Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Bailable and Non-Bailable Offence

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 15:21:06

7K+ Views

The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (or simply IPC), provides the offenses and punishments, and the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (simply CrPC), provides the procedure for the trial and prosecution. Under the CrPC, the offenses are primarily divided into two categories: those that are subject to bail and those that are not. What is offence? Any action that violates a legal provision of the land is unlawful and known as ‘offence.’ Any action that violates another person's rights, causes injury to another person, or is so dangerous that it has an impact on society as a whole is considered ... Read More

Animal Laws in India: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 05-May-2023 10:40:51


It has been rightly said by the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, that "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." In India, animals are not only considered as livestock but are also seen as a symbol of God. Almost all religions strongly recognise the value that animals hold and the need for their safety. India is home to various species of animals, and it is quite crucial to protect them. The issue of animal protection and welfare has gained prominence over the past few years. ... Read More

Amicus Curiae: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 14:50:21


It is still debatable whether the amicus curiae character had direct or indirect ties to the Roman legal system. Many Latin legal words were incorporated into English law at the time and also the law of the United States at that time because the language of the cultural elites (including the legal elites) in the Anglo-Saxon world of the past was Latin. Who is Amicus Curiae? Amicus Curiae simply means as "court buddy." According to Merriam-Webster, an amicus curiae is a person (or entity, such as a professional person) who is not a party to a particular lawsuit but ... Read More

Air Quality Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 14:36:41


India's urbanization is increasing across the country. Air pollution is one of many environmental issues brought on by a growth in industrial operations, endemic and migrant populations, automobile traffic, etc. Through both natural and man-made processes, a variety of contaminants are continually released into the atmosphere. These contaminants interact with the environment to spread illness, make things hazardous, and cause environmental deterioration. What is the meaning of the Air Quality Law? Air quality law governs air quality control and regulates emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere. The standard of indoor air is governed by a specific subset of air ... Read More

Fisheries Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 14:17:14

2K+ Views

Fisheries have been a vital source of food, nutrition, employment, and economic gain for humanity, since ancient times. However, the sector has assumed greater significance in recent years, especially in developing countries, due to its large contributions to overall fish production, nutritional security, and gainful employment generation. India is the world's third-major producer of fish (data may subject to change). The fishing industry directly supports the livelihoods of almost 14 million people. The contribution from the inland and marine sectors is 5.29 and 3.25 million tonnes, respectively. In recent years, marine fisheries have grown at a slower rate than inland ... Read More

False Imprisonment: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 14:13:07


False incarceration and false arrest both refer to when police officials detain someone without having the right to do so. The victim of an unwarranted or unjustified arrest by a police officer may have a case against the officer in court. False imprisonment, often known as wrongful incarceration, is punishable by both civil and criminal law. False incarceration is also regarded as abduction in some jurisdictions. What is False Imprisonment? False imprisonment is defined in tort law as when someone holds another person captive in a small area without a valid reason and prevents them from exercising their freedom. ... Read More

Elements of Patentability

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 13:00:13

2K+ Views

The inventor is awarded 20 years of official rights commencing with the drafting of the patent application. Unless awarded by the patent owner, such rights legally prohibit anyone from creating, utilizing, or selling the invention. When an innovation is imagined and enabled, it is created. Conception is the formation in the mind of the creator of a specific perception of the entire innovation. The capacity to indicate that the notion tends to work so the patent application educates the public proficient in that specific field how to create and utilise the invention is referred to as enablement. Not all innovations ... Read More

Duration of Patent

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:53:23


A patent is issued for such a product, technique, or innovation for a period of 20 years under the Indian Patents Act, 1970. As a result, the life of a patent in India is 20 years from the date of filing of the patent application. You simply cannot prolong the patent's life. Whenever a patent's lifespan ends, the innovation loses its patent protection and enters the public domain. This implies that somebody can create, use, or sell the innovation without fear of being sued for infringement. Thus, according to Section 53 and Rule 80 of the Indian Patents Act, 1970, ... Read More

Dossier: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:49:18

1K+ Views

In the field of law, every single case, whether it is criminal case or civil case, needs a well-organized and meaningful documents through which a case can be presented in the court convincingly. And, this is the mandatory requirement of the court. So, such type of document presenting an organized information on one subject matter commonly characterized as dossier. What Exactly the Term Dossier Defines? In law, a dossier refers to a collection of documents or information compiled for a specific purpose, such as a legal case or investigation. It may include various types of evidence, such as witness ... Read More

Divorce in Indian Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 12:34:00


In Hindu religion, marriage has traditionally been regarded as a spiritual union. It is believed that marriages are forged in heaven and that people only cross paths on earth. It involves not only two people, but also two families that are diametrically opposed to one another. To be married and start a new family, two unique individuals from two different families come together. However, marriage is still a contract, and, like all other types of agreements, it can be broken. In India, there are numerous laws governing marriage, including the Indian Christian Marriage Act of 1872 (for Christian), the ... Read More
