Found 664 Articles for Machine Learning

Python NetworkX – Tutte Graph

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:20:30


An effective library for modelling and analysing intricate networks and graphs is Python NetworkX. The term "Tutte Graph" refers to a unique class of graphs that W. T. Tutte found. It entails the use of the library's features to implement and investigate Tutte Graphs in the context of Python NetworkX. Tutte Graphs have special characteristics and can be used to address a variety of graph-theoretical issues. Users can learn more about these graphs' structural properties and applications by examining them with NetworkX, which will help them better comprehend graph theory and its applications. Tutte Graph Every face of ... Read More

Print Nodes Which are not Part of any Cycle in a Directed Graph

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:15:41


In a coordinated diagram, recognizing hubs that are not piece of any cycle is critical for different applications. These hubs structure the underpinning of non-cyclic subgraphs and assume a huge part in understanding the general chart structure. By using effective chart crossing calculations, for example, Profundity First Hunt (DFS) or Tarjan's calculation for firmly associated parts, we can without much of a stretch decide and print the hubs that are not engaged with any cycle. These methodologies guarantee that hubs with no cycle cooperation are featured, giving important bits of knowledge into the diagram's non-cyclic parts and supporting different chart ... Read More

Optimized Longest Path is NP Complete

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:11:46


The "Upgraded Longest Way" issue is a computationally difficult undertaking, ordered as NP-complete. In this issue, given a diagram with weighted edges, the goal is to find the longest way from a predetermined beginning hub to a closure hub while expanding the amount of edge loads. Because of the remarkable development in possible ways to investigate, no known polynomial-time calculation can tackle this issue productively for all cases. All things considered, scientists resort to surmised calculations and heuristics to track down close ideal arrangements. The trouble of this issue has reasonable ramifications in different fields, like transportation, planned operations, and ... Read More

Minimum Characters to be Replaced to make a String Concatenation of a K-length Palindromic String

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 16:07:23


Tracking down the most modest number of characters that should be changed to transform a given string into a link of K-length palindromic substrings is a common issue in the field of string control. A string that peruses similar advances and in reverse is known as a palindromic string. Examples are "radar" or "level." The fundamental ideas, methods, and potential optimization strategies that can be used to effectively address this issue will all be covered in this article. By the conclusion, readers will be able to handle similar string manipulation issues since they will have a comprehensive understanding of the ... Read More

Minimize Count of Unequal Elements at Corresponding Indices between given Arrays

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 15:52:09


Compare the elements at each index and adjust them until they match to reduce the number of inconsistent elements at corresponding indices between the given arrays. Adjust as necessary while simultaneously iterating through the arrays. The arrays will become more similar and the proportion of unequal elements will decrease as a result. By reducing their differences at corresponding positions, this process seeks to increase the similarity between the arrays. The ultimate objective is to produce arrays with the same elements at every index, which will decrease the number of unequal elements. Methods Used Hashing Approach ... Read More

Maximize Count of Nodes Disconnected from all Other Nodes in a Graph

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 15:48:04


We must locate and isolate the nodes with the fewest connections in order to maximise the number of nodes in a graph that are disconnected from all other nodes. The tactic entails eliminating nodes with the lowest degree (fewest connections) repeatedly until no more of these nodes are found. The most extreme number of nodes that are separated from each other is delivered as a result of doing this, which continuously isolates different components within the graph. This strategy expands the number of nodes within the graph that have no associations with any other nodes by guaranteeing that the remaining ... Read More

How to Represent Graph Using Incidence Matrix in Java?

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 15:43:51


In order to represent a graph in Java using an incidence matrix, a data structure containing the relationships between vertices and edges must be built. The incidence matrix is a 2D array where the rows and columns stand in for the vertices and edges, respectively, and the entries represent the connections between them. If there is a "1" at position (i, j), vertex i is incident on edge j. Although it may need more memory for large graphs, this approach permits efficient graph operations, such as the insertion or removal of edges. Programmers can efficiently construct and manipulate graph structures ... Read More

Create a Cycle Graph using Networkx in Python

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 15:31:30


A cycle graph is a special kind of graph in which each node has precisely two neighbours and is connected to the others in a complete loop. Cycle graphs may be made quickly and easily with Python's Networkx module. A cycle graph is produced by using the 'networkx.cycle_graph()' function and the number of nodes. This diagram is frequently employed in a variety of applications, including the modelling of periodic phenomena, the representation of circular structures, and the analysis of cyclic processes. It is useful in graph theory and many real-world contexts due to its ease of use and capacity to ... Read More

Count Permutations of all Integers upto N that can form an Acyclic Graph based on given Conditions

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 14:37:08


Counting stages of whole numbers up to N framing non-cyclic diagrams requires investigating every single imaginable change and checking assuming they make non-cyclic charts in view of given conditions. The circumstances are probable connected with a coordinated chart structure shaped from the changes, where the shortfall of cycles suggests acyclicity. This issue includes chart hypothesis ideas and can be moved toward through Profundity First Inquiry or Dynamic Programming. While DFS investigates every stage recursively, DP improves the cycle by putting away middle outcomes. The last count of substantial stages demonstrates the number of ways the whole numbers up to N ... Read More

Count Nodes having Bitwise XOR of all Edges in their Path from the Root Equal to K

Aayush Shukla
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 13:30:34


Count hubs having Bitwise XOR of all edges in their way from the root equivalent to K We attempt to decide the quantity of hubs in a given tree where the bitwise XOR of all edges along the way from the root to that hub rises to a given worth K. This is known as the issue of counting hubs having the bitwise XOR of all edges in their way from the root equivalent to K. This thrilling point involves productively registering the XOR values along every way from the root to the hubs while crossing the tree. In this ... Read More
