Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:48:55


The Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2015, was introduced into Parliament by the Government of India in order to formalise and institutionalise the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996. Subsequently, this Act now may be called the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015. And, the Act came into force on the 23rd October, 2015. What is arbitration? One kind of ADR is arbitration. It is a procedure in which one or more impartial third parties carefully examine the issue, identify the source of the conflict, speak with the parties, and render a decision. In order to provide recommendations that are ... Read More

Anti-Hijacking Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:45:06


A constant threat to the passengers’ safety in civil aviation is hijacking, or the illegal capture of an aircraft. Significantly, the frequency of hijacking increased in the early 1970s, and numerous nations wanted to establish a particular convention on hijacking to handle this issue. As a result, at its sixteenth congress in September 1968, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) asked its council to draught legislation as soon as possible to address the hijacking problem. However, India in 2005 implemented the “No Negotiation Policy” towards the events of the hijacking of aircraft. Thereafter, in 2016, the Anti− Hijacking Act was ... Read More

Transactional Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:28:52


A transactional lawyer, often known as a "business lawyer, " can structure complicated commercial real estate agreements, make wills and trusts, and negotiate and draft contracts. Transactional attorneys can represent both businesses and people. What is Transactional Law? Transactional legal work involves many different elements of business operations. This includes sales, acquisitions, and mergers. All types of professional transactions fall under this area of legal expertise. When compared to litigation practice, transactional practice typically entails handling legal issues out of court. Transactional Law Across Jurisdictions Transactional law practice is notable for the extent to which uniform laws and model acts ... Read More

Tort Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:24:27

1K+ Views

It is founded on morality, which is intended to be a legal imperative on people to carry out their obligations, and when there is a breach of such duty, tort law provides the complainant with relief in the form of compensation or damages from the defendant. What is meaning of Tort? Tort is a civil wrong, meaning it is an offense against a person. The Latin word "tortum, " which implies crooked or twisted, is where the term "tort" originates. In this sense, it is comparable to the term "wrong" in English. Criminal and civil law are the two divisions ... Read More

Tort Law in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:20:28


"Truly speaking, morality is the foundation and structure of the entire tort law." Therefore, it would be naive to rigorously or definitively shut down the constantly increasing horizon of tortious liability. Even for social development, orderly societal development, and cultural advancement, a court's liberal stance on tort liability would be beneficial. − J. Sahai Any misconceptions about the importance of the law of torts are dispelled by the statement made by Hon. Sahai J. His observations also predict an increase in tort lawsuits in India. It would be helpful to turn to the history of England over the past three ... Read More

Space Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:57:38


In general, people have a very good understanding of what "air" and "space" are and how movement occurs in both. While wings and rotors use aerodynamic lifting surfaces, airships and balloons use aerostatic flight (airplanes, sailplanes, and helicopters). The flight paths of aeroplanes in space are determined by ballistics and orbital mechanics. There is dispute on the exact meaning of the line dividing airspace from outer space. What is Space Law? The corpus of rules in international law known as "space law" regulates behaviour in and around regions of space above Earth's lower atmosphere. It is defined by natural science ... Read More

Rule of Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:52:59


The notion behind the rule of law is that no one, not even the most powerful official, is above the law and that all aspects of creating, upholding, and interacting with legal norms are governed by the law. Governments are legally restricted, which requires them to follow the same laws to govern the citizens. Thus, the idea of equality before the law, which states that no "legal" person shall enjoy privileges that are not accorded to all people and that no person shall be immune from legal sanctions, is a concept that is closely related. What is Rule of Law? ... Read More

Religious Law: Meaning & Examples

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:46:12

2K+ Views

There are various religions that practised in the modern world. Each of them includes a set of guidelines outlining how we ought to and how should be our conducts. For instance, the Ten Commandments are a significant collection of guidelines that Catholics and adherents of other Christian religions must abide by. These commandments address significant issues like not killing, as well as other serious issues like not lying or acting ungratefully. While the purpose of these laws is to try to create a decent person, the ultimate goal is to appease a greater force; therefore, breaking these commandments may not ... Read More

Philosophy of Law: Meaning and Characteristics

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:43:15


The philosophy of law frequently seeks to set law apart from other normative systems, such as morality or other social customs. Some of the most fundamental philosophical questions that frequently depend on and occasionally contribute to solutions include those regarding the origins of morality, justice, and rights; the nature of human action and intention; the connections between social practises and values; the nature of knowledge and truth; and the justification of political rule. As a result, the foundation of philosophy as a whole is the philosophy of law. What does Philosophy of Law Define? Philosophy of law typically starts by ... Read More

Municipal Law: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 13:39:26

4K+ Views

Every country or an independent political state has a bundle of well−defined rules and regulations to govern the country and related transactions and affairs, as well as the individuals’ behaviors and activities. This bundle of rules and regulations is comprehensively covered under the Municipal Law. What is the Meaning of Municipal Law? Municipal law is the body of rules and regulations that apply only to a particular county, state, or other independent political entity. Municipal law is a sovereign state's domestic, national, or local law. Municipal law encompasses all laws that are enacted at the federal, state, provincial, territorial, ... Read More
