Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

Fixing constant validation accuracy in CNN model training

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:23:44

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Introduction The categorization of images and the identification of objects are two computer vision tasks that frequently employ convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Yet, it can be difficult to train a CNN model, particularly if the validation accuracy approaches a plateau and stays that way for a long time. Several factors, including insufficient training data, poor hyperparameter tuning, model complexity, and overfitting, might contribute to this problem. In this post, we'll talk about a few tried-and-true methods for improving constant validation accuracy in CNN training. These methods involve data augmentation, learning rate adjustment, batch size tuning, regularization, optimizer selection, initialization, and ... Read More

Activation Function in a Neural Network: Sigmoid vs Tanh

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:22:51


Introduction Due to the non-linearity that can introduce towards the output of neurons, activation functions are essential to the functioning of neural networks. Sigmoid and tanh are two of the most often employed activation functions in neural networks. Binary classification issues frequently employ the sigmoid function in the output layer to transfer input values to a range between 0 and 1. In the deep layers of neural networks, the tanh function, which translates input values to a range between -1 and 1, is frequently applied. The usage of either function relies on the particular needs of the issue being handled ... Read More

CNN vs ANN for Image Classification

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:21:33

3K+ Views

Introduction There has been a lot of interest in creating efficient machine-learning models for picture categorization due to its growing significance in several industries, including security, autonomous driving, and healthcare. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are two common models for classifying images. While both CNNs and ANNs can perform image classification tasks with high accuracy, their architectural designs and learning methods vary. ANN vs CNN Identifying the elements or objects in a picture is the process of image classification. It is a key job in computer vision, having uses in anything from autonomous vehicles to ... Read More

What is momentum in Machine Learning?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:20:05

3K+ Views

Optimization algorithms are frequently used in machine learning models to identify the best collection of parameters that minimize a particular cost function. Momentum is a common optimization technique that is frequently utilized in machine learning. Momentum is a strategy for accelerating the convergence of the optimization process by including a momentum element in the update rule. This momentum factor assists the optimizer in continuing to go in the same direction even if the gradient changes direction or becomes zero. This can aid in improving convergence speed, reducing oscillations, avoiding becoming trapped in local minima, and making the optimization process more ... Read More

Role of weight transmission Protocol in Machine Learning

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:19:01


Introduction Federated machine learning allows machine learning models to be trained across various dispersed devices without requiring data to be sent to a central server. The weight transmission protocol is a critical component of federated machine learning since it is in charge of communicating model weights between client devices and the central server throughout the training process. In this article, we look at the significance of weight transmission protocols in machine learning and explain essential approaches like differential privacy, secure aggregation, and compression that are used to assure privacy, security, and efficiency in model weight transfer. We also discuss the ... Read More

How to resume Python Machine Learning if the Machine has restarted?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:18:18


Introduction Python ranks as one of the most widely used programming languages for machine learning for its simplicity of being used, adaptability, and broad library and tool set. Yet, one challenge that many developers have when working with Python for machine learning is how to resume work if their system unexpectedly restarts. This is incredibly frustrating if you've spent hours or days training a machine learning model only to have all of your efforts destroyed due to a sudden shutdown or restart. In this post, we'll look at different ways for resuming Python machine-learning work once your system has restarted. ... Read More

Best practices to handle errors in node-red

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:17:33

1K+ Views

Introduction Node-RED is a well-liked and effective tool for building intricate workflows and automating processes. Yet, given the number of nodes and connections, faults frequently happen and might potentially stop the flow of data. The usage of error handling nodes, how to detect and resolve faults, and how to adopt best practices for error prevention constitute a few of the best methods to handle mistakes in Node-RED that will be covered in this article. You may use these tricks and strategies to use Node-RED to build processes that are more dependable and effective. Ways to handle errors in node-red 1. Use ... Read More

What is a memory error in a Python Machine-Learning Script?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:16:51


Introduction Memory problems are a regular complication when using Python machine learning programs, especially when working with sizable datasets. Making these errors might hinder the performance of your code and make it difficult to complete demanding machine-learning tasks. A memory error is an illustration of a runtime error; it occurs when a piece of software tries to allocate more memory than the system can handle. This can happen when a Python machine learning script tries to load a large dataset into memory while creating an excessive number of objects, or when using bad data structures. According to certain error messages, ... Read More

Paragraph Segmentation using machine learning

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:15:40

1K+ Views

Introduction Natural language processing (NLP) relies heavily on paragraph segmentation, which has various practical applications such as text summarization, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling. Text summarizing algorithms, for example, frequently rely on paragraph segmentation to find the most important areas of a document that must be summarized. Similarly, paragraph segmentation may be required for sentiment analysis algorithms in order to grasp the context and tone of each paragraph independently. Paragraph Segmentation The technique of splitting a given text into different paragraphs based on structural and linguistic criteria is known as paragraph segmentation. Paragraph segmentation is used to improve the readability ... Read More

Tensorflow vs sklearn: Machine Learning in Django

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:14:42


Introduction For companies and organizations wanting to get insights and predictions from their data, machine learning has emerged as a critical tool. TensorFlow and scikit-learn are two well-liked frameworks for putting machine learning algorithms into practice (sklearn). Google created the deep learning library TensorFlow, whereas Sklearn is a more versatile machine learning framework. These two libraries will be compared, contrasted, and their applications to the Django web framework will be discussed in this article. TensorFlow is particularly well-suited for creating and training neural networks, which makes it the best choice for projects like text classification, voice and picture recognition, and ... Read More
