Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law: Meaning and Examples

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:28:34


India's institutional and legal system for resolving debt default does not adhere to international standards. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016, was adopted by the Parliament in order to create and update the legal framework for quick bankruptcy resolution in India, as well as to promote entrepreneurship, improve access to capital, and balance the interests of all stakeholders engaged in a firm. Further, with its 255 sections and 11 schedules, the 2016 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code is fairly comprehensive. The legislation aims to consolidate the laws currently found in different pieces of legislation relating to the insolvency of ... Read More

Impeachment: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:24:05


Top officials or head of the states are the most respectable and honourable post and responsible towards the whole country; hence, their removal is not an easy task. In fact, there must be some proper channel and procedure in which consent of all officials/legislators must be taken and only then removal decision is made. Technically, this process i.e. the removal of top official of the state is known as “impeachment.” This procedure is used to hold elected officials accountable for their activities and guarantee that they serve the public interest. Meaning of Impeachment Impeachment is the legal procedure by ... Read More

Executive Powers of Vice President

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:16:36


The second-highest constitutional position in India is that of the vice president. The vice president does have some significant executive authority. The nomination of senior officials and the execution of oaths of office are the main responsibilities of these powers. There must be a Vice-President of India, according to Article 63 of the Indian Constitution. In accordance with the constitution, the Vice-President is a member of the Executive. The Vice-President of India now serves in two capacities: one as the Presiding Officer of the Upper House of Parliament and the other as the second head of the Executive. ... Read More

Emotional Distress: Meaning and Definition

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:08:33


A broad word, "emotional distress, " can be used to describe a wide range of symptoms from numerous mental health conditions. Nonetheless, even if a person does not fulfil the criteria for a psychiatric disorder, they can still feel emotional pain. Symptoms and experiences of a person's inner life that are typically regarded as disturbing, perplexing, or unusual are included in the category of mental discomfort. What is the Meaning of Emotional Distress? A typical response to the stresses of daily life is stress. Fear, anger, sadness, worry, and other emotions are all common emotional distress. All of ... Read More

President Election in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 10:30:24


Article 54 of the Indian Constitution states that whenever the office of President (about) to vacant, the new president will be chosen by an electoral college. And, the electoral college is consisting of the elected members of both houses of parliament (MPs), the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies (Vidhan Sabha) of all States and the elected members of the legislative assemblies (MLAs) of union territories. Further, Article 55 states that the election of the President shall be held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote and the voting at ... Read More

Economic Tort: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:27:35


The protection of the claimant's economic interests is the main objective of ECONOMIC TORTS, as their name suggests. These torts include dishonesty, malicious falsehood, intimidation, simple conspiracy, unlawful conspiracy, causing the breach of contract, and unlawful trade interference. These are all intentional torts. They also include passing off, one of the most beneficial economic torts, which, despite typically involving intentional harm in practice, is actually a strict liability tort. Last but not least, although it is used sparingly, negligence is also a type of economic tort. Economic torts are typically divided into two groups: ... Read More

Tax vs. Tariff: Which One Impacts Your Business More?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:14:11


Most people have paid taxes at some point in their lives, whether they were income taxes, sales taxes, or a combination of both. Only a select few, however, have paid tariffs out of their own pockets. Those in the know frequently use the terms tax and tariff interchangeably. But they differ from one another. Contrary to taxes, which are levied on the taxable income of individuals and businesses, tariffs are applied to the importation of products. By paying taxes, both individuals and corporations support the government. What is Tax? These are taxes that people and businesses must pay to ... Read More

Difference Between Tax and Fee

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:09:20

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The three lists in Schedule VII of the Indian Constitution define the limits of the Centre's and States' legislative authority. Tax and fee-levying authority do not overlap, and the terms "fee" and "tax" have been given various interpretations. To distinguish fees from tax, the Hon. Supreme Court has carved out a "quid pro quo test" between the fees received and the services delivered in its initial judgments. While levying a charge is related to the costs paid by the government in providing a service, tax was once thought to be a general burden for the benefit of the public. ... Read More

Defences To Defamation

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:02:59


Reputation is viewed as a person's private property. It is more valuable than any other type of asset. A person's reputation is effectively hurt when they are defamed. Similar to interfering with property, someone who damages another's reputation does so at their own peril. Defamation is described as "the offence of hurting a person's character, fame, or repute by false and malicious utterances" in Black's Law Dictionary. A defamatory statement is a false statement of fact that harms a person's reputation, according to legal definitions. It implies you might have a defamation case if someone makes a false ... Read More

Cyberstalking: Meaning and Examples

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 13:54:18


Cyberstalking does not always include face-to-face contact, and some victims may not even be aware that they are being followed online. Numerous techniques can be employed to keep tabs on the victims, and the data acquired may then be utilised to commit crimes like identity theft. Some stalkers even contact the victims' acquaintances and continue their harassment offline. What is the Meaning of Cyberstalking? Cyberstalking is a type of online crime. Internet-related terms like "cyber" and "stalking" refer to the practise of looking into someone's online activity on social media or through other online techniques. In other words, it ... Read More
