Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

House of People: Meaning and Composition

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 17:23:24


The Indian Parliament is bicameral, which means it contains two houses. One of the two houses is the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha is the other house. The Lok Sabha is the first house of the parliament and represents the whole Indian population. Lok Sabha members are elected through universal adult suffrage. The Lok Sabha is made up of 550 elected members, including the Prime Minister of India and two members chosen by the Indian President.   The Lok Sabha is India's most well-known legislative chamber. Following the first general elections, which were held from October 25 to February ... Read More

Fundamental Rights and the Indian Constitution

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:34:48


The Fundamental Rights in India enshrined in Part III of the Indian Constitution protect civil rights so that all Indians can live peacefully and harmoniously as citizens of India. Individual rights such as equality before the law, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom to exercise religion, and the right to constitutional remedies for the preservation of civil rights through writs such as habeas corpus are examples of these. Violations of these rights are punished in accordance with the Indian Penal Code, at the discretion of the judiciary. What are the Fundamental Rights? The ... Read More

Fundamental Duties and the Indian Constitution

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:18:36


An Indian citizen's fundamental duties are critical. It instilled duty and moral obligation in all residents, and these responsibilities must be upheld by everyone. When people carry out their obligations, it demonstrates a sense of national togetherness and patriotism. In this essay, we will go through all eleven essential obligations as well as major modifications to them.   Meaning of Fundamental Duties Fundamental duties were influenced by the former Soviet Union's constitution. Japan's constitution was possibly the first democratic constitution in the world to include a list of citizen obligations. Socialist nations, on the other hand, placed equal weight on ... Read More

Freedom of Speech and Expression

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 16:10:35


Freedom of Speech and Expression guarantees Indian residents the freedom to freely express their thoughts and beliefs, whether by written or spoken words, photos, or any other communicative or visual representation such as gestures or signs. However, the right to free expression is not an absolute right, and the state may apply reasonable limits under Article 19(2) of the Constitution. What is Freedom of Speech and Expression? Freedom of Speech and Expression refers to the freedom to fully express one's beliefs, whether by written or spoken words, photographs, or any other communicable or visual representation, including such gestures or ... Read More

Freedom of Religion: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:57:37


India has always been a place of many different religions and sects, and the variety of these beliefs and groups there is unmatched anywhere else on the globe. For millennia, India has upheld its pledge to tolerate and enable all religions in her territory to live and prosper. It has coped with difficulties coming from the existence of such variety for centuries and has evolved its own manner of managing multiculturalism in India, which the western world is today wrestling with. The majority of Indians, almost 53 percent of the population, see variety as an advantage that benefits the nation ... Read More

Free Legal Aid: A Constitutional Provision

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:46:32

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Legal aid is the free provision of legal services to the underprivileged and destitute who cannot afford to hire a lawyer to represent them in court, a tribunal, or before a governmental authority. By providing legal aid, we can make sure that no one is ever denied justice. It is considered essential for ensuring access to justice through defending rights such as equality before the law, the right to counsel, and a fair trial, among other things. It is a necessary component of a welfare state, as specified by a constitution, because it ensures welfare aid through access to legal ... Read More

Executive: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:35:45


The executive is becoming more important as the government's leader. The executive branch of government has inevitably grown to be the most significant because of the scope of its operations. Although the legislative may hold the title of supreme power in theory, in reality the executive is the most significant branch of the government. Along with the bureaucracy and the legislature, ministries and departments contribute to the smooth operation of the government. What is Executive? The term "executive" has been defined in both broad and narrow aspects. In its broadest sense, it refers to all the officials, political authority ... Read More

Directive Principles of State Policy and Constitution

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:21:19


The Directive Principle of State Policy was borrowed from the Irish Constitution, and the designers of our Indian Constitution included these concepts into Part IV of the Constitution, which runs from Article 36 to Article 51. These ideas were critical to the country's governance since they reflected the people's hopes and dreams. Meaning of “Directive Principles of State Policy” The Directive Concepts of State Policy are the concepts that the state should keep in mind while establishing policies and laws. The goal of the Directive Principles of State Policy is to construct a 'Welfare State'. In other words, the purpose ... Read More

Citizenship In India: Part II of the Constitution

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 13:42:04


Citizenship is a natural right that all citizens of a country hold. Citizens of a sovereign state have certain civil and political rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Citizenship refers to a person's relationship with a state to which he or she owes loyalty and is protected. Citizenship is on the Union List of the Constitution and hence within the sole power of Parliament. "Citizenship" means that citizens are entitled to specific care, protection, and amenities, as well as the right to hold office, be eligible for public service recruitment, and be subject to certain duties such as taxation, among other ... Read More

73rd Amendment Act: Panchayati Raj System

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Feb-2023 12:40:36


The nation's founding father, Mahatma Gandhi, emphasised the value of the villages' independence. As a result, the core notion behind the Panchayati System in the country stems from Mahatma Gandhi's principles and goals. The relevance of the Panchayati system in the country is addressed in Article 40 of the Indian Constitution, which is also a directive principle of Indian policy. Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, saw the Panchayati system as a critical social, political, and economic institution. The Panchayati Raj is a three-tier organisation for rural development in Indian administrative systems. The fundamental purpose of this system is ... Read More
