Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

E-filing: Meaning & Application

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:51:19


In 2020, e-filing becomes necessary. In fact, it's a key legal term that everyone should be familiar with. It's also a legal technology term. As many courts' in-person operations were suspended as a result of the epidemic, e-filing gained popularity and reputation this year. While social segregation measures are in place, courts that were previously reluctant to experiment with e-filing enabled systems are now allowing digital document submissions; a trend that some hope will continue even after the pandemic is over. It is crucial that legal professionals, including lawyers, paralegals, and attorneys, fully comprehend the systems in place ... Read More

Dying Declaration: Meaning and Definition

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:46:30


According to the general rule of law, untested or unproven evidence is not admissible in a court of law. Thus, the administration of the oath and the cross-examination of witnesses and evidence are crucial. We can therefore conclude that hearsay testimony is not acceptable in a court of law. However, there is now a legal exemption to this fundamental rule because it is necessary to give individuals justice, for example. On his deathbed, the person made a statement outlining the reasons for the events leading up to his passing. In our society, it is thought that someone who is ... Read More

Domestic Violence: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:42:15


Nearly 86% of women who experienced assault never sought assistance, and 77% of victims kept the attack a secret from anyone. Domestic violence is not a recent problem; it has existed for a very long time. In India, there has recently been an alarming increase in domestic violence cases, which has become a significant source of worry during the shutdown period. Nevertheless, this evil has proliferated and is still growing. Women are more vulnerable in these circumstances and are typically the targets, although men are also affected. The majority of nations have legislation in place to address these circumstances; ... Read More

Direct Infringement: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:32:17


When an unauthorized party, known as an "infringer, " uses a registered trademark on or with products or services in a way that causes confusion and deception about their provenance, this is considered trademark infringement. A trademark is a term, symbol, sign, or phrase that sets one product or service apart from similar ones. A trademark serves as a representation of quality and public trust while reflecting the source. The use of a trademark without the owner's consent for commercial purposes or to deceive the general public and cause confusion with the registered trademark constitutes trademark infringement. It causes ... Read More

Difference between Decree and Order

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:24:09

3K+ Views

Numerous difficult terms can be found throughout the legal profession. There are some terms whose meanings are so close that it's difficult to tell if they're interchangeable. At first glance, one might not be able to comprehend them. These phrases include "decree" and "order." In various ways, the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (hereafter referred to as "the CPC") defines and distinguishes decree and order. The courts in India have made an effort to elaborate on this. Let's examine each phrase in more detail to learn how they differ with each other. What is Decree? The word is defined ... Read More

Digital Evidence: Meaning and Sources

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:13:32

2K+ Views

The technological evolution in the 21st century has developed not only in India but the whole world in general. The increased cyber space has increased the risk of crimes like fraud, impersonation, service attacks, and child pornography. Since tangible proof for these crimes is rarely present, the traditional court system, which relies on physical evidence and eyewitness testimony, may only assign blame after looking at this digital evidence. What is Digital Evidence? The term “ Digital Evidence” means the information that is transmitted and stored in binary form that can be found in hard disks, mobile ... Read More

World Intellectual Property Organization: WIPO

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 16:07:48


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the central meeting place for all issues pertaining to IP across the world. Here at the United Nations, there are 193 member nations and operate as a self-sustaining institution. WIPO goal is to be at the forefront of creating a global IP system that is both fair and efficient, fostering innovation and creativity for the sake of all. The WIPO Convention from 1967 details our organization's mandate, governing structures, and procedures. Brief History of WIPO WIPO is the successor of BIRPI. BIRPI was founded in 1893. United International Bureaux for the ... Read More

Well-known Trademark in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:49:48


Well-known trademarks are the trademarks, which have wider reach and recognition. So, the registration and subsequent protection involve a combination of legal measures, including authorized trademark registration, legal action, and international agreements. The special type of registration strictly prevents unauthorized use and protect the reputation and goodwill of the trademark holder. Meaning of Well-known Trademark in India According to India's Trademarks Act, 1999, Section 2 (1) (zg), a "well-known trademark" is defined as "a mark which has become so to the substantial segment of the public which uses such goods or receives such services that the use of such ... Read More

Wages: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:44:34

2K+ Views

Due to issues with the payment of wages to workers employed in the industry, India's wages law legislated. The workers weren't given regular payments for their salary. The payment system lacked both standardisation and regulation. The workers' wages were heavily withheld by the bosses for trivial concerns. In the name of wages, the workers received pitiful sums. In response to this threat, the Payment of Wages Act of 1936 was enacted with the intention of regulating regular wage payments and reining in unauthorised deductions for specific work categories. In 1948, lawmakers in India passed ... Read More

Unfair Labour Practices

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 15:40:01

8K+ Views

The Industrial Dispute Act of 1947 (modified in 1982) outlines what constitutes unfair labour practices on the part of both employers and employees. The fifth schedule of the act contains a list of unfair labour practices on the part of employers and their trade unions, as well as unfair labour practices on the part of employees and their trade unions. What is Meaning of Unfair Labour Practices? Unfair labour practice commonly characterized as the taking undue advantages of workers in terms of giving extra hours to work and not paying for that, not paying the minimum wages, asking ... Read More
