Found 77 Articles for Jobs

How can I support and take care of my husband when he is not doing good in his career?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 20-May-2022 06:52:12


Moral support, emotional support, and cooperation are integral in a relationship between a husband and a wife. These are like wheels of a cart, both move accordingly in order to balance the relationship and let the journey of life move smoothly.In the light of this statement, it is certain that one of the two counterparts may dwindle at some point in life, but appropriate steps taken then-and-there can make the situation run out of the hands.Remind About Good TimesIf your husband is not doing good in his career, you can boost his confidence by reminding him of the times in ... Read More

Which out of linkedIn and is better?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

Are you crazy to get your dream job and find it difficult to chose between and LinkedIn? Before I give any verdict, let's first have a look at the features of both the is a mass driven platform. There are recruiters who range from small to large firms but here you find most of the recruiters are from the small units.The profiles of users are not easily comparable.The profiles of users are accessible.The provision of referrals and recommendations does not associate itself to Naukri.comThere is no provision to track an individual, who is actively looking for a job ... Read More

What are some common mistakes hiring managers to see on resumes?

Updated on 26-Apr-2022 12:54:31


A resume can make or break your job prospects with a company. While a professionally made resume does help you present your skills the desired way to the hiring company, there are some common mistakes on the resume that the hiring managers identify and they can prove disastrous for your job prospects.Typo ErrorsSilly mistakes in typing, grammar, spellings, or errors in formatting can be suicidal for your career before it even starts. So, make sure that you proofread the resume before handing it over to the hiring managers, as they will spot these mistakes first.Lack of ClarityThe resume is crisp, ... Read More

Can I ever become rich working in a company as an employee?

Updated on 11-May-2022 11:13:55


Money is the biggest motivator and never fails to leave a positive impact on a person. The entire world is striving to either achieve success or earn a lucrative sum of money. Everyone aims to get rich regardless of being self-employed or employed.What is being Rich?Now, the solution to whether you will be able to become rich being an employee of a company or not depends on your perception. The idea of richness varies from person to person. According to me, if you are financially strong enough in your life to face any emergencies with confidence and happy with you ... Read More

Which place is best for an engineering job in the world India or abroad?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 10:43:59


When it comes to Engineering jobs in India, thousands of Government vacancies and lakhs of jobs in the Indian private sector come up every month. There is no dearth of jobs for engineers in India. But if you are interested to go abroad, there are many places around the world to go.These days many students are preferring to look for some good jobs in India itself. Due to Visa hassles and insecurity, many youngsters are preferring to settle down in their homeland. That is a welcome trend.

What to do if someone else takes away the credit of your work at the office?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:10:54


This has been going on for ages and we even see references to one person taking away all the credit of another person's work even in the great epics. The question is - what will you do when it happens with you? Now, isn't this the question that everybody hates to even think about while there would be many who are actually scared of such a thought to cross their minds?That's because the underlying reasons for such a thing happening will mean that the person evaluating your work is biased against you and doesn't want you to get the credit ... Read More

What is the career prospect in drone technology?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:19:52


Jobs in drone technology-driven enterprises are the jobs of the future because drones are going to play a very crucial role across a large number of industries in future. Many youngsters think that jobs in the drone domain involve just engineering and technological openings but the fact is there are many other openings which don't require you to be a technological wizard.Drone PilotingThis is one specialization that is already opening up many opportunities for youngsters. Drones are finding application in different sectors like mining, security services including private security for industrial and commercial assets, disaster management, logistics and many others. ... Read More

Do meetings during work hours hamper productivity?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 08:53:59


As long as meetings are brief and not too frequent, they don't adversely affect productivity. I think meetings should have a specific purpose and not just be held as a routine activity just because they look good as a 'best practice'. In that case, it comes very close to being a waste of time, which we can't afford in today's time-crunched schedules. After all, in a process driven environment, what purpose will regular meetings serve other than filtering down of instructions? Today, with all the tools in place right on our workstations, regular instructions and guidelines can be easily conveyed ... Read More

What is the best interview question you have ever used or heard?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 08:11:51


I haven't conducted many interviews but did attend quite a few and have memories of the most interesting one. It was an interview for the second job of my career and the man I met was somewhat of a legend in the particular niche of advertising I was trying to barge into. He was a smallish man but had that powerful persona of someone whose words carried a lot of weight. It was quite unlike any other interview I had attended in my two-year-old career at that point. When I entered his glass-paneled room in a plush office in an ... Read More

How do you know when it's time to move on from your current company?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:35:52


It really depends on your comfort level at your place of work and that's as basic as it gets. The irony here is that you just can't afford to feel comfortable in any place of work for the simple reason that these places aren't designed for comfort. You have to operate like a special forces soldier in enemy territory, alert and alive to the slightest movement in your immediate vicinity or beyond.Find Your Comfort In DiscomfortAs they say in the special forces, you sleep with one eye open and your boots on and you will have to find your comfort ... Read More
