Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Water Policies in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 18:01:42

4K+ Views

The National Water Policy (NWP) of India was first formulated in 1987 and revised in 2002, which lays down the principles, objectives and strategies for the development, management and regulation of water resources in the country. The policy aims to ensure water security, equitable distribution of water and its efficient use. It also emphasizes the need for integrated water resources management, community participation, and promotion of traditional water systems. Water Policies Before Independence Before Independence, water policies in India can be classified as: Water Policies during Colonial Period The British government made the decision that all further irrigation ... Read More

Water Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 17:51:01


"The substance of life and a basic human right" is water. Water is therefore a fundamental component of life on earth, including human life, and as a result, it is a major legal matter. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) correctly highlights the significance of the human right dimension of water from a legal standpoint. But in reality, there are many other components to water law, including problems related to economics, the environment, and agriculture, as well as human rights. The establishment of rules governing access to and control over water has historically been one of the main issues in ... Read More

Waste Management Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 17:46:38

1K+ Views

Disposing of human and other garbage did not pose a significant challenge in past ages because of a low population and a large amount of land available for trash absorption. However, because incorrect disposal of solid waste results in major health, environmental, and aesthetic issues, it has become one of the key concerns of many municipal authorities and Urban Local Bodies with the duty of policing public health and sanitation. This is due to the fact that waste streams are expanding and diversifying as a result of overpopulation and rapid economic expansion. In developing countries, the problem is more ... Read More

Universal Copyright Convention: Definition and Application

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 17:30:13

2K+ Views

Universal Copyright Convention, (1952), was a convention that was adopted at Geneva by an international conference and was convened under the auspices of UNESCO. For several years prior to the conference, UNESCO had been consulting with copyright experts from a variety of countries. 1955 was the year that the convention officially began to be implemented. What were the main features of the UCC? The following were the main features of UCC: No signatory nation should accord its domestic authors more favourable copyright treatment than the authors of other signatory nations, though there is no minimum protection stipulated for either ... Read More

Cyber Extortion: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 16:57:47


Since 2013, cyber extortion has been recognized as a phenomenon and has been compared to other unplanned hacks as a relatively low threat. But in recent years, cyber criminals have started deploying sophisticated and deadly techniques, disrupting hundreds of firms worldwide. It is obvious that corporate executives must be aware of the growing threat posed by ransom ware and make appropriate plans. Let's talk about what cyber extortion is, how it may harm your organization, and the best strategies to protect yourself in order to fully comprehend this specific issue. What is Cyberextortion? A broad area of online and ... Read More

Culprit: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 16:50:56


A person, who commits an act, which is prohibited by law, is characterized as a criminal, offender, or culprit. So, culprit is basically a guilty party in the crime. It is a person who is responsible for any crime committed. For instance, if A robs B and then A in this scenario is a culprit. Literal Meaning of Culprit The origin of this word, is a combination of two terms i.e. Anglo-French legal terms, culpable: guilty, and prit or prest: Old French: ready. The story behind this is - on the prisoner at the bar pleading not ... Read More

Contributory Infringement: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 16:45:31


When a patent is owned by someone, it is up to that person to defend it. Finding and stopping patent infringers is an integral part of this process. The majority of people who hold patents are aware of direct infringement, which occurs when a third party manufactures, sells, uses, or otherwise profits from a product or procedure that is protected by a patent. The patent holder can typically spot this kind of infringement on his or her own. Contributory infringement, often known as "indirect infringement" or "infringement by supply, " is a serious problem, yet many patent owners are unaware ... Read More

Chattel: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2023 14:30:05


Anything or any matter that has some value for a human being, either in the present context or sometimes in the future, can be characterised as property. And, based on its characteristics, it can be classified into different categories. However, the most common classification is done on the basis of movement. For example, property that can be easily moved from one location to another is referred to as "movable, " such as furniture, vehicles, and so on, whereas property that cannot be moved from one location to another is referred to as "immovable, " such as land, a home, and ... Read More

By-Laws: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 01-Feb-2023 15:31:53


Every system, firm, or organization needs internal rules and regulations to run its internal affairs smoothly. Whether it is government organization or private organization both have the right to make rules for their internal affairs, which will be applicable only to people who are the employees of that organization and strictly not applicable to public in general. Such types of rules and regulation defined as by-laws. What is the Meaning of "By-Laws?" According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the phrase "By-Law" derives from the Old Norse word "blg, " which is derived from the Old Norse words "br town + ... Read More

The Berne Convention: Meaning and Application

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 05-May-2023 10:07:05

3K+ Views

Held in 1886 in the Switzerland’s city of Bern, the Berne Convention is an international treaty that was established to safeguard the rights of authors and artists who contributed to the creation of works such as books, songs, and paintings. In some circles, it is also referred to as the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. The international community drafted and symphonically adopted a multi-party contract encompassing agreements for a uniform, crossing border system. However, after adoption of this agreement, its rules have been amended and updated several times. Parties of the Berne Convention At present, ... Read More
