Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Elder Abuse Laws: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:32:43


The harsh facts of today's world are completely different from how people used to revere and worship their parents in earlier times. The ability of the younger and older family members to cope is currently being tested more frequently than ever. There are occasions when younger family members exhibit undesirable behavior that the older family members perceive as aberrant, which leaves them feeling abandoned and disheartened. What Does Elder Abuse Mean? Children view parents as a burden that no one wants to bear. This is the cause of the appalling situations in which many parents can be discovered ... Read More

E-commerce Law: Definition And Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:27:36

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E-commerce is the practice of transacting business electronically as opposed to physically. This covers all internet-based retail activities like ordering products, obtaining services, getting them delivered, facilitating payments, and managing the supply chain and services. Learn about Indian e-commerce laws and regulations. A global paradigm shift in trade has been brought about by e-commerce. The Indian e-commerce industry has grown at an astonishing rate in recent years, but there are still several significant obstacles to overcome. The increased customer choice and improved convenience in online business transactions, where the vendor or merchant can sell his goods or services ... Read More

Domestic Violence on Child

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 11:22:47


Domestic violence and child abuse are not abnormal or random behaviors; they are long-standing socioeconomic problems. Both are acknowledged as valid elements of our culture. In contrast, child abuse issues have not yet received the same level of political attention as domestic violence, despite being one of the most established and ubiquitous kinds of violence in our society today. This is true despite the fact that thousands of women and children in Australia suffer physically, emotionally, and sexually as a result of acts of domestic violence every year. What is Domestic Violence? Domestic violence refers to any violence committed ... Read More

Disability Laws: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:45:52


The inclusion or exclusion of people with disabilities from participating in various activities might depend on a variety of social circumstances, which in turn can have an impact on their growth or self-esteem. Therefore, disability is not only a health issue, but rather social issue as well. What is Meaning of Disability? If someone has a disability, it means they have basic difficulties carrying out tasks that other people take for granted. All people are born free with equal rights and respect. However, people with disabilities face discrimination, stigma, and infringements on their human rights everywhere on the globe. ... Read More

Corporate Governance: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:41:40


Corporate governance is the ongoing process by which a company applies the best management practises, ensures that the law is applied as intended, and abides by ethical standards in order to operate effectively, meet stakeholder obligations, and adhere to corporate social obligations. It includes policies and guidelines to sustain a solid relationship between the company's owners (shareholders), the Board of Directors, management, and other stakeholders like staff members, clients, the government, suppliers, and the general public. That applies to all types of organisations, whether they are for profit or not. What is the Meaning of Corporate Governance? Corporate governance ... Read More

Convention On The Rights Of The Child

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:36:30


Monitoring how the convention is being implemented by the ratifying countries falls within the purview of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which is made up of 18 independent experts. Their governments are expected to report to and appear earlier the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on a regular basis so that they can be questioned about how well the convention is being implemented and how the state of children's rights is in their nation. The committee's website contains their reports as well as written opinions and concerns. Monitoring how the convention is ... Read More

Consideration: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:31:24


In a world where companies are on the rise, it is impossible to ignore the concept of contracts and the significance of their role in the corporate sector. To put it simply, a contract is really a promise that the law will upholde concept of contracts and the significance of their role in the corporate sector. To put it simply, a contract is really a promise that the law will uphold. It is an offer that becomes a promise if it is accepted. According to Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, a contract is an "agreement enforceable ... Read More

Consequences of Elder Abuse

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:19:32


A lot of progress has been achieved in the previous 35 years in recognizing and raising awareness of abusive relationship patterns. Elder abuse has not only gained less acknowledgment than child abuse and intimate partner violence, but it also continues to get less attention in the public and medical spheres. What is Abuse? Abuse is the mistreatment of people of any age or gender, including the mistreatment of children, women, adults, and the elderly. At any age, if a person is dependent on others and vulnerable, abuse can happen. As a result of modernity, people have less empathy, love, ... Read More

Children's Rights

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:27:19


The term "children's rights" refers to a child's human rights, which emphasize the importance of providing minors with extra protection and care. In order to disguise the ways in which adults mistreat and exploit children, several government regulations have been implemented. This has resulted in a degradation of children's moral character, which in turn causes poverty, a lack of education, or even education denial for children Who is a “CHILD”? According to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a child is any individual who is less than the age of eighteen, unless the child is ... Read More

Child Laundering: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 10:03:44


The high earnings from the underground adoption markets drive many child-laundering organizations, which are frequently large organizations with various levels. With Westerners prepared to spend thousands of dollars to espouse a child, there is sufficient financial incentive to expand the laundering network beyond the middle class to nations' more affluent groups. These "baby broker" families then create a new identity for the child who was laundered, "confirmatory" the child's authorized grade as a bereave and making sure the scam won't be discovered. Structure of Involvement The child-laundering industry has a complicated hierarchy that includes governments, orphanages, middlemen, birth ... Read More
