Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

The Customs Act: An overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 13:48:30

8K+ Views

The Customs Act was passed in 1962 with the objectives of modifying and consolidating the laws. The provisions of this act came into operations with effect from 1st February 1963 by the notification to that effect published in the Gazette of the government of India. What does Custom Act 1962 Define? The custom act 1962 provides law that regulates the imports and exports of goods within the territory of the whole India. Additionally, it also provides for the levy of export import taxed on the goods so exported or imported so as to preserve indigenous goods and businesses. What is ... Read More

The Copyright Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:47:27


India is a signatory to the majority of important international treaties on intellectual property law, including the Berne Convention of 1886, the Universal Copyright Convention of 1951, the Rome Convention of 1961, and the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. Prior to the present Act, the Copyright Act of 1914 was applicable on the subject of copyright in India. Later, Parliament enacted the Copyright Act, 1957, and the Act came into force on January 21st, 1958. It is the first post-independence legislation on copyright. What does the Copyright Act Define? Consisting of fifteen chapters and 79 Sections, ... Read More

The Central Goods and Services Tax: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:06:53


The Central Goods and Services Tax, 2017 is a central act which is made applicable to whole India. The purpose of enacting this act was to create a unified tax regime for imposing and collecting taxes at unified rate from manufacturing and supply of goods and services through the country. The Central Goods and Services Act 2017 was passed by the parliament on April 12, 2017. The act has 21 chapters, 174 parts, and 3 schedules. What is Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST)? “CGST” is abbreviation for ‘Central Goods and Service Tax’. CGST is a comprehensive, multistage, destination-based ... Read More

The Airports Authority of India Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:03:18


When the National Airports Authority and the International Airports Authority of India merged on April 1, 1995, the Airports Authority of India (AAI) was legislated by an Act of Parliament. The merger led to the creation of a single organization with the responsibility of creating, enhancing, managing, and controlling the nation's ground and airspace civil aviation infrastructure. Features of the Airports Authority of India Act The Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, created the organization in 1995 under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. It is a statutory entity as a result. The AAI is in charge of creating, enhancing, ... Read More

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 16:56:42


India participated in the United Nations General Assembly conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972 and decided to undertake measures for preserving natural resources, including air. As a consequence, the Air Act was passed by Parliament in the exercise of its powers under Article 253 of the Constitution. The Act came into force on March 29th, 1981. It consists of 54 sections spread over seven chapters. What does the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act Define? Described in the Act as – “an Act to provide for the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution, for the ... Read More

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 10:57:35


On August 4, 2009, the Indian Parliament passed the Right to Education Act 2009, popularly known as the RTE Act 2009. According to Article 21(A) of the Indian Constitution, it explains the necessity of free and mandatory education for children aged 6 to 14 in India. With the implementation of this act on April 1, 2010, India joined the list of 135 nations that have made education a fundamental right for all children. It establishes basic standards for primary schools, outlaws the operation of unrecognized institutions, and opposes admissions fees and kid interviews. Objective of the Act The act has ... Read More

The National Security Act of 1980

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 10:54:57


The National Security Act (NSA), which was passed on September 23, 1980, was overseen by the then prime minister, Indira Gandhi. In some special circumstances, the National Security Act gives state and federal authorities the right to arrest and detain suspects in order to prevent them from posing a threat to the country's welfare and security, interfering with India's diplomatic relations, or obstructing the provision of vital services to the general public. One of the most important provisions of the Act, NSA, is Section 13 that defines the maximum detention period. The maximum detention is 12 months. What does National ... Read More

The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 10:51:56


Prior to the 1947, religious rules with ties to long−standing conventions effectively governed topics pertaining to inheritance, succession, marriage, divorce, family relationships, and dower. Due to the underlying philosophies used to create these types of regulations, they are frequently subject to change by different legislation. The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Act, which was enacted in 1937, was created with the intention of eradicating Muslim−specific customs. Previously, the North−West Frontier Province was exempt from this Act's application because of a piece of independent law known as the NWFP Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1935. But as of right now, Section ... Read More

Mental Health Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 10:49:18


In India, there are thousands of people suffering from serious mental illness. Many of them go unnoticed and untreated in lack of proper knowledge, resources, and facilities. To address and curb such an issue, the Indian parliament legislated the Mental Health Act in 1987. What does the Mental Health Act Define? Act primarily identifies and then addresses the problem of mental illness. The Effective mental health services are implemented with the help of mental health legislation, which is especially useful for bolstering governmental mental health programme with public support and political will. Adoption of mental health legislation can increase financial ... Read More

The Legal Services Authorities Act: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-Dec-2022 10:46:30

3K+ Views

The Legal Services Authorities Act was legislated and passed by the Indian Parliament in 1987 and came into effect on November 9th, 1995. Its purpose was to establish a nationwide standard network for providing free and competent legal services to the weaker sectors of society on the basis of equal opportunity. The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) was created by the Legal Services Authorities Act of 1987 to supervise and evaluate the execution of legal aid programmes and to develop the policies and procedures for rendering legal services in compliance with the Act. The Objective and Scope of the Act ... Read More
