Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 15:34:00


The PCA is an administrative institution, not a court in the traditional sense of the word. Its goal is to have permanent and accessible resources to act as the registry for international arbitration and other associated processes, such as commissions of inquiry and conciliation. What is Arbitration? The most conventional method of resolving private disputes is arbitration. The arbitration process is legally binding. It is frequently "managed" by a private company that keeps a list of arbitrators who are accessible and sets the guidelines for how the arbitration will go. What is Permanent Court of Arbitration? A non-UN intergovernmental ... Read More

Performance of Reciprocal Promise Under Indian Contract Act

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 15:24:38

2K+ Views

The Indian Contract Act defines reciprocal promises as promises that form the consideration or part of the consideration for each other. In other words, reciprocal promises are made when the parties to an agreement make mutual promises to do or refrain from doing something. As a result, each party is obligated to fulfill his promise and accept the fulfillment of the other's promise. Types of Reciprocal Promises Following are the major types of reciprocal Promises − Mutual and Independent − When promises are to be fulfilled independently by each party without waiting for the other party to ... Read More

Maintenance under Various Laws

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 15:15:37


Maintenance is a source of social justice in and of itself. If a man's wife, children, parents, close relatives, and other dependents are unable to maintain themselves, it is his fundamental duty to provide for them. The aim of maintenance is to prevent immorality and destitution while also improving the economic circumstances of women and children. Hindu women in India are subject to two types of maintenance rules. Child support is considered in the first category in the case of a divorce or other matrimonial remedy, such as nullity of marriage. Maintenance can be claimed by Section 25 of ... Read More

Litigant in Person

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:46:36


A "litigant in person" is generally understood to be a person who represents oneself in court proceedings without the assistance of a lawyer. Due to changes in the law governing access to legal services, this definition is no longer accurate. When a lawyer represents a client, they must send a "Notice of Acting" form to the court and a letter to the opposing party. Unless the barrister obtains a Litigation Certificate, this procedure does not apply when a litigant directly engages a lawyer. What is the Meaning of Litigant in Person? An unrepresented party (either an individual, business, or ... Read More

Legislation: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:38:56


Legislation is regarded as one of the most significant sources of law in contemporary society. In actuality, this body of legislation has just become more prevalent recently. Scholars and researchers may claim that custom came much before legislation and that as society developed, it was superseded by it. What is the meaning of Legislation? The word “legislation” is derived from the Latin terms “Legis” which means a law, and “Laterm” which means to “make” “place” or “set”. Legislation is defined as creating or establishing the law. It refers to all means of enacting laws in their broadest meaning ... Read More

Legal Abuse: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:33:11


Legal abuse can also result from the behaviour of persons involved in the legal system during an otherwise valid hearing, such as a lawyer who has a close relationship with a judge and utilises that relationship to influence the judge's decision. The use of legal threats of action as a form of intimidation against another person is another example of legal abuse. Being threatened with legal action against someone who is financially vulnerable is extremely abusive because the person being threatened frequently fears the financial burdens associated with a court battle. What is the Meaning of Legal Abuse? ... Read More

Layoff and Retrenchment

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:28:12

5K+ Views

The Industrial Disputes Act of 1947 addresses layoffs and retrenchments. When an employee is laid off, it means that they were fired by their employer for non-fault-related reasons. A layoff is temporary in nature because it shows that an employer can't keep hiring the workers for a limited time. Retrenchment describes a scenario in which an employer fires staff in an effort to boost profits and cut costs. Even when an employee is laid off, the loss of their employment is not their responsibility. Meaning of Layoff The term "layoff" is defined as the inability, failure, or refusal ... Read More

Kyoto Protocol: History and Development

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:24:11


Our ecology has clearly suffered greatly as a result of people's heedless use of nature, which has caused a significant change in the climate of the planet. The Kyoto Protocol, which was created in 1990 after the United Nations finally admitted that global warming was occurring, and the Rio Declaration, which was the result of a conference in 1992, both reflect the organization's decision to support sustainable development. What does Kyoto Protocol Exactly Defines? The Protocol put the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) into practical use. By 2012, 192 countries had agreed to cut their emissions ... Read More

International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC)

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 14:17:04


In response to the growing need for a coordinated campaign to promote the use of biological control, the IOBC was established in Europe in 1955. The organization was initially established by a group of European entomologists with the aim of using natural enemies to control weeds and insect pests in agricultural and horticultural crops as well as to create a more effective and environmentally friendly approach to pest management. The scope of IOBC has evolved over time to cover other pest management sciences like invasive species, urban pests, and forest pests. As a result of the growing interest in ... Read More

Immigration Law in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Apr-2023 13:18:07


People began relocating in great numbers as a result of globalization in search of greater social, political, and economic stability. India, a nation of varied ethnicities and cultures, attracts immigrants from other nations with a variety of attractions. Immigration is essentially the movement of individuals from one nation to another with the intention of settling there permanently. What is the Meaning of Immigration? The federal government's regulations for determining who is allowed to enter the country and for how long are referred to as immigration law. It also controls the naturalization procedure for people who want to become ... Read More
