Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Private Defense in Tort Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:45:55

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Tort law is the branch of civil law that deals with civil wrongs committed by one party against another, resulting in damage or injury. If someone is harmed by the actions of another, the victim may be entitled to compensation for the harm suffered. One of the defenses that may be raised in tort proceedings is the private defense. A private defense is a defense that allows a person to use reasonable force to protect themselves or others from harm. Meaning and Scope Private Defense Private defense in tort law is an important law that enables individuals to ... Read More

An overview of Prison reforms in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:40:52


The prisons in India have existed since the time India was ruled by the rulers. These prisons or dungeons were made in such dark places of the fort that the prisoners couldn’t even see the daylight. They were chained and never had any rights. This prison system changed gradually with time and with the change in the valuation of the rights of all human beings, including prisoners. What is a Prison? Prisonisation symbolises a system of punishment and also a sort of institutional placement of under trials and suspects during the period of trial. Since a society without crime ... Read More

Causes of Prejudice

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 11-May-2023 15:37:21

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There is no single explanation for prejudice; rather, a variety of factors interact to produce it. According to psychologist Gordon Allport, stereotypes and bias can sometimes develop from regular human thought. Sorting information into mental categories is essential for understanding the world around us. Allport wrote in his book The Nature of Prejudice that "the human mind must think with the aid of categories." "Once established, categories serve as the foundation for typical prejudging. Meaning of Prejudice Prejudice is a social sickness that persists from generation to generation. Prejudice is a noun that comes from the Latin word ... Read More

Pogrom: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:30:54


A violent disturbance called a pogrom is started by someone with the intention of killing or driving out a particular racial or religious community, usually the Jews. Assaults on Jews in the Russian Empire throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, mostly in the Pale of Settlement, are described by the phrase, which originated in Russian. Pogroms are similar attacks against Jews that happened in the past at various times and locations. The phrase is sometimes used to refer to attacks on non-Jewish groups that have received popular approval as being purgative. The elements of a pogrom might vary greatly ... Read More

Plaintiff: The Wrongdoer

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:21:01

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When the plaintiff himself or herself committed an illegal or wrong act, or even negligent about his or her due care, the law excuses the defendant. The Latin proverb "ex turpi causa non oritur action" (no action proceeds from an immoral cause) is the source of this defense. Therefore, a plaintiff's own illegal act could result in a strong defense in tort cases. In addition to tort law, this maxim also applies to the contract, restitution, property, and trusts. According to Pollock, when the plaintiff is a wrongdoer, he is not disabled from recovering in tort unless some unlawful act ... Read More

Oppression: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:15:32


Hunting, gathering, and fishing civilizations were primarily egalitarian and cooperative before agriculture was developed. All of the physically able individuals of these very early nomadic communities had to contribute to obtaining the needs of life because they often did not stockpile and conserve food. Whatever differences there were within these groupings were mostly determined by sex, age, and unique social and physical abilities. With the exception of times of acute shortage, when the group's existence necessitated giving precedence to those who could contribute the most to it, the distribution of food, work products, and services has a tendency ... Read More

Negligence by Professionals Under Law of Tort

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:11:44


In the context of negligence by professionals, the standard of care required is that of a reasonable professional in the same field. A professional is expected to have the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their duties with reasonable care and diligence. If a professional fail to meet this standard of care, and their client or patient suffers harm as a result, they may be liable for negligence. Professionals can be held liable for negligence in a variety of situations. For example, a doctor may be negligent if they fail to diagnose a patient's illness, by prescribing the ... Read More

Need of Adhaar Card and Penalties if Not Registered

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 13:58:52


The Aadhaar Card is a 12-digit identification number issued by the Indian government to its citizens. It is an important document that serves as identification and address proof. The Aadhaar Card is linked to a variety of social welfare programs, bank accounts, and mobile phone numbers. For many services and benefits, having an Aadhaar Card is now required, and the government has imposed penalties for those who do not register for one. The Government of India funds numerous social welfare programs aimed at helping the underprivileged and most vulnerable segments of society. The Aadhaar platform provides a unique opportunity ... Read More

Nationalization: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 13:42:07


More nationalization occurs in emerging nations. In developed nations, privatization—the transfer of government-run activities into the private sector—occurs more frequently. Due to the possibility of having substantial assets impounded without just compensation, nationalization is one of the main risks for businesses operating abroad. In nations with erratic political leadership and slow-growing or stagnant economies, this danger is heightened. The primary result of nationalization is the transfer of income to the national government as opposed to private businesses, which may export funds without benefiting the home nation. Meaning Of Nationalization Nationalization is the process of converting individually held assets ... Read More

Modern Slavery: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 13:38:26


The ownership of a person as property, particularly in relation to their labor, is known as slavery. A person who is owned by another or who is compelled to work against their will is a slave. Slavery often entails forced labor, with the master controlling the slave's dwelling and place of employment. A person is placed into slavery by enslavement. Meaning of Slavery An unrelated person performing dependent labor under the guise of slavery. The slave was denied his own freedom and his right to travel anywhere he pleased. His ability to choose his career and sexual partners, ... Read More
