Found 417 Articles for Kotlin

Difference between List and Array types in Kotlin

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 10:56:27

4K+ Views

List and array are two popular collections supported by Kotlin. By definition, both these collections allocate sequential memory location. In this article, we will take an example to demonstrate the difference between these two types of collections.AttributeArrayListImplementationArray is implemented using Array classList or MutableList interfaces are used to implement a List in KotlinMutableArray is mutable, i.e., the values can be changed.List is immutable in nature. In order to create a mutable list, MutableList interface needs to be used.SizeArray is of fixed size. It cannot increase and decrease in size.MutableList do have 'add' and 'remove' functions in order to increase or ... Read More

Extend data class in Kotlin

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 10:52:51

3K+ Views

Data class is a class that holds the data for an application. It is just like a POJO class that we use in Java in order to hold the data.In Java, for data class, we need to create getter and setter methods in order to access the properties of that class. In Kotlin, when a class is declared as a data class, the compiler automatically creates some supporting methods required to access the member variable of the class. The compiler will create getters and setters for the constructor parameters, hashCode(), equals(), toString(), copy().For a class to be considered as a ... Read More

What are constants in Kotlin and how to create them?

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 10:43:14

3K+ Views

In every programming language, we need some variable whose value will never change thoroughout the program. In Kotlin too, we have a keyword to create such a variable whose value will remain as constant throughout the program. In order to declare a value as constant, we can use the "const" keyword at the beginning. In this article, we will learn how we can declare a variable as constant in a different way.Example: Top level declarationExampleKotlin const variable can be declared at the top of the programming language and it can be used throughout the file scope.private const val My_TOP_LEVEL_CONST_VAL = ... Read More

Sort collection by multiple fields in Kotlin

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 09:16:39

1K+ Views

A Collection is an object where developers can group different types of related objects in one place. There are different kinds of collections present in Kotlin library such as List, Array, etc.In this article, we will see how we can sort a collection by different properties present inside that collection. In order to do that, we will be taking the help of the following two functions provided by the Kotlin library.sortedWith()compareBy()sortedWith()sortedWith() is a function provided by the Kotlin library that returns a list of all the elements sorted by a specified comparator. According to official Kotlin documentation, the function definition ... Read More

How to initialize an array in Kotlin with values?

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 09:00:20

2K+ Views

An array is a type of data structure that contains a definite number of similar types of values or data. In this data structure, every element can be accessed using the array index that usually starts at "0".In Kotlin, arrays can be created using the function arrayOf() or using an Array constructor.Important points regarding Arrays in Kotlin −Arrays are stored in a sequence as per the memory location is concerned.All the elements in an array can be accessed using their index.Arrays are mutable in nature.In conventional programming, the size usually declared along with its initialization, hence we can conclude that ... Read More

What is the difference between "var" and "val" in Kotlin?

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 08:56:40

2K+ Views

In Kotlin, we can declare a variable using two different keywords: one is var and the other one is val. In this article, we will take an example and demonstrate how these declarations are different from each other.AttributevarvalDeclarationvar varName="hello World"val sName = ""ImmutabilityMutableImmutableNo. of times a variable can be assigned Can be assigned multiple times.Cannot be assigned multiple times.Reassigned Can be reassignedCannot be reassignedExampleIn the following example, we will see how we can declare two different variables using "val" and "var". We will also see that the variable declared using 'var' can be changed, while the variable declared using 'val' cannot be ... Read More

What is the difference between "const" and "val" in Kotlin?

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 08:54:22

6K+ Views

const KeywordThe const keyword is used in Kotlin whenever the variable value remains const throughout the lifecycle of an application. It means that const is applied only on immutable properties of the class. In simple words, use const to declare a read-only property of a class.There are some constraints that are applied to the const variable. They are as follows −const can only be applied to the immutable property of a class.It cannot be assigned to any function or any class constructor. It should be assigned with a primitive data type or String.The const variable will be initialized at compile-time.ExampleIn ... Read More

Kotlin – Property initialization using "by lazy" vs. "lateinit"

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 08:51:06

10K+ Views

Kotlin library provides two different access modifiers for property declaration.In this article, we will highlight the difference between these two access modifiers and how we can use them in our application.LateinitIn order to create a "lateInit" variable, we just need to add the keyword "lateInit" as an access modifier of that variable. Following are a set of conditions that need to be followed in order to use "lateInit" in Kotlin.Use "lateInit" with a mutable variable. That means, we need to use "var" keyword with "lateInit"."lateInit" is allowed only with non-NULLable data types."lateInit" does not work with primitive data types."lateInit" can ... Read More

How to check if a "lateInit" variable has been initialized in Kotlin?

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 08:41:14

3K+ Views

Any variable which is initialized after its declaration is known as a "late initialized variable". In conventional programming languages, any non-NULL type of variable need to be initialized in the constructor. But sometimes, by mistake, developers forget to do these NULL checks which causes a programming error. In order to avoid this situation, Kotlin introduced a new modifier called as "lateInit". Along with this modifier, Kotlin provides a couple of methods to check whether this variable is initialized or not.In order to create a "lateInit" variable, we just need to add the keyword "lateInit" as an access modifier of that ... Read More

What is the equivalent of Java static methods in Kotlin?

Soumak De
Updated on 27-Oct-2021 08:22:43


In Java, "static" keyword is used for efficient memory management. Once a variable or method is declared as static, then the JVM will allocate memory for these variable only once. Usually static variables are used to declare common properties of a class, for example, "Name of the institution". In the following example, we will see how to use the static keyword.Example of Static in using JavaIn order to demonstrate how static works in Java, we will access our online Java compiler and we will create a Test class. Inside Test, we will try to create a static variable along with ... Read More
