Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Article 58 of the Indian Constitution

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 13:54:45


The President of India is both the head of state and the supreme commander of the Armed Forces. Qualifications for becoming the President of India are outlined in the Indian Constitution; so, whomever fulfils these requirements can file nomination for the presidential election. Qualification for Presidential Election The prerequisites for holding the position of President in India (as per Article 58) are − Citizen of India − The President of India must be an Indian citizen. The candidate must be 35 years of age or older. The candidate must be qualified for election as a member of the ... Read More

Public Order Crime

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 09:20:26


Public order crimes include a wide range of offences that have been variously referred to as vice offences, consenting offences, victimless crimes, or nuisance offences. The selling of narcotics is one public order crime that is taken extremely severely, while other offences are discarded with a shrug or an expression of contempt. It is a "moving target" category where it is both lawful and illegal at different times and in different locations. What is the meaning of Public Order Crime? Public order crimes are activities that do not comply with society. The recognized moral principles that define what ... Read More

No Fault Liability: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 09:13:42

3K+ Views

The Rule of Strict Liability, also called The Rule of No-Fault Liability, states that a person may be liable even if they are not at fault. The person in this case may not have done any harmful or negligent act or may have put in some positive efforts, however, the rule claims him for compensation. This indicates that the defendant or doer will be held accountable regardless of whether or not he acted negligently. What does No Fault Liability Describe? No fault liability is a legal concept that holds a person or entity responsible for damages or injuries without requiring ... Read More

Liability under Consumer Sales Laws

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 09:09:17


When a seller violates one or more of their commitments, such as failing to deliver products of reasonable quality or failing to disclose material facts about the goods being sold, they may be held accountable under consumer sales laws. What is Liability Liability is the legal duty or obligation to make good on a debt, pay for wrongs committed, or compensate for losses sustained. Liability is the state of being responsible or liable for anything, particularly for one's choices or actions. In the event that the products or services they have purchased fall short of the requirements outlined in ... Read More

Liability Under Consumer Privacy Laws

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 09:03:39


Consumer privacy laws are enacted with the purpose of protecting individuals' personal information from being accessed, used, or exploited in an unlawful manner by businesses and other organisations. Because customers are dishing out an increasing amount of personally identifiable information to companies in this digital age, there is a growing demand for enhanced privacy safeguards to accommodate this trend. Meaning of Liability under Consumer Privacy Law The term "liability under consumer privacy laws" refers to the legal obligation that businesses and other organisations have to safeguard the personal information of their clients and other individuals who make use of ... Read More

Liability under Consumer Marketing Laws

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 09:58:16


Consumer protection from fraud and abuse, product labeling and advertising, product safety, consumer warranties, consumer contracts, and payment for losses or damages suffered by consumers as a result of a violation of consumer marketing laws are just a few of the many topics covered by consumer marketing laws. What is Liability? Liability is the legal obligation to do something, particularly to pay back debts or provide compensation in the event of harm or loss. Liability is the term used to describe a person's or a business's obligation to pay for the damage they may have mistakenly or purposefully ... Read More

Liability Under Consumer Fraud Laws

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:47:57


Under consumer fraud laws, businesses and individuals can be held liable for committing fraud or other deceptive practices, such as false advertising, bait and switch tactics, and hidden fees or charges. Liability can result in significant fines, damages, and even criminal penalties, depending on the nature and severity of the violation. Consumer Fraud Laws Consumer fraud laws aim to protect consumers from false or misleading information, unfair business practices, and other forms of deception that can cause harm to consumers. It is legislated to safeguard consumer rights and combat fraudulent market activity. In India, the Consumer Protection Act of ... Read More

Liability in Consumer Data Protection

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:43:20


In the current digital era, data protection is of the utmost importance. Customers give their personal information to corporations, social media sites, and government authorities, among others. It is the obligation of the entities that collect, handle, and keep such data to safeguard it from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. This obligation is referred to as liability in consumer data protection. Liability Definition in Consumer Data Protection Liability in consumer data protection refers to the legal obligation of organisations that collect, handle, and retain customer data to safeguard it from unlawful access, use, and disclosure. Data has become ... Read More

Legislative Powers of Vice President

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:37:12


According to Article 63, India must have a vice president. The Vice President serves as the Ex-Officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha (or the Council of States or Upper House). This constitutional position is endowed with a number of duties and authorities. In the event of any emergencies, he even performs the President's duties. After the President, the vice president holds the highest constitutional position in India. A five-year term is granted to the Vice President, who is chosen by an electoral college made up of representatives from both houses of the Parliament. Legislative Powers of the Vice-president Despite ... Read More

Issues of Copyright in Digital Era

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:33:06

3K+ Views

In India, copyright in the digital era is governed by the Copyright Act of 1957, which has been revised multiple times to cope up with evolving technology and the digital environment. The Act protects a variety of works, including literary, dramatic, musical, and creative works, in addition to computer programmes and databases. What are Copyright Issues in Digital Era? The issue of copyright has gotten increasingly complex and difficult in the digital age. Given the broad availability of digital technologies, copying, distributing, and manipulating digital content is now easier than ever. This has resulted in several copyright difficulties, such ... Read More
