Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

International Environmental Agreements

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:40:03


The state's attempts to quickly industrialize and modernize itself have resulted in a variety of environmental issues, including resource depletion, global warming, ozone layer deterioration, industrial pollution, deforestation, air pollution, and ocean pollution, among others. To accomplish the intended common goals, all nations must act collectively on these global, transnational, and transboundary concerns. All nations have long accepted that they cannot solve the world's most pressing environmental issues on their own, even the industrialized ones. Therefore, international environmental agreements are important because they allow nations from various settings to unite on a single platform and work together to address complicated ... Read More

Intentional Tort: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 10:34:00


According to the majority of intentional tort cases and civil law doctrine, they must have intended to perform the unlawful act but are not required to have intended to produce the eventual outcome for an intentional tort claim to be viable. Purposeful torts and the intentional infliction of injury can have major repercussions, including physical harm, emotional anguish, destruction of real property, offensive contact, loss of personal property, and other negative impacts. Intentional infliction of mental distress, false imprisonment, harmful or offensive contact (such as battery), trespassing on another person's property, attempted battery or assault, offensive touching like abuse, and ... Read More

Hybrid Legal System: Meaning & Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:26:19

1K+ Views

The legal systems of the world are divided into two main categories, namely civil-law systems based on the Justinianic Corpus iuris civilis and common-law systems derived from the predominantly judge-made English common law. Apart from these two main streams, there are so-called "mixed" systems of law that contain a mixture of civil and common law; all legal systems are to some extent mixed. The ubiquity of hybridity, both legal and normative, has important consequences for comparative law and legal theory. Most obviously, it challenges legal nationalism, positivism, centralism, and monism. More immediately, it undermines the dissection of plural and dynamic ... Read More

History of Media Laws in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:00:09

7K+ Views

Informing individuals about their surroundings, the facts, and the circumstances they live in is crucial. The term "media law" does not refer to a single, cohesive body of law, such as the law of contracts or the law of crimes. The laws and ethics that are seen to be most crucial for a working journalist are a combination of several laws and ethics in the media sector. The focus is on the law itself when the phrase "media law" is used. It analyses the confines within which the media outlets' and journalists' activities are conducted. As a result, this emphasis ... Read More

History of Indian Judicial System

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 10:55:35


Indian judicial system is one of the oldest judicial system in the world. In fact, no other judicial system has a more ancient or exalted pedigree. The principles and systems enunciated by Kautilya were very similar to ancient tradition that was already established in the age of the Ramayana. Rama, the King of Ayodhya, was compelled to banish his wife/queen, whom he loved and in whose chastity he had not any doubt, simply because his subjects disapproved by the society because she had spent a year in the house of her abductor. The king had given importance to the will ... Read More

Fundamental Rights: Definition & Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 10:49:27

1K+ Views

Fundamental rights are those rights, which are essentially required for survival and to have a life with dignity. Therefore, when the makers of Constitution drafting constitution, had been given special attention to these fundamental rights, which secure the basic freedoms for all. These are guaranteed in the Constitution in the form of six broad categories of fundamental rights, which are justifiable. Contained in Part III of the Constitution, Articles 12 to 35 deal with fundamental rights. These rights are given the status of being "fundamental" or "elementary" due to their absolute and restrictive nature, which means that they cannot be ... Read More

Functions of Law: Meaning & Scope

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:45:44


Till date, experts have had difficulty coming up with one definition of law that would encompass its entire field. However, there are numerous definitions of law that are praised for being the most inclusive of the subject's general scope for the time and conditions in which they were offered. Numerous hypotheses have been developed in an effort to define or comprehend the meaning of the law. Various jurists have offered and endorsed a number of legal theories. Below, a handful of them are covered in further detail − Natural Theory According to the natural law view, ethics, morality, and ... Read More

Environmental Racism in Europe

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:29:28


Environmental racism is a contentious issue that must be tackled if our planet's future is to be safeguarded. Depending on the place being described, the word has diverse connotations, but its fundamental tenet is that a territory's ethnic, religious, and racial minorities are not adequately provided with access to fundamental environmental safeguards and rights. In contrast to environmental justice, environmental racism occurs when environmental hazards are disproportionately distributed along racial lines, sometimes without the input of the impacted communities of color. The problems surrounding environmental racism demonstrate how difficult it is to clearly distinguish between social and environmental issues. It ... Read More

Environmental Health: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:08:55


The environment and health are two major variables that are combined in environmental health. Everything around us is included in the term "environment, " and our state of health is a result of the impact of environmental variables on us. Our physical, mental, and social health are impacted by everything in our environment, including the air, water, soil, and other elements. What is the meaning of Environmental Health? The phrase "environmental health" refers to those facets of human health, such as quality of life, that are influenced by environmental elements that are physical, biological, social, and psychological. The majority of ... Read More

Election Offences: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 16:22:36


In every democratic democracy, the election of a specific individual of their choosing over other candidates to carry out specified obligations is regarded as a natural right of the individual. Under Part XV, Article 324 of the Indian Constitution, the Election Commission of India is given authority to supervise, direct, and manage elections. People and organizations have approached the Election Commission of India with requests to educate the electorate of the nation on the various malpractices used by candidates or their representatives during the elections held for the two Houses of Parliament and the Legislature of the States/UTS, as well ... Read More
