Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Manepalli Narayanarao Venkatachaliah: Former Chief Justice of India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 11:26:37


Justice Manepalli Narayanarao Venkatachaliah was born on October 25th, 1929. He is an Indian lawyer who subsequently became a judge. He served as CJI for more than a year. Justice Venkatachaliah authored 90 decisions and was a part of 482 benches in his Supreme Court career. He was preceded by Justice L.M. Sharma and succeeded by Justice A.M. Ahmadi. Early Life and Education He was raised in a well-known Hindu family. He graduated from the University of Mysore with a Bachelor of Science and the University of Bangalore with a Bachelor of Laws. Career Justice Sam Piroj Bharucha began ... Read More

Madhukar Hiralal Kania: Former Chief Justice of India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 11:16:53


Justice Madhukar Hiralal Kania was born on November 18th, 1927. He is an Indian lawyer who subsequently became a judge. He served as CJI for more than a year. Justice Madhukar Hiralal Kania authored 107 decisions and was a part of 454 bench in his Supreme Court career. He died on February 1st 2016 at the age of 88. He was preceded by Justice K.N. Singh and succeeded by Justice L.M. Sharma. Early Life and Education Kania received her education at the Government Law College in Bombay, Elphinstone College, Fellowship School, and St. Xavier's High School. The first Chief Justice ... Read More

Madam Moham Punchhi Former Chief Justice of India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 11:09:54


Justice Madam Moham Punchhi was born on October 10th, 1933. He is an Indian lawyer who subsequently became a judge. He served as CJI for less than a year. Justice Bharucha authored 142 decisions and was a part of 776 bench in his career at the Supreme Court. He died on June 17th, 2015 at the age of 81. He was preceded by Justice J. S. Verma and succeeded by Justice Adarsh Sein Anand. Early Life and Education Justice Punchhi was born in Punjab. He was raised in a well-known Hindu family. He had completed his Bachelor Degree of Law ... Read More

Self-Esteem as a Status-Tracking Mechanism

Utkarsh Shukla
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:01:30


The imagined place or rank of an individual or group in a specific societal hierarchy or system is called status. It is frequently founded on money, schooling, employment, or social connections. Status can be subjective and objective, with some elements being more concrete and quantifiable than others. A person's social status can substantially affect their life, influencing their access to resources, chances, and social networks. It can also have an impact on their self-esteem and sense of identity because people often receive a feeling of pride or satisfaction from it. What is Self Esteem? Self-esteem is a person's overall ... Read More

Determinants of Dominance

Utkarsh Shukla
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:43:04


Dominance is a notion in many disciplines, including biology, psychology, and economics. It alludes to an individual's or group's capacity to exercise control and influence over others. Dominance is the ability of one individual in a group to exert control or influence over the behavior of others. Various factors can influence dominance within a group, including physical size, social skills, communication abilities, and cultural context. What are the Determinants of Dominance? A range of verbal and nonverbal cues indicate great dominance and rank. They include time spent conversing with testosterone. This section outlines the most crucial dominance and status ... Read More

Dominance and Social Attention-Holding Theory

Utkarsh Shukla
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:18:32


Dominance and Social Attention-Holding Theory (DSAH) is a social psychology theory that proposes that dominant individuals are more likely to capture and maintain the focus of others in social settings. Daniel J. Canary and Michael J. Cody created the hypothesis in 1994. Dominant people are perceived to be more capable and assured, which can be attractive to others. This theory has been used to explain various social phenomena, such as people's proclivity to submit to authoritative figures, how people respond to attractive leaders, and the dynamics of social structures in groups. According to this theory, those with greater dominance ... Read More

General Remedies in Torts

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:15:56


In order to uphold justice and peace in any situation where a subject's legal rights are in jeopardy, that society's members are given remedies. The monetary compensation provided to a person as atonement for the loss he has suffered is referred to as "remedies." Any person may be given redress in a number of ways, such as through a court order, a decision reached following a trial or hearing, a settlement reached between the party alleging harm and the party at fault, or by the straightforward application of the law. Meaning of General Remedy It is common ... Read More

Judicial Remedies: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:10:31


There are a variety of compensation options available to citizens of countries when a particular action or solution calls for financial compensation for losses brought on by accidents or the breach of contract by certain individuals. Meaning of Judicial Remedy Remedies are different sorts of compensation given to a person who suffers from the defect. Remedies are given to the subject in society to ensure justice and peace in matters where legal rights are concerned. It may be granted to anyone in a variety of ways, including a court order, a judgment following a trial, or an agreement between ... Read More

Human Trafficking in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:04:52


The illegal transport of human beings for commercial sex, forced labor, domestic services, manual labor, begging, etc. is known as human trafficking. In earlier times, people sold their women or children to protect themselves from debts or just for the sake of some amount of money. In today’s world, still people sold their women and children in some backward areas. Only women and children are not victims of human trafficking but men as well. Women are mostly trafficked for commercial sex and domestic services and children for begging and child labour. What is Human Trafficking? Trafficking refers to ... Read More

Inevitable Accident: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:00:14

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Under tort law, the doctrine of "inevitable accident" is a well-established general defense that disavows responsibility. Its roots are in the early common law system of England. An accident is considered "inevitable" if it could not have been prevented using common sense caution, prudence, and skill. An unavoidable accident, according to Sir Frederick Pollock, is one that "cannot be avoided by any such precautions as a reasonable man, doing such an act, could be expected to take." In other words, it alludes to an accident that the defendant could not have avoided even if he had shown the ... Read More
