Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Designs: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:27:38


A design is anything that has been added to an article, not the article itself. It must be supplied to the manufacturer as finished items. It is inseparable from an article. Shape, pattern, configuration, and decoration are aspects significant to industrial or product designs. Pattern and ornament are ornamental elements applied to the surface of the product, whereas shape and configuration relate to the form of an article and are typically three-dimensional in nature. Meaning of Designs Design, which includes architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business procedures, circuit diagrams, and stitching patterns, is the establishment of a pattern or convention ... Read More

Defences Against Infringement

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:16:52


Infringement of intellectual property rights entails the act of violating or breaching a lawful authority over intellectual property. Infringement of intellectual property rights occurs when a document that's also protected by intellectual property law is used, reproduced, or exploited in any other way without the appropriate consent from the person who holds the original rights. Counterfeiting and piracy are two types of illegal activity that breach intellectual property rights. Counterfeiting occurs when a product's worth is higher than it actually is, so its imitation is made to look like the real thing. Piracy refers to the illegal duplication, use, ... Read More

Death Penalty: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:03:22


If someone commits a crime, he or she is punished by law; however, the quantum of punishment is decided by the court based on the degree or intensity of the crime and the intention of the offender. The punishments for some crimes are merely a few thousand rupees in fines (monetary punishment) or a few months in jail or, in some cases, both. But if the degree of crime is higher, such as murder or rape and murder, etc., then there are chances that the offender may get capital punishment or the death penalty. What is the Death Penalty? ... Read More

Doctrine of Laches: An Analysis

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 11:55:02


Laches is an equitable doctrine, meaning negligence and an unreasonable delay in pursuing a legal remedy. It is widely used by the defendant as a defense, because it protects the defendant from a non-vigilant applicant. This doctrine aims to put an end to applicants' unreasonable delays in filling out forms. This article further helps us understand the meaning, purpose, important case laws, and difference between the doctrine of laches and the statute of limitations. What is the Meaning of Doctrine of Laches? The word “laches” finds its origin in the French word “lecher, ” which is nearly synonymous with negligence. ... Read More

Labour Laws Throughout the World

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 11:40:11


The majority of countries across the globe have specific legislation for labourers. These laws range from being exclusive to being inclusive in nature. As per the regional requirements, all the countries have framed laws for labourers. There are various associated benefits, which give rise to the creation of various labour laws. During the 20th century, there were a lot of changes going on in the industrial sector. The growth of industries was increasing day by day, as was the exploitation of their workers. At the dawn of the 19th century, countries like the United States abolished slavery, but ... Read More

Invasion of Privacy: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 05-May-2023 10:24:44

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Invasion of privacy, which is the act of prying into another person's personal affairs or information when that person would reasonably expect privacy, can occur anywhere. The setting in which the invasion takes place and the objectives (scenario) that led to the invasion affect how this definition of invasion of privacy is perceived. What is the Meaning of Invasion of Privacy? The unlawful invasion of another person's privacy without that person's consent is known as an invasion of privacy. The tort of invasion of privacy, however, is made up of four distinct grounds for action rather than being ... Read More

International Labour Organisation

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 11:32:17


The International Labour Organizatino (or simply ILO) is the international body in charge of developing and enforcing global labor standards. It is the only "tripartite" United Nations organization that brings together government, employer, and worker leaders to cooperatively design policies and programs supporting decent work for all. The ILO has an advantage in combining "real world" knowledge regarding employment and work thanks to this unusual arrangement. What is ILO Standards? The ILO's standards are designed to guarantee equitable, secure, and dignified employment opportunities for all people around the world. Together, they protect freedom of association, the effective recognition of ... Read More

Good Faith: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 11:24:57


In general words, the term "Good Faith" can be stated as the genuine and honest intentions of a person for the sake of the other person. It traces its origin to the Latin term "Bona Fide, " which means "truth." So bona fide means "in Good Faith, " which is typically used as an adjective to mean "authentic." There are no such well-defined acts that are covered under the umbrella of the doctrine of Good Faith. Since human minds vary from person to person, we cannot lay down specific criteria for what exactly constitutes an instance of Good Faith. But ... Read More

Geographical Indication: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 11:17:04


A geographical indication, also known as a GI, is a sign that is put on products that have a specific geographical origin and have qualities or a reputation that are due to the fact that they come from that origin. In order for a sign to function as a GI, it must identify a product as having originated in a particular location. What is the Meaning of Geographical Indication? In legal term, "Geographical Indication" (GI) refers to a sign, name, or symbol that is used on products that have a particular geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation ... Read More

Geographical Indication Tag: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 05-May-2023 11:17:57


A geographical indication (GI) is a label placed on products that have a certain geological origin, are distinctive because they can only be produced in a specific area, and have a guaranteed quality level. Numerous agricultural goods might benefit from a geographical indicator since they are impacted by unique regional geographical elements, such as soil and climate that can be traced back to their place of origin. The usage of GI, however, goes beyond just agricultural items; it also indicates a product's unique originality as a result of human features, such as distinct customs and manufacturing techniques unique to a ... Read More
