Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Trademark Assignment and Licensing

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:19:41


The owner of a brand or trademark has the ability to transfer his rights with regard to his trademark either via the process of assignment or through the process of licencing. The Trade Marks Act, 1999 of India addresses both the transfer and licencing of trademarks in its provisions. Trademark Assignment To put it succinctly, when a trademark is assigned to a new owner, there is a change in the ownership of the registered brand. On the other hand, when a trademark is licenced, the right in the trade mark continues to vest with the original owner, but the ... Read More

The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 13:49:06


The primary goal of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Acts is to safeguard women from abuse committed by both men and women. The Provisions of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, one of several laws the Parliament has passed to protect women, is a progressive law whose only goal is to defend women, regardless of the relationship they may have with the alleged perpetrator. The Act's definition of an aggrieved person is so broad that it encompasses even women who are in a live-in relationship with their Partners. But while every law has benefits, it ... Read More

Stalking: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:12:25


Although stalking is sometimes dismissed as simple, innocent behavior, the victim may experience fear and upset as a result. In a simpler sense, one can compare stalking to harassment and intimidation because the victim must ultimately bear the brunt of the harm, move, change jobs, and occasionally change their identity to get away from the stalker. It is the repeated and unwanted surveillance of another person by a person or group. What is Stalking? According to the National Stalking Helpline, stalking is "a pattern of fixated and obsessive behavior that is recurrent, persistent, invasive, and leads the victim to ... Read More

Revenue Court in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:38:49

1K+ Views

There are many types of sub-ordinate courts in every district of India. The organization and operation of subordinate courts are extremely similar everywhere. The names of the courts indicate what they do. These three sorts of courts are civil courts, criminal courts, and revenue courts. These courts examine a variety of cases, including civil, criminal, and revenue-related. These courts handle civil and criminal cases according to the authority granted to them. These courts were essentially developed from two important regulatory codes, specifically the 1973 Code of Criminal Procedure, and were further strengthened by local statutes. A court with original jurisdiction ... Read More

Purpose of Labor Legislation in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:34:29


To uphold peace, and tranquility, and give society direction for its future development, the law is absolutely essential. Because workers play a crucial role in raising productivity and managing the economies of countries, this development is made possible by the expansion of an industry that is entirely dependent on labor. A nation may be able to function without its millionaires and businessmen, but it cannot function without its labor, as Mahatma Gandhi notably observed. We observe the ongoing conflict between workers and capitalists and how the former exploits the latter while failing to provide them with even the most ... Read More

Role and Function of Public Prosecutor

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:29:06

7K+ Views

It is a well-established rule in our criminal law that when a crime is committed against a specific person, it is assumed that the crime was also committed against society as a whole (or state). Therefore, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure that the individual and the affected group in society receive justice. A "public prosecutor" is the title given to the individual (an advocate or attorney) who represents the state in this system of delivering justice. He serves in the capacity of a governmental agent and speaks for societal interests at large. What is a ... Read More

Protection of Well-known Trademarks

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:24:49


The protection of well-known trademark is the most difficult to obtain. This particular form of defence offers a multitude of benefits to its users. The power to restrict the registration and use of any identical or confusingly similar mark across any category or class of products and services under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 is the most essential advantage. This benefit can be obtained by filing an application. This advantage stands out as the most important one. What is the Meaning of well-known Trademarks? A trademark is a unique, creative, and meaningful sign, logo, or symbol used by ... Read More

Promises of Marriage an Excuse of Rape

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:20:45


Due to the current idea of youth independence, the word "marriage" may have taken on a particularly bad air in some regions of the world. In certain cultures, young people think marriage is a negative thing. Young people are against it since their bodies are in a specific phase. Marriage is analogous to a chain and a bond. You have a specific method you want to use. But gradually, as the body begins to deteriorate, you start to wish there was a loyal companion by your side once more. What is Rape? A serious crime called rape involves ... Read More

Presumption: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:08:28

4K+ Views

The Indian Evidence Act, of 1872, is a piece of legislation that codifies, defines, and amends Indian evidence law. All legal actions that are brought before any court inside the boundaries of India are covered by this Act. It also applies to court martial (but not to any actions taken in accordance with the Air Force Act, the Indian Navy Discipline Act, or the Army Act). However, it does not apply to any arbitration-related proceedings or affidavits submitted to a court. What is Presumption? Presumption is the process of establishing facts based on the possibility of specific acts. When ... Read More

Powers of Executive Magistrate

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:02:07

10K+ Views

In this article, an effort has been made to describe the significance of the function played by the executive magistrate in light of the numerous authorities granted to them. Since there has been a noticeable overlap in the duties of the Executive Magistrates and those of the Judicial Magistrates, many doubts have been raised regarding the usefulness of the role of the Executive Magistrate. As a result, this job is redundant, which emphasizes the necessity of reviewing it in various circumstances and evaluating its relevance there. Who is an Executive Magistrate? In accordance with the Code of Criminal ... Read More
