Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Constitutional Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 15:28:58


Constitutional law is just one of the many sorts of policies, legal procedures, and organizations that control how the government and its people behave. Individual rights are protected by constitutional legislation, which also helps to keep the various government branches in check. Both people and businesses may benefit from knowing the laws and procedures pertaining to constitutional law in order to safeguard or defend their legal rights. In this post, we go over what constitutional law is, how it functions, why it's important, and what kinds of jobs fall within its purview. What is Constitutional Law? A collection of federal ... Read More

Competition Law: Meaning & Application

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 15:16:00


Any economy's expansion needs a dynamic, realistic foundation, which is provided by competition law. It aids in policing a fair market that is devoid of any anti-competitive behavior that is harmful to both customers and enterprises. By prohibiting a few dominant businesses from having total control over a market, competition legislation is an essential tool for maintaining market equilibrium. Instead, the market should operate in a way that precludes practices from imposing unfair burdens on firms or obstacles to entry for small enterprises, which would otherwise force them to engage in unfair activities or go up against the competition. In ... Read More

Banking Law: Meaning & Applicability

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 15:02:20

2K+ Views

The word "banking law" refers broadly to the laws that control how banks and other financial organizations operate. A bank is a type of financial entity that offers its clients banking and other kinds of financial services. A bank is typically thought of as a business that offers basic banking services like receiving deposits and disbursing loans. A portion of the financial services sector includes banks. Bank is the term derived from the German word "banck, " which means "heap, mound, or joint sock fund." With this, the Italian word "banca, " which means "heap of money, " was coined. ... Read More

Aviation Law: Meaning & Applicability

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:43:32


Aviation law has a significant role to play in a vast country such as India, with major industrial and commercial centers spread all over the country. It offers savings in time that cannot be matched by surface transport over long distances. This advantage of speed certainly helps in cutting down the transit time in the hinterland movement of export cargo. The share of airborne trade in total foreign trade with India during the years 1998–99 was about 32%. In India, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has been entrusted with the responsibility of "developing the air services and the related infrastructure." ... Read More

Antitrust Law: Meaning & Applicability

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:31:29


Antitrust law is meant to protect consumers from anticompetitive behavior. A closely related goal is to protect small suppliers like farmers and ranchers from price fixing by large buyers. When buyers with market power agree to depress the prices they pay small, competitive suppliers, they exploit them in the same way that colluding sellers exploit consumers. They take the suppliers’ wealth without providing them with countervailing benefits. Price fixing, however, lies at the core of antitrust law and is easy to condemn from a variety of perspectives. Even if the ultimate objective of antitrust law were not to protect consumers ... Read More

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Meaning & Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:20:01

4K+ Views

Although the Indian legal system is among the oldest in the world, it is also widely acknowledged that it is becoming less effective at handling open cases. Indian courts are overburdened with protracted, unresolved issues. The situation is that despite the establishment of more than a thousand fast-track courts that have previously resolved millions of cases, the issue is still far from being resolved as backlogs of unresolved cases continue to grow. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which settles disputes in a way that is acceptable to all parties, might be a useful tool in dealing with such a circumstance. The ... Read More

All India Bar Examination: Meaning & Purpose

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 14:09:30


In order to control the entry of professionals into the legal area, the Bar Council of India launched the All India Bar Examination in 2011. With approximately 4-5 lakh law students graduating from India's 1700 law colleges every year, it is critical to ensure that only those with the necessary qualifications are permitted to practice law before all levels of courts. The examination, which is administered (normally) every year, aims to determine whether a candidate for advocacy work is qualified to do it. Its purpose is to evaluate both the applicant's analytical skills and fundamental legal knowledge. What is the ... Read More

Absolute Liability: Concept and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 13:50:37


Following the infamous "oleum gas leak case, " the idea of absolute culpability was developed in India. One of the landmark cases in Indian law is this one. The term strict responsibility or liability was first time used in the M.C. Mehta case, but no exceptions were provided and the defendant was held entirely responsible for the incident caused by his servants’ negligence. According to the ruling in the Ryland v. Fletcher case, the defendant will not be permitted to raise a defense if he or she was at fault. Meaning of Absolute Liability There was an urgent necessity ... Read More

Can Plaintiff Withdraw the Suit?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 12-Jan-2023 15:23:56

4K+ Views

The right to justice is a fundamental right. To avail this right, certain procedures are provided to be followed as per the rule of law. The procedure describes how to approach the court of justice for the redressal of the grievances. Similarly, not initiating legal proceedings against someone is also a fundamental right; however, so far it is based on the person's choice and not on other extraneous grounds like coercion, threat, or deception. Furthermore, there should be adequate facilities for approaching the forum for redressal of grievances to avail oneself of the right to justice. If the plaintiff is ... Read More

Transfer of Suits Under the Civil Procedure Code

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 12-Jan-2023 15:14:52

8K+ Views

The court has to be impartial towards the parties to the dispute. So when a suit has been filed by the plaintiff at the place of his choice as per the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of 1908, the defendant has to appear before the court and file a written statement raising his objection to the suit filed by the plaintiff. If the defendant raises objections with regard to the jurisdiction of the court based on any of the provisions contained in the Code of Civil Procedure, the court has to first decide the issue of jurisdiction. If ... Read More
