Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Human Rights Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:53:42


Human rights are the standard rights that a person attains by his mere existence, and the law helps to recognise, protect, and conserve such rights. Also known as natural rights, human rights are the minimal rights given to every individual who is born as a human being, irrespective of their caste, religion, sex, or any kind of discrimination. Human rights are universal and inalienable. All people everywhere in the world are entitled to them. No one can give them up nor can others take it away from him or her. The right to vote and the right to a fair ... Read More

Family Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:50:56


Every family has some disputes and issues related to marriage, divorce, child custody, property, business, etc. so, to regulate and curve these issues based on their customs and traditions and govern their all such affairs, the Family laws have been evolved. Even though the legal definition of a family does not include individuals who are not married, unmarried couples and their children, if any, are frequently included in family law. There are also several situations where a party not normally involved in parent−child relationships may do so. Adoptions and situations where someone other than the child's parent wants to have ... Read More

Evolution of the Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:48:28

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The word "law" is used in a variety of contexts. It indicates several categories of laws and principles. According to Blackstone, "law" means a rule of activity and is applied indiscriminately to all forms of behaviour, whether alive, rational, or illogical. Thus, we state that "the law of motion, gravitation, optics, or mechanics, as well as the law of nature and nations, " which aids in comprehending the numerous ways that the term "law" is employed in different academic disciplines. Sources of law which led to evolution Following are the major sources of law that caused its evolution − ... Read More

Evidence Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:44:13

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To administer justice and uphold citizens' rights is the main goal of any judicial system, regardless of the state. A competent tribunal may accept any objects or assertions of facts as evidence in order to verify the veracity of any alleged fact that is the subject of its examination. In plain English, a party at a trial introduces evidence to establish a given fact in support of him What is the Meaning of Evidence? The Meaning of the Word "Evidence" The term "evidence" comes from the Latin word "evidens evidere, " which means "to show clearly; to make clear, certain, ... Read More

Criminal Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:38:19


The commands that you "do it this way or else you suffer for it." The criminal justice system is built on the principles of criminal law. In fact, no society is free of crime; or in other words, wherever the society is, crime is bound to be there. So, to curb the crime and safeguard the society, criminal law legislated. What is Criminal Law? Criminal law that primarily defines the types of crime, determines the degree of crimes and respective punishment, and lastly also explains the procedure to punish a perpetrator, is well defined and codified law. Likewise, if someone ... Read More

Company Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:34:44

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The way companies run is now given new prominence by contemporary culture. It has become the most widely used kind of business organization. The fact that a company is not a property is now commonly accepted, even in countries with a long history of capitalism. It has been proven false that a company's stockholders do not own it. According to the new socio−economic theory, a firm is a social entity with obligations and responsibilities to the community in which it functions. What is the Meaning of Company? There is no formal technical or legal definition of the term "Company." The ... Read More

Common Law System: Meaning & Examples

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:30:46


Majority of the countries of the world follow common law system. They don’t have the specified or codified law books or statutes rather to decide the cases, they follow previously decided cases. What is the Meaning of Common Law System? The common law is the body of law established through judicial judgments. A common law system is one that bases its jurisprudence more on the theory of judicial precedent—the idea that lower courts must follow upper courts' rulings—than it does on statutory legislation. Instead of through legislative acts or executive action, the Common Law refers to law and the associated ... Read More

Commercial Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 10:24:27

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In a broader sense, "law" means any rule of action. In a legal sense, law means those rules, standards, and principles governing and regulating social conduct that are recognized and enforced in a court of law. It regulates the actions of persons with respect to one another and with respect to the entire social group. Similarly, commercial activities are the professional relationships that people practice with the transactions of products, services, and money. And, to deal with such commercial transactions, commercial law is legislated. What is the Meaning of Commercial Law? Commercial law is a set of rules that regulates ... Read More

Classification of Law

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 10:14:15

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Classification is an ancient concept. The Roman jurists were the ones who originally classified things. Also established by the ancient Hindu jurists were the 18 titles or heads of "Vyavahara" civil law. Criminal law is differentiated from civil law and is classified under various headings. The classification of law has two limitations. Any classification will only have a relative value, and no overarching principles or guidelines can be established for it. Old rules changed over time in terms of their nature and the context in which they were used, and new rules based on new principles came into being. A ... Read More

Civil Law System: Meaning & Examples

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 10:10:16

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Some of the countries have specified or codified legal system. Everything is well defined and well documented; hence, every organ of the government and judiciary work based on the rules already codified and documented. What is the Meaning of Civil Law system? The Civil Law System is a comprehensive, regularly updated set of legal codes that are present in nations and outline all matters that may be brought before a court, the applicable procedure, and the proper sanctions for each infraction. Such codes discriminate between various kinds of law− substantive law specifies which activities are subject to criminal or civil ... Read More
