Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

E - Waste Rules, 2011

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 12:06:45


The production of newer electronic equipment and the quick advancement of technology make it simple to replace outdated models with more modern ones. Particularly in India, it has caused e-waste to grow exponentially. People have a tendency to migrate to the newest models and popular technologies, and with time, product life spans get shorter. But e-waste management in India and its difficulties remain a problem. What is E-waste? E-waste poses a serious threat to the environment, wildlife, and people. Plastics, metals, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), printed wires, circuit boards, and other materials are frequently found in e-waste. Once the ... Read More

Cognizable Offences Vs Non-Cognizable Offences

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:55:23

10K+ Views

An offense is a prohibited act or crime that can be reported to the police, a court, etc., and is subject to punishment. There are two types of offenses: cognizable offenses and non-cognizable offenses. Let's examine the differences between cognizable and non-cognizable offenses. What is Cognizable Offence? A cognizable offense is one for which a police officer may arrest the defendant without a warrant and launch an inquiry without the magistrate’s prior approval under the first schedule or any other law currently in effect. Example The majority of crimes that are considered to be "cognizable" are severe or ... Read More

Democracy: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:48:20


Democracy is a form of government in which individuals directly exercise authority or elect representatives from among themselves to create a governing body, such as a parliament. The majority rule is another term for it. Power cannot be inherited here. People vote for their leaders. Representatives contest elections, and residents vote for their preferred candidate. The representative who receives the most votes is elected. What is Democracy? Democracy simply means "people's rule." The term derives from the Greek demokratia, which was coined in the middle of the fifth century BCE from the terms “dmos” (people) and “kratos” (rule) to ... Read More

Death in Relation to Torts

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:40:45

1K+ Views

In civil cases, the view is that the successor is still liable or has the right. As a result, the injured party's heirs may file a lawsuit or continue the case after his death. The defendant's legal representative also becomes liable. Tort Law: What is It? The field of law that deals with the majority of civil lawsuits is tort law. With the exception of contractual conflicts, most claims that come before a civil court fall under the purview of tort law. The goal of tort law is to right a wrong that has been done to a person ... Read More

Battery Vs Assault

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:30:09


When someone "engages in behavior, which places another in reasonable concern of suffering a battery, " they have committed an assault. It's a battery threat, either actual or inferred, or a battery that is already active. When someone is "caused bodily damage or injury, " it is considered a battery. Or in other words when someone makes physical contact with an individual that is disrespectful or provocative in character is called battery. What is Meaning of Assault? An assault is the threat or effort to physically harm another, along with the apparent physical ability and desire to carry out the ... Read More

Contributory Negligence as a Defense in Tort Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:20:17


A common law tort provision known as "contributory negligence" prevents plaintiffs from being compensated for the negligence of others if they themselves were negligent in producing the harm. In many jurisdictions, comparative negligence has taken the position of contributory negligence. Analysis of Contributory Negligence Although the general idea of contributory negligence might be traced back to much earlier periods, the term became firmly understood for the first time around the beginning of the 19th century. Butterfield v. Forrester, (1807), is one of the most important legal precedents relating to this idea. Under common law, if the claimant's injury was ... Read More

Consent as a Defense in Tort Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 17-Mar-2023 11:11:21


Consent is an affirmative defense that may be available if one is being sued for an intentional tort. Under this theory, a person who voluntarily consents to a particular act cannot also claim that the same act is an intentional tort. Analysis of the Term Consent If one is being sued for an intentional tort, one may be able to use consent as an affirmative defense. According to this idea, a person who freely agrees to an action cannot also assert that the same action constitutes an intentional tort. The principle "to one who is willing, no harm is ... Read More

National Policy on Skill Development

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 18:24:39


In comparison to other economies around the world, India has traditionally had a lower proportion of its population that is suitably skilled. The government of the Philippines proposed initiatives in its 11th five-year plan for the fiscal years 2007–12–2012 with the goal of skilling 150 million people by 2022, or 15 million skilled workers every year. In accordance with the five-year plan's suggestions and to lessen the difficulties the economy is now experiencing due to the skilled labor shortage, in 2009, the government created a skill development policy, emphasizing the importance of specialized training to be provided by industrial training ... Read More

National Policy on Biofuels

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 18:14:07


The government's ongoing efforts, such as Make in India, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, and skill development, as well as the ambitious goals of doubling farmer income, reducing imports, creating jobs, and turning waste into wealth, make biofuels strategically important in India. India's biofuels program has been significantly hindered by the ongoing and significant lack of domestic feedstock for biofuel production, which needs to be addressed. What is National Policy on Biofuels? A National Policy on Biofuels was created by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in 2009 to encourage the use of biofuels throughout the nation. In the past ... Read More

Section 14 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Mar-2023 18:09:01


A wedding is the most important event in the life of a Hindu family, evoking every social responsibility, kindred link, traditional value, passionate emotion, and economic resource. Wedding preparation and execution best exemplify the numerous differences among Indian social institutions. What is Marriage? Marriage is considered vital by practically everyone in India. Marriage is a significant turning point in a person's life, signaling the beginning of maturity. In general, rather than being the result of a single person's resolution, this movement in India is the result of many people's efforts. Even if one is born into a certain family ... Read More
