Found 766 Articles for JQuery

How to create a dynamic HTML pages

Aman Gupta
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 11:04:14

3K+ Views

Overview Nowadays most of the pages are dynamic in nature, the dynamic page means that it changes the content with respect to the user. Dynamic pages cannot be built by simply HTML and CSS because it will provide the page static nature only, so to make the web page dynamic we have to use the scripting language such as javascript or jQuery. We can make the page dynamic in many ways such as when a user enters his credentials to the page he can retrieve the information regarding his credentials. The dynamic page also represents those web pages which can ... Read More

How to create a Drawing Effect Animation using CSS

Aman Gupta
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 11:02:13


Overview Cascading Styles Sheet (CSS) animation provides the HTML element a movement on the page. To achieve the drawing effect animation we need to have prior knowledge on the HTML svg element, path element and for CSS we should have knowledge on the animation and keyframe properties. As the svg element provides a space to build a custom image which can be inserted using the element. So to make the drawing animation we should have the knowledge to build the svg strokes. The svg path element has the following point data to build the strokes these data points are: ... Read More

How to create Disable Fieldcontain flip toggle switch using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 11:00:06


Overview A flip toggle switch is a button which is used to change any element's state, from one state to another. The jQuery mobile is a library which maintains the user interface for the web pages. The jQuery mobile provides some of the data−role attributes value with some of its predefined classes which provides a good look from the normal basic interface to the user. Like that a “fieldcontain” is also an attribute value of the attribute data−role. The data−role attribute provides the property to the element to which it is added, if the data−role value of the attribute is ... Read More

How to create a Bars icon using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 10:57:45


Overview Bars icons are used as the navbar lines in the small screens. As the desktop mode of the screen shows the navbar in full view with navigation items but in the responsive nature of the navbar it only shows the bars line on the screen. So to build the bars icon using jQuery mobile can be achieved by defining the data−role attribute to any element with the value of “bars”. The bars is a predefined data role attribute. It can also be done with the simple jQuery but jQuery mobile provides a responsive way to display the icons on ... Read More

How to Create a Back Icon Using JQuery Mobile?

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:49:18


jQuery Mobile is a framework that helps programmers construct mobile-friendly web pages. A back icon returns to the previous page or screen when clicked. The data-rel="back" property in jQuery Mobile generates a back button. It is often decorated with predefined classes that determine the button's form, color, and icon. You may change the look of the button by adding or deleting these classes. JQuery Mobile provides a consistent and responsive design across multiple devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. The reason we have used JQuery Mobile to create it because, it supports a wide range of web browsers, ... Read More

Create Horizontal Selects Controlgroups in jQuery Mobile

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:46:18


The Horizontal Select Control Group is an interface component that enables users to choose from a range of choices that are presented horizontally. Step 1: Include jQuery Mobile in your project Include jQuery Mobile in your project as the first stage in creating a Horizontal Select Control Group. jQuery Mobile's most recent version can be added to your HTML page directly or through a content delivery network to accomplish this (CDN). Algorithm Load the jQuery Mobile CSS file from the given CDN URL Load the jQuery library from the given CDN URL Load the jQuery Mobile JS file ... Read More

How to Fetch Data from JSON file and Display it in an HTML Table using jQuery?

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 11:42:34

2K+ Views

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become popular and offers a lightweight and clean−to−read layout for replacing information between a server and a web application. With the assistance of jQuery, an effective JavaScript library, you could easily fetch statistics from a JSON document and display it on an HTML desk. To run the code nearby, a web server is required. Alternatively, a code editor with a live server plugin can be employed. Syntax $.getJSON() AJAX requests can be utilized to retrieve JSON data from files through this function. The function takes two arguments: URL: The primary argument is the URL ... Read More

How to Enable an Autocomplete in jQuery UI ?

Updated on 10-Aug-2023 11:31:31


Jquery is a fast and simple Javascript library which is used to make client−side HTML. It simplifies some of the Javascript functions like, DOM Manipulation, traversal, Event Handling and AJAX calls. This also has Cross−Browser compatibility. What is Autocomplete? Autocomplete is a very essential feature of User Experience, As name suggests this autocompletes text in forms such as Name, Email, Address or the tags/suggestions which has been specified according to the context of the website. jQuery UI allows us to enable the autocomplete with an autocomplete widget. Approach 1: Using autocomplete() Function autocomplete() function is a jQuery ... Read More

How to Enable an Accordion using jQuery UI ?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 18:05:06


An Accordion is a collapsible UI component which is used to make the web pages more visually appealing. The Accordion has some sections and child sections which represent the collapsible sections. In this each element has a header which when clicked shows another section which has some more details about the header. This also allows only one header to be open at a time. Some Useful Methods used for enabling accordian Destroy: This is used to destroy the accordion. Disable: This is used to disable the accordion. Enable: This is used to enable an accordion. Some useful Events ... Read More

How to create Form Element Themed Range slider using jQuery Mobile?

Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:59:41


Developing a Form element Themed Range slider with jQuery Mobile is a straightforward yet effective approach to uplift user experience on webpages. This attribute empowers users to pick a value within an assigned range through the smooth movement of a handle along a customized track. By adding themed range sliders, website designers can provide instinctive input choices that augment the convenience and aesthetics of their forms. Method 1: Using Default jQuery Mobile Range Slider The simplest method is to use the default jQuery Mobile range slider. It provides a basic, pre−styled range slider that can be customized to match your ... Read More
