Found 766 Articles for JQuery

jQuery Property

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 13:01:32


The property in jQuery contains the optional data passed to an event method when the current executing handler is bound.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −event.dataExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery property −    $(document).ready(function(){       $("p").each(function(i){          $(this).on("click", {a:i}, function(event){             alert("Line " +;          });       });    }); Demo Heading This is the 1st paragraph. This is the 2nd paragraph. Click on any of the p element above OutputThis will produce the following output −Click on any of the p element −

jQuery event.currentTarget Property

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:57:50


The event.currentTarget property in jQuery is the current DOM element within the event bubbling phase.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −event.currentTargetExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery event.currentTarget property −    $(document).ready(function(){       $("h1, p").click(function(event){          alert(event.currentTarget === this);       });    }); World Countries list... Click on any of the above element and witness a magic. OutputThis will produce the following output −Click on any of the element above and an alert box generates −

jQuery nextAll() method

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:54:02


The nextAll() method in jQuery is used to return all next sibling elements of the selected element.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery nextAll() method −    .demo * {       display: block;       border: 3px solid yellow;       padding: 3px;       margin: 25px;    }    .one {       border: 2px solid blue;    }    $(document).ready(function(){       $("span.test").nextAll().addClass("one");    }); Heading One This is our demo text in div. child grandchild grandchild grandchild grandchild ... Read More

jQuery next() method

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:50:49


The next() selector in jQuery is used to return the next sibling element of the selected element.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).next(filter)Above, the parameter filter is a selector expression to narrow down the next sibling searchExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery next() selector −    .demo * {       display: block;       border: 3px dashed red;       padding: 3px;       margin: 25px;    }    .one {       border: 2px solid yellow;    }    $(document).ready(function(){       $("span.test").next().addClass("one"); ... Read More

jQuery contents()

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:47:11


The contents() method in jQuery is used to return all direct children, including text and comment nodes, of the selected element.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).contents()ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery contents() method −    $(document).ready(function(){       $("button").click(function(){          $("div").contents().filter("p").wrap("");       });    }); Products 90% of the products are sold. 10% of the products are still waiting to get dispatched. Text Nodes OutputThis will produce the following output −Now, click on the “Text Nodes” button −

jQuery children() method

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:44:49


The children() method in jQuery is used to return all direct children of the selected element.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery children() method −    .demo * {       display: block;       border: 2px solid blue;       padding: 10px;       margin: 25px;    }    .one {       border: 2px solid yellow;    }    $(document).ready(function(){       $("div").children().addClass("one");    }); Heading One This is our demo text in div. child grandchild grandchild child grandchild ... Read More

jQuery add() method with Example

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:41:47


The add() method in jQuery is used to add elements to an existing group of elements.SyntaxThe syntax is as follows −$(selector).add(ele, context)Above, ele is the selector expression, whereas context specifiesfrom where the selector expression should begin matching.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery add() method −    .one {       color: white;       background-color: blue;    }    $(document).ready(function(){       $("h2").add("p").addClass("one");    }); Products Out-of-stock products Let us now see some products. We had Accessories We also had Books, which are now ... Read More

jQuery before() Method

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:37:45


The before() method in jQuery is used to insert specified content before the selected elements.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the before() method in jQuery −    $(document).ready(function(){       $("#btndemo").click(function(){          $("img").before("Text inserted before!");       });    }); Insert specified content OutputThis will produce the following output −Click on “Insert specified content” −

jQuery after() method

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:34:08


The after() method in jQuery is used to insert specified content after the selected elements.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery after() method −    $(document).ready(function(){       $("#btndemo").click(function(){          $("img").after("Text inserted after!");       });    }); Insert specified content OutputThis will produce the following output −Click on the above button to display the text −

jQuery Add Elements with Examples

Updated on 11-Nov-2019 12:32:33


To add elements in jQuery, let us see two methods: jQuery after() methodThe after() method in jQuery is used to insert specified content after the selected elements.ExampleLet us now see an example to implement the jQuery after() method −    $(document).ready(function(){       $("#btndemo").click(function(){          $("img").after("Text inserted after!");       });    }); Insert specified content OutputThis will produce the following output −Click on the above button to display the text −jQuery before() methodThe before() method in jQuery is used to insert specified content before the ... Read More
