learning, some models need greater recall while others need more precision. Therefore, ... Read More

Relationship between AI and Data

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 14:13:39


Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) successfully imitates human cognition and reasoning processes for use in everyday applications. This is frequently observed in cybersecurity with work automation and threat variant prediction. But the fuel that is being provided to any AI system, like a car, is what powers it. However, there is a lot more data than fuel. Therefore, the goal of this article is to clarify the crucial role that data plays in AI. Relationship Between AI and Data Below are a few Relationships Between AI and Data It’s Garbage in and Garbages out An AI system's "output, " the ... Read More
