Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Validity of Digital Signature in Intellectual Property Agreement

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 15:23:48


Intellectual property agreements are legal documents intended to safeguard and administer the creator' and owners' intellectual property rights. These agreements may contain clauses about patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, among others. With the proliferation of digital technologies, digital signatures have become a common and efficient method of signing intellectual property agreements. The Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Indian Contract Act, 1872 govern the validity of digital signatures in these types of contracts. Meaning of Intellectual Property Contract A legal contract that describes the terms and conditions for the use, ownership, and protection of intellectual property is ... Read More

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 15:20:32


The UNHCR recorded an "unprecedented" 57, 959, 702 people falling within its mandate in its Mid-Year Trends report from June 2015 (based on data for mid-2015 or the most recent information available at that time) (for reference, on 1 January 2007, 21, 018, 589 people, or less than half of the number in 2015, fell under the mandate of the UNHCR). The Syrian Civil War was primarily blamed for the sudden surge, although other conflicts in Afghanistan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, and the Ukraine all worsened or started up, contributing to general trends. ... Read More

United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 15:16:18


A global environmental agreement known as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was created to counteract "hazardous human intrusion with the climate structure, " in part by steadying greenhouse gas meditations in the atmosphere. 154 nations signed it at the 1992 Earth Summit, also known as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which took place in Rio de Janeiro from June 3–14, 1992. In 1996, the organization's secretariat moved from Geneva to Bonn. On March 21, 1994, it became effective. The treaty outlined future policy arrangements, consistent conferences, and scientific research that ... Read More

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 15:10:29


The 1994 UN Treaty to Avert Desertification is the first universal agreement that links conservational defense, economic growth, and sustainable terrestrial management (UNCCD). The drylands, also known as dry, semi-dry, and dry sub-humid areas, are home to some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and inhabitants, and they are specifically addressed by the Convention. The Convention was acknowledged in Paris, France, on June 17, 1994, and went into upshot in December 1996. It is the only treaty that was unswervingly recommended by Agenda 21 at the Rio Conference. It is the only globally enforceable creation reputable to deal with ... Read More

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 15:02:24


India recently reaffirmed its adherence to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). India also backed unrestricted trade, freedom of navigation and over flight, and other aspects of international law, particularly the UNCLOS 1982. India is a UNCLOS state party. What is the Meaning of Law of the Sea? The use and maintenance of the ocean's environment and its natural resources are governed by a body of public international law known as the law of the sea, which also establishes the rights and obligations of coastal states. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the ... Read More

Sustainable Development: Meaning and Examples

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:55:52

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Due to its balanced approach between economic development and environmental sustainability, sustainable human development, also known as people-centered development, has become more and more popular over the last few years. Rapid urbanization and globalization present a number of previously unmet issues that must be overcome. Cities operate as powerful magnets, drawing large numbers of people, which is considerably complemented by immense obstacles like rising pollution, lively use of natural resources, and mass exploitation of energy sources. Cities are focal places for big changes and mighty potential. What is the Meaning of Sustainable Development? Sustainable development is a common abbreviation ... Read More

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:47:40


The official mission of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), which was established by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 1966, is to "promote the progressive harmonization and unification of international trade law" through conventions, model laws, and other legal instruments that deal with important facets of business, such as dispute resolution and the buying and selling of goods. UNCITRAL conducts its business at yearly sessions that alternate between Vienna, where it is headquartered, and New York City, New York, USA. What is International Trade Law? The country's government uses international trade law as a ... Read More

Types of Tort Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:44:43


A "tort" is a civil wrong that someone suffers from and which results in legal action. It may be possible for the victim of an injury to file a lawsuit in order to receive damages as recompense for what he or she suffered. This frequently occurs in personal injury cases where the plaintiff sues the defendant and try to recover the costs of their losses, injuries, and other damages. What is Tort law? The majority of civil lawsuits fall under the purview of tort law. With the exception of contractual conflicts, most claims that come before a civil ... Read More

Types of Funds in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 14:39:37


Accounts play a key role in a country's economic management. The Consolidated Fund of India (Article 266), the Contingency Fund of India (Article 267), and the Public Accounts of India (Article 266(2)) are the three different forms of central government finances that are mentioned in the Indian Constitution. What is Government Fund? Government financing is a formal donation made by a federal, state, or local government body in honor of a noble effort. In essence, it serves as a transfer payment. Grants do not include technical help or other types of financial aid like loans, loan guarantees, discounted ... Read More

Trademark: Fair and Nominative Use

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 15:14:36


The primary benefit of a trademark enjoyed by a Registered Proprietor and this right prevents others from using an identical with and/or deceptively similar trademark. The primary function of a trademark is to operate as a source identifier of products and services. This advantage for trademark owners is not, however, unqualified. However, in some cases, it is allowed to use trademarks by people or entities other than the trademark owner. These ideas are crucial in achieving a balance between the interests of trademark owners and the general public when using trademarks for diverse things. What is a ... Read More
