Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Public Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 13:50:55

1K+ Views

Public law primarily concerns the use and exercise of authority by public authorities, including local councils and governmental agencies. Power can be challenged when it is used improperly or when the decision-making process is unfair or just. If there is no other remedy available or all other remedies have been exhausted, judicial review may be used to challenge a public body's decision. What is Public Law? Public law is the area of law that regulates interactions between those who have a significant influence on society and the State (i.e., the government and its agencies). Public law, in the words of ... Read More

Property Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 13:44:13


Laws governing property are in place to safeguard property owners and the assets they possess. Without property laws, someone may steal your belongings because there would be no repercussions. Property law also offers a path to justice for those who have been mistreated by theft of their belongings or other criminal activities on their property. Based on common law principles, each state has its unique property laws. As a result of feudalism in England, when land was split into estates for each property owner with their rights flowing downward vertically through the property, these concepts are derived from English legal ... Read More

Negligence: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 12:45:16


In general, there is a legal obligation to exercise caution when it is conceivably foreseeable that doing otherwise would likely result in harm. By failing to take necessary measures, many different types of injuries may be brought about by negligence. What is Negligence When one person owes another a duty of care and fails to use reasonable care to prevent harming other, that action constitutes negligence. When any such negligence causes substantial harm to others, in that case, the law put certain monetary liability that wrongdoer has to pay to victim. Essentials of Negligence The plaintiff must establish each ... Read More

Natural Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 12:37:44


Natural Law is a collection of universal moral precepts that have established the moral and ethical standards that should be followed to govern human behavior. The law of nature is another name for it. Even when it is not acknowledged by the state or the government, natural law still exists. Meaning and Definition of Natural Law The definition of Natural Law and its relationship to positive law have been hotly debated on numerous occasions. According to Aristotle (384-322 BCE), there is a universally applicable natural justice that is "not existing by people's thinking this or that, " and that it ... Read More

Mischief: Meaning and Legality

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 12:24:53


"A person commits mischief if he destroys property knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or harm to the public or any person, " even if there is no evidence that the offender intended to cause the damage. While the Indian Penal Code has many sections relating to the protection of an individual and the maintenance of public peace and order, efforts have also been made to expand these rights to cover an individual's private property or publicly owned property. Trespassing is an example of this when it is ensured that no one enters the area of the ... Read More

Medical Law: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 12:20:13


Medical law is concerned with the state of human bodies both during and after death. We are all impacted by the fundamental concerns of medical legislation, such as organ donation, abortion, stopping treatment, euthanasia, confidentiality, and human research. For the purpose of highlighting the main concerns and guiding principles of medical law, Medical Law: A Very Short Introduction examines many examples of these challenges. We want to know our rights and the rules that regulate the behavior of the medical professionals whose care we entrust with our lives and limbs when something goes wrong with our bodies. Given that it ... Read More

Marital Rape: Meaning and Laws

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 12:08:10


Marital rape is effectively excluded from India's list of crimes by the exception 2 of the section, which states that "sexual relations or sexual intercourse by a male partner with his wife may not be regarded rape if his wife is not a minor, i.e., under the age of eighteen." Marital Rape and Laws In addition, until five years ago, rape laws as they exist now did not even provide protection for females between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. In the case of Independent Thought v. Union of India, the Supreme Court determined that the provision should read ... Read More

Law of Torts: Nature and Scope

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 11:55:18

3K+ Views

The law of the land, in its strictest definition, only refers to those standards of behavior that are recognized and upheld by the state. The rules that are acknowledged and followed by courts of justice are, in Salmond's view, what constitute the law. A state's corpus juris, or overall body of law, can be classified into two categories: civil and criminal. What is Tort Law The word "tort" is the French translation of the words "wrong" and "delict" from Roman law. The Latin term tortum, which means twisted, crooked, or incorrect and contrasts with the English word rectum, which ... Read More

Law of Defamation: Meaning & Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 14:56:47


Since the very beginning of civil governance, defamation—or appropriating someone else's fame—has been a crime subject to the threat of imprisonment. In his book Artha Sastra, Kautilya referred to it as "Vakarushyam" and provided a penalty for "man had" while keeping in mind the social circumstances of the period. Modern legal experts consider defamation to be an injury to a person's reputation. Since reputation is regarded as property, any damage to it may result in legal action on both a criminal and civil level. Defamation is a crime that is defined in Section 499. With four explanations and 10 exceptions, ... Read More

Powers and Jurisdiction of Supreme Court

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 12:25:33


The unified, integrated judicial system is headed by the Supreme Court, with High Courts at the state level. There are numerous lower courts beneath the High Courts, including the District Courts, which handle civil cases, and the Session Courts, which handle criminal cases. India's Supreme Court is the country's top court. If the parliament decides it is necessary, more judges may be appointed. In the beginning, there were just seven judges in addition to the Chief Justice. What is Meaning of Jurisdiction? The basic definition of jurisdiction is "the territory within which a court or government agency may lawfully ... Read More
