Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

How is AI Changing the Nature of Developer Jobs?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 11:39:13


The term "Artificial Intelligence" has long been popular in every field. Whether it is content creation, data analysis, or image generation. The industry of software and web development is not an exception as well. There are rumors that the nature of developer work will fundamentally alter as a result of the introduction of AI technologies like ChatGPT and GitHub to the market. But how? In this article, we will be talking about the same. We'll go through how AI adoption is changing the nature of developer jobs and how it will affect job security as well. So let's get ... Read More

10 Best ChatGPT Plugins You Should Start Using Right Now

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 11-Jan-2024 17:17:54


Introduction These days, chatbots are becoming an important part of many industries. This ranges from customer support to even content generation. With the help of ChatGPT which is developed by OpenAI, developers, and businesses now have access to a powerful tool. This can help them improve the various forms of communication with users. But to further improve the skills of ChatGPT and customize it to the various needs, all you have to do is install ChatGPT plugins. In this article, we will go through the top 10 ChatGPT plugins which are out there in the market and that you should ... Read More

How to make Money with ChatGPT?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 11-Jan-2024 17:02:03


Things have started changing a lot in the Tech as well as the non-tech space as soon as ChatGPT was introduced to the world. This Generative AI language model which is built by OpenAI can do multiple tasks from writing essays to even writing and debugging code, or even acting as a consultant. So, no wonder that we can do multiple stuff using this Generative AI model to make money out of it. In this article, we will go through various ways to earn money using ChatGPT. Cost of Using ChatGPT The basic version of ChatGPT is currently free to ... Read More

Salesforce and machine learning: Automating sales tasks with AI

Swatantraveer Arya
Updated on 06-Nov-2023 13:36:53


Introduction In today's fast-paced business environment, sales teams are constantly seeking ways to improve their efficiency and productivity. With the rapid advancement of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have emerged as powerful tools to automate and streamline sales tasks. Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, has integrated AI and ML capabilities into its suite of products, enabling sales professionals to optimize their workflows and drive better results. In this article, we will explore the intersection of Salesforce and machine learning and how this integration is revolutionizing the sales process. Understanding Machine Learning Machine learning is a subset of AI ... Read More

Data Mining – Data Integration

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:34:15


Introduction Data integration plays a vital role in modern data mining, enabling organizations to extract valuable insights from vast stores of data. By seamlessly merging separate sources, organizations can create a unified view that find hidden patterns and correlations.  This wealth of information holds tremendous potential for gaining valuable insights and making informed decisions. However, the challenge lies in unlocking this hidden treasure growth effectively.  In this article, we dive into various types of data integration techniques used in the area of data mining and provide real-world examples showcasing their applicability. Data Integration The various methods involved in the data ... Read More

Data Mining - Data Cleaning

Updated on 23-Oct-2023 15:30:25


Introduction Data mining, a method for drawing important conclusions and knowledge from huge datasets, heavily relies on data cleaning. Ensuring that the input data is precise, consistent, and comprehensive is important before we can develop the potential of data mining algorithms. Raw collected data usually contains errors due to human mistakes or system glitches such as missing values or incorrect formatting. Data mining refers to the process of discovering patterns, relationships, and valuable insights from large quantities of raw or unstructured data. Data Mining – Data Cleaning Data cleaning is an integral part of any successful data mining exercise as ... Read More

What is the Weibull Hazard Plot in Machine Learning?

Bhavani Vangipurapu
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 11:40:59


The cumulative hazard plot is a graphical representation that helps us understand the reliability of a model fitted to a given dataset. Specifically, it provides insights into the expected time of failure for the model. The cumulative hazard function for the Weibull distribution describes the accumulated risk of failure up to a specific period. In simpler terms, it indicates the amount of risk that has accumulated through time, indicating the possibility of an event occurring beyond that point. We can learn a lot about the failure pattern and behaviour of the object under study by looking at the cumulative hazard ... Read More

What is Grouped Convolution in Machine Learning?

Bhavani Vangipurapu
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 10:59:43


Introduction The idea of filter groups, also known as grouped convolution, was first explored by AlexNet in 2012. This creative solution was prompted by the necessity to train the network using two Nvidia GTX 580 GPUs with 1.5GB of memory each. Challenge: Limited GPU Memory During testing, AlexNet's creators discovered it needed a little under 3GB of GPU RAM to train. Unfortunately, they couldn't train the model effectively using both GPUs because of memory limitations. The Motivation behind Filter Groups In order to solve the GPU memory problem, the authors came up with filter groups. By optimizing the model's parallelization ... Read More

Understanding Local Relational Network in machine learning

Bhavani Vangipurapu
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 10:57:14


Introduction Have you ever wondered how humans are able to perceive and understand the visual world with limited sensory inputs? It's a remarkable ability that allows us to compose complex visual concepts from basic elements. In the field of computer vision, scientists have been trying to mimic this compositional behavior using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs use convolution layers to extract features from images, but they have limitations when it comes to modeling visual elements with varying spatial distributions. The Problem With Convolution Convolution layers in CNNs work like pattern matching processes. They apply fixed filters to spatially aggregate input ... Read More

Interpreting Linear Regression Results using OLS Summary

Bhavani Vangipurapu
Updated on 17-Oct-2023 10:52:40


The linear regression method compares one or more independent variables with a dependent variable. It will allow you to see how changes in the independent variables affect the dependent variables. A comprehensive Python module, Statsmodels, provides a full range of statistical modelling capabilities, including linear regression. Here, we'll look at how to analyze the linear regression summary output provided by Statsmodels. After using Statsmodels to build a linear regression model, you can get a summary of the findings. The summary output offers insightful details regarding the model's goodness-of-fit, coefficient estimates, statistical significance, and other crucial metrics. The first section of the ... Read More
