Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Express and Implied Promise: Indian Contract Act

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 12:50:03


Promise is one of the elements of contract that is enforceable by law and forms the basis of the contract. The promise serves as the foundation for the contract, and the law requires that it be kept. It is possible for the parties to a contract to make either explicit or implicit promises to one another. What is Promise? Promise, in a simple language, is an assurance made by one party to another that he or she will perform a specified act or refrain from acting in a specified way. However, in law does not have much different meaning ... Read More

Estoppel: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 16:19:44

4K+ Views

Estoppel in Indian legal system is an important principle that more often used in the legal proceeding. By using the estoppel principle, the court may prevent (if required) restrain a person from to take back on his or her statement (given before). Furthermore, by use of estoppel principle, someone can be “estopped” to bring a particular claim. Meaning of Estoppel Estoppel is one of the frequently used principles Evidence Law. Under this principle, one of the parties in a dispute, is prevented to change his or her statements given earlier or even asserting new facts. Depending upon ... Read More

Parsi Personal Law in India: An Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:56:49

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One of the smallest religion-based community in the world are the Parsis, who practise Zoroastrianism. They are typically seen as progressive and enlightened. They left Persia and immigrated to India in the eighteenth century AD. It appears that the Parsis did not import any legal systems from Persia. They gradually began incorporating Hindu Laws and practises, which eventually formed the Parsi community's personal law in India. Later, Legislature enacted laws governing personal matters of succession, marriage, divorce. This article is an attempt to discuss various personal laws applicable to Parsis. What is Parsi Personal Law? In order to create draft ... Read More

Fisheries Policies in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:53:39

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In India, fisheries policies are primarily managed by the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The main objectives of these policies include the sustainable development and management of fish resources, the promotion of aquaculture, the development of infrastructure and facilities for the fishing industry, and the welfare of fishermen. The government also implements schemes such as the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) to promote sustainable fishing practices and boost the fish production in the country. Additionally, the government also provides financial assistance to fishermen for buying boats and fishing gear, as well as for the construction of fish ... Read More

Muslim Personal Law: Meaning and Sources

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:49:13


Anyone who practises Islam as their religion is referred to as a Muslim. A person can become Muslim either by birth or by conversion, according to judicial opinion. If both of a person's parents were Muslims when they gave birth to him, he is a Muslim by default. When a person of another religion renounces their previous faith and chooses Islam after reaching the age of majority and does so consciously, they are considered Muslims by conversion. Muslims are governed by their personal law contained in their own religious sources. In Muslim law, case-law also has a part to play, ... Read More

Mining Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:44:17


India is a mineral-rich nation with more than 20, 000 mineral reserves. The nation produces 90 minerals total, including four fuels, 10 metallic, 50 non-metallic, three atomic, and 23 minor minerals. The country ranks second globally in the production of chromite, barytes, and talc, third for coal and lignite, and fourth for iron ore, kyanite, andalusite, and silimanite. The first legislative framework for the control and development of mining in independent India was the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, passed in 1948. The Mineral Concession Rules (MCR) and the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules were two ... Read More

Major Legislation on Forest Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:33:38


Forest law refers to the body of laws and regulations that govern the management, conservation, and use of forested land. It also exclusively includes the biodiversity (including flora and fauna) of the respective land. These laws may address issues such as deforestation, timber harvesting, wildlife conservation, and the rights of indigenous peoples or tribal people living in the forest areas. The specific laws and regulations vary by country, and may be enforced by government agencies such as the Forest Service or the Ministry of Forestry. In some cases, international agreements and treaties may also play a role in shaping forest ... Read More

Lok Adalat: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:29:05

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Conflicts and disputes consume resources like money, valuable time, and labor, among other things. The avoidance of conflict in society is very vital and important. But since people coexist in a community and could potentially have disagreements with one another, it is almost impossible. As a result, the answer to this issue is to resolve conflicts as soon as they develop. The legal systems of the vast majority of nations are overworked by the volume of cases. The resolution of any recent lawsuit necessitates a significant amount of time. What is Lok Adalat? The phrase "Lok Adalat, " which ... Read More

Lien: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:24:13


Whenever giving out any loan to a borrower, the creditor is always at a risk if borrower fails to repay the amount. The purpose of lien is to safe keep the interest of a creditor in cases of non-payment to satisfy the debt. Lien provides a legal right to the creditor to seize and sell the assets and property. What is the Meaning of Lien? A lien is a legal claim or right on a property by a creditor as security for a debt or charge. Likewise, a lien is a way for a creditor to secure payment ... Read More

Legal Culture: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 11:13:29

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A comparison of fundamentally dissimilar legal systems can be used to study legal cultures. Such cultures can also be distinguished from those that share a common foundation and history but are currently affected by other forces that promote cultural change. In order to better comprehend how the law functions in society, students study legal culture. The study of law and society could be said to be this. What is Legal Culture? Legal culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms that shape a society's approach to law and justice. It can include things like attitudes towards the role ... Read More
