Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

National Action Plan on Climate Change

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 14:30:08


Before the G8 Summit in Tokyo in 2008 and the Conference of Parties in Copenhagen in 2009, the administration desired a climate change strategy. Since the NAPCC was created in a hurry, the policy included goals in general but didn't address how to get there. It took the relevant ministries six additional years to ratify the mission. A new government was established during that time period, and the old guard was replaced. The new administration announced a number of initiatives to combat climate change, although it did not align with NAPCC. What is National Action Plan on Climate Change? ... Read More

Mortmain: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 14:25:58


There are certain types of immovable property (especially in terms of ownership) that cannot be transferred to any other person or other such legal authorities. For example, the religious property, like temple, mosque, church, etc. such types of property always remain in the same condition. Secondly, the nature of the activities performed on such property that also does not change ever. Likewise, the term mortmain, in law, defines such type of property. What does Exactly Mortmain Define? Mortmain, in law, refers to a perpetual or inalienable ownership of property, usually by a religious place or corporation or other such ... Read More

Mines Rules, 1955

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 13:51:09


Mining law is the area of law that deals with the regulations that apply to mining and minerals. The ownership of the mineral resource and who is permitted to exploit it are two fundamental issues covered by mining law. Regulations pertaining to the health and safety of miners as well as the effects of mining on the environment also have an impact on mining. Mining rules came into force from 2nd July, 1955. It modify and consolidate the legislation governing labor regulation and mining safety. The rules are enforced by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. What do ... Read More

Trademark Registration: Meaning and Process

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:57:43


The acquisition of an exclusive right to make use of a registered trademark is one of the benefits of registering a trademark. This suggests that the owner of the trademark has the ability to use it solely or to provide a licence to another party for use of the trademark in exchange for payment. Any infringement on a trademark is unlawful, and as a result, the entity that owns the trademark has the right to prosecute the party that is infringing on their property. What is Trademark? A trademark may be a word, symbol, phrase, or logo—or any ... Read More

Trademark Protection of the Trade Dress

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:49:20


The term "trade dress" refers to all of the components that combine to form the overarching impression of a product or service. A product's colour, form, size, configuration, and packaging are all aspects that fall under this category. However, this list is not exhaustive. Trade dress, which is a subcategory of intellectual property, may refer to not just the appearance of a product or service but also its packaging, signage, and any other element that differentiates it from competitors' offerings. What is Trade Dress? In India, trade dress is covered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the ... Read More

Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:48:19


The Mineral Conservation and Development Rules (MCDR) provide standards to ensure that mining is done on a scientific basis while also protecting the environment. The requirements for filing and reporting in relation to prospecting, mining plan applications, and reconnaissance operations are likewise governed by the MCDR. These regulations also outline the way that open-pit and underground mines should be operated, as well as the steps that should be taken in the event that a mine is abandoned or temporarily closed. What are the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988? The Mineral Conservation and Development Regulations, 1988 are governed by ... Read More

Trademark Opposition: Meaning and Application

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:40:28


The trademark will be published in the Trademarks Journal after the examination of our trademark has been completed and it has been determined that our trademark meets the requirements for registration. The publication of a trademark in the Journal serves the goal of providing any interested third party with the opportunity to inspect the trademark and submit an objection to the registration of the trademark. To put it another way, an opposition to a trademark registration is anything that a third party files against the registration of someone’s trademark. As soon as a challenger submits an opposition to your ... Read More

Mineral Concession Rules, 1960

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:31:19


The Mineral Concession Rules (MCR) specify the processes and criteria for acquiring a prospecting license and mining lease. According to these rules, a "mining plan" must include, among other things, a map of the area indicating water sources, the boundaries of forest areas, the density of trees, the impact of mining activity on the forest, land surface, and environment, including air and water pollution, a plan for reforestation of the area, the adoption of pollution control technologies, and any other actions that may be required by the relevant state and federal government agencies. It follows that strategies for environmental management ... Read More

Mental Elements in Tort Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 11:48:50

7K+ Views

A "wrongful act or omission" by any individual results in the creation of a tort. This obligation is a civic one. The facts and circumstances of each case determine whether mens rea exists in tort law. The state of mind that genuinely motivates a person to perform an act is known as motive in tort law. In tort law, motive is typically irrelevant, much like purpose. Intention is formed as a result of motive. The honorable Indian courts also stated that if an act is legal, its motivation is of little consequence. Torture can now occur intentionally or unintentionally. ... Read More

Parole: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 15:50:01

1K+ Views

For many years, it has been in practice that prisoner of war or other such prisoners are being released earlier than the time period decided in the original judgement. There are certain circumstantial situations under which, prisoners can be legally released to go home, which legally defines the term parole. But such release is conditional and remain under supervision of a parole officer. What does Exactly Parole Define? Parole, which is also known as provisional release, is a form of supervised release for a convicted person serving a prison punishment. It allows the person to serve the remainder of ... Read More
