Found 1437 Articles for Linux

Bd – Quickly Go Back to a Parent Directory Instead of Typing

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 10:29:55


Have you ever found yourself stuck in a deep nested directory structure while using command line interface and wished there was a faster way to navigate back to a parent directory instead of repeatedly typing "cd ../../.."? Well, you're in luck because there is a simple solution that can save you time and reduce chances of making errors in your commands. In this article, we'll introduce you to "bd" command and show you how it can make your life easier. What is Bd? "bd" stands for "back directory" and is a command-line tool that allows you to quickly navigate back ... Read More

Bat – A Cat Clone with Syntax Highlighting and Git Integration

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 10:20:43


If you're a developer, you're probably familiar with frustration of working with command-line tools that don't offer a lot of visual feedback. This is particularly true when working with a text editor or terminal. However, there's a new tool out there that can help make your life a little bit easier. It's called Bat, and it's a cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration. What is Bat? Bat is a tool that works similarly to cat command in Unix, which concatenates and displays contents of one or more files. However, Bat takes things a step further by offering syntax ... Read More

Basic SSH Command Usage and Configuration in Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 10:19:41

2K+ Views

Secure Shell (SSH) is a popular protocol used to securely access remote systems over internet. It provides a secure, encrypted communication channel between a local and a remote computer, making it a great tool for remote administration, file transfers, and tunneling. In this article, we will cover basic usage and configuration of SSH in Linux. Installing and Enabling SSH Before we dive into using SSH, let's make sure it's installed and enabled on your Linux machine. To install SSH on Ubuntu, Debian or other Debian-based distributions, you can run following command − sudo apt-get install openssh-server On Red Hat-based ... Read More

Basic Security Tips to Protect Linux System

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 10:18:33


Linux is a popular operating system that is used for various purposes, including servers, desktops, and mobile devices. With its open-source nature and robust security features, Linux is generally considered to be more secure than other operating systems. However, this does not mean that Linux is immune to security risks. Like any other operating system, Linux can be vulnerable to cyber attacks if it is not properly secured. In this article, we will discuss some basic security tips that you can use to protect your Linux system. Keep Your System Up-to-date The first and foremost step to secure your Linux ... Read More

Bashtop – A Resource Monitoring Tool for Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 10:17:47


If you are a Linux user, you may have experienced some difficulties when it comes to monitoring system resources. Keeping track of CPU usage, memory usage, network activity, and other important system statistics can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there are several open-source tools available that make it easy to monitor system resources. In this article, we will be discussing one such tool – Bashtop. What is Bashtop? Bashtop is a resource monitoring tool for Linux that provides real-time information on system resources. It is a terminal-based application that displays a live graph of system resources usage, making it easy ... Read More

bashrc vs. bash_profile What Is Difference

Satish Kumar
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 09:51:15

9K+ Views

If you're new to command line interface, you may have come across terms bashrc and bash_profile. These are important files that can be found in your home directory and are used to customize your shell environment. However, many users are often confused about differences between these two files. In this article, we'll dive into differences between bashrc and bash_profile, and explain how they work. What is Bashrc? Bashrc is a configuration file for Bash shell, which is default shell on most Linux distributions and macOS. This file is executed each time you open a new terminal window, and it contains ... Read More

Bash Math Operations (Bash Arithmetic) Explained

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Mar-2023 16:16:37

2K+ Views

Bash math operations or Bash arithmetic refers to mathematical operations that can be performed within a Bash script. Bash is a command-line shell used in many Unix-based systems, including Linux and macOS. Bash arithmetic is a powerful feature of shell, allowing you to perform various math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with ease. In this article, we will explore basics of Bash arithmetic, including its syntax and various operations that can be performed with examples. Basic Syntax of Bash Arithmetic To perform Bash arithmetic, you need to use a special syntax that is different from regular arithmetic operators. ... Read More

Bash if elif else Statement A Comprehensive Tutorial

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:31:44

8K+ Views

If you've been using command line interface on your computer, then you must be familiar with Bash, a popular shell that is used to run commands and scripts. Bash is a powerful tool that can help you automate various tasks and make your life easier. One of most important constructs in Bash is if-elif-else statement, which allows you to make decisions based on conditions. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will explore Bash if-elif-else statement and show you how to use it effectively. What is Bash if-elif-else Statement? The Bash if-elif-else statement is a construct that allows you to execute a ... Read More

Bash HereDoc Tutorial With Examples

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:28:49

2K+ Views

If you're a Linux or Unix user, you're probably familiar with Bash, command-line shell that's commonly used on these systems. Bash has a lot of powerful features that can make working on command line much more efficient, and one of those features is called a "HereDoc." In this tutorial, we'll explain what a HereDoc is, how it works, and give you some examples of how you can use it in your Bash scripts. What is a HereDoc? A HereDoc, short for "Here Document, " is a way to include a block of text within a Bash script. This block of ... Read More

Bash Function & How to Use It {Variables, Arguments, Return}

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Mar-2023 16:18:45

4K+ Views

Bash functions are an essential feature of Bash shell, allowing you to group commands and reuse them throughout your scripts. A Bash function is essentially a block of code that can be called and executed at any point in your script. In this article, we will explore basics of Bash functions and learn how to use them effectively. Defining a Bash Function To define a Bash function, you need to use function keyword followed by name of your function and code that you want to execute. Here's an example of how to define a simple Bash function − function greet ... Read More
