Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

The Right Cross-Validation Technique for Time Series Dataset

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:47:15


Introduction Whenever working with time series data, it is critical to employ a cross−validation approach that accounts for the data's temporal ordering. This is because time series data displays autocorrelation, which means that the values of the data points are connected with their prior values. As a result, unlike in many other machine learning applications, the data cannot be deemed independent and identically distributed (iid). The standard k−fold cross−validation technique, which splits the data into k−folds at random and trains the model on k−1 folds before testing it on the remaining fold, is inadequate for time series data. ... Read More

One Hot Encoding and Label Encoding Explained

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:42:19

3K+ Views

Introduction Categorical variables are extensively utilized in data analysis and machine learning. Many algorithms are incapable of directly processing these variables, and they must be encoded or translated into numerical data before they can be used. Hot encoding and label encoding are two popular methods for encoding categorical data. One hot encoding provides a binary vector for each category in a categorical variable, indicating whether that category exists or not. We will discuss the ideas of one hot encoding and label encoding, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, and present examples of when and how to ... Read More

Why Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is a Bad Option to Work With?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:37:56


Introduction Ordinary least squares is a well−liked and often used method for linear regression analysis (OLS). For data analysis and prediction, however, it is not always the best option. OLS has several limitations and presumptions that, if not properly addressed, might provide biased and false results. The drawbacks and restrictions of OLS will be covered in this article, along with some reasons why it might not be the ideal choice for all datasets and applications. We will also look at additional regression analysis approaches and methodologies that can get around OLS's drawbacks and deliver more accurate and trustworthy findings. ... Read More

Random Forest vs Gradient Boosting Algorithm

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:30:15

1K+ Views

Introduction Random forest and gradient boosting are two of the most popular and powerful machine learning algorithms for classification and regression tasks. Both algorithms belong to the family of ensemble learning methods and are used to improve model accuracy by combining the strengths of multiple weak learners. Despite their similarities, random forest and gradient boosting differ in their approach to model building, performance, and interpretability. When you're finished reading, you'll understand when to use each algorithm and how to select the one that's ideal for your unique problem. What is Random Forest? Random Forest, a ... Read More

Methods to Select Important Variables from a Dataset

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:34:32


Introduction Moment's big data period requires a dependable and effective approach to opting for important variables from datasets. With so numerous functions available, it can be delicate to identify which bone has the most impact on the target variable. opting for only the most important variables improves model performance, improves model interpretability, and reduces the threat of overfitting. This composition describes numerous ways to remove important variables from your dataset. We'll go through both basic statistical approaches like univariate feature selection and regularization, as well as more sophisticated techniques like PCA and feature importance ... Read More

How is kNN different from Kmeans Clustering?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:18:50

7K+ Views

Introduction Two well−liked machine learning techniques, KNN and k−means clustering, are employed for various tasks. Both methods employ the k parameter, but they are applied to distinct problems and work in different ways. During classification and regression problems, KNN is a supervised learning method, whereas k−means clustering is an unsupervised learning approach. We shall examine the main distinctions between KNN and k−means clustering in this article, including the learning style, task, input, distance calculation, output, application, and restrictions of each method. We can select the best algorithm for a task at hand and steer clear of typical ... Read More

How to Increase Classification Model Accuracy?

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:15:09

2K+ Views

Introduction Machine learning largely relies on classification models, and the accuracy of these models is a key performance indicator. It can be difficult to increase a classification model's accuracy since it depends on a number of variables, including data quality, model complexity, hyperparameters, and others. In this post, we'll look at a few methods for improving a classification model's precision. Ways to Increase Accuracy Data Preprocessing Each machine learning project must include data preprocessing since the model's performance may be greatly impacted by the quality of the training data. There are various processes in ... Read More

Building a Fraud Detection Model for a Bank

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:05:02


Introduction Financial fraud has become an increasingly common problem for banks and financial organizations throughout the world as technology advances. Money laundering, identity theft, and credit card fraud can all result in major financial losses as well as damage to a bank's image. As a result, banks must take proactive steps to prevent and detect fraudulent activity. Building a fraud detection model is one such method that can assist identify fraudulent transactions and flag them for further examination. In this article, we will examine the steps involved in creating a fraud detection model for a bank, starting with ... Read More

How to Train MFCC Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 15:54:34


Introduction Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) is a widely used feature extraction technique for audio processing, particularly in speech recognition applications. A logarithmic compression, a filter bank, and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of audio signals in brief time intervals are used to create MFCCs. You will have a thorough understanding of how to train MFCC using machine learning algorithms by the end of this article. What is an MFCC MFCC stands for Mel−Frequency Cepstral Coefficients. It is a widely used feature extraction technique in audio signal processing and speech recognition. The MFCC algorithm is based on the human ... Read More

Georgia Tech MS Degree in CS(Machine Learning) vs. NYU MS Degree in Data Science

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 15:44:45


Introduction Data science and machine learning are fast expanding professions, and having a graduate degree in these topics might provide you an advantage in the employment market. Yet, with so many applications accessible, it might be difficult to select the best one. The MS degree in CS (Machine Learning) from Georgia Tech and the MS degree in Data Science from NYU are two prominent possibilities. The curriculum at Georgia Tech is strongly focused on computer science and machine learning techniques and systems. The curriculum at NYU is more multidisciplinary, covering areas like as statistics, machine learning, data visualisation, and data ... Read More
