Found 6685 Articles for Javascript

How to swap two array elements in JavaScript?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 26-Jul-2022 14:33:55

4K+ Views

In this tutorial, we use different approach to swap two array elements in JavaScript. For example, we swap first and second element of the array asInput −["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"]Output −["second", "first", "third", "fourth", "fifth"]Here we swapped “first” and “second” value of the array.Now we will look at different methods to swap two elements −Using an extra variableUsing Array Splice() MethodUsing DestructuringMethod 1: Using an Extra VariableIn this method, we will take the help of an extra variable name “temp” and then we do the followingWe will copy the first element to temp.Copy the second element value to the ... Read More

How to build a random quote generator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 26-Jul-2022 14:25:30

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we are going to build a project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which will be generating a random quote from an API ( will be following some basic steps −Creating HTML Elements and TemplatesAdding Styles using CSSJavaScript LogicCreating HTML Elements and TemplatesThe first step is to create HTML elements and templates. We first add a box in which items will be shown, then we will add a button when the button will be clicked that it will display a new random quote in the box, then span tag is used to show quote sign type font awesome ... Read More

How to create HTML list from JavaScript array?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 26-Jul-2022 14:04:34

9K+ Views

In this tutorial, we are going to see multiple ways to create an HTML list from a JavaScript array. If we talk about simple HTML list, then we create manually one by one all the lists using ul (unordered list) and inside that li (list) tag.Consider a case when you will have n number of items and you have to print that in a list then it will be a really hectic task to write all the items and print manually right? Then using the JavaScript iteration method this can be easily done.Let’s see various ways in JavaScript to create ... Read More

How to check two numbers are approximately equal in JavaScript?

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 26-Jul-2022 13:52:05


In this tutorial, we will check if two numbers are approximately equal or not. In case given two numbers are equal then we will print yes, it is otherwise not it’s not.But let me make you clear that we are not going to do any magic here, basically we will also have to give an epsilon value.So, when we calculate the absolute difference between those two numbers and then compare with the epsilon then if absolute difference is lesser than the epsilon then the numbers are approximately equal else not approximately equal.Suppose two numbers given is 6.79 and 6.75 and ... Read More

How to concatenate two strings so that the second string must concatenate at the end of the first string in JavaScript?

Manisha Patil
Updated on 04-Aug-2022 09:18:23


concat() method The fundamental operation for combining two strings is concatenation. String combining is a necessary part of programming. We need to first clear out the fundamentals before we can discuss "String Concatenation in JavaScript." A new string is produced when an interpreter performs the operation. In order to create a new string, the concat() method joins the calling string and the string arguments. The initial string and the string that was returned are unaffected by changes to either. When concatenating, string values are first transformed from parameters that are not of the type string. Syntax Following is the syntax ... Read More

How to check if the constructor of an object is a JavaScript Object?

Prince Varshney
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 13:22:35


In this article, we will check whether the constructor of an object is a JavaScript Object. The constructor property of any JavaScript variable returns a reference to the Object constructor function that created the instance object. The value of this property is a reference to the function itself.All the objects have the constructor property and the objects created without the constructor function will have a constructor property that points to the Fundamental Object constructor type for that object.To check whether the constructor of provided value is an Object created by the object constructor function or not we need to compare the value ... Read More

How to return true if the bottom of the page is visible using JavaScript?

Prince Varshney
Updated on 26-Jul-2022 08:54:57

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will check if the bottom part of a page is visible or not to the user. We can do this functionality by using the height of the window and the height of the scrolled window. To write this code we need to understand three methods of JavaScript which are given asscrollY − It is the read-only property of the window, and returns the pixels a document has scrolled vertically.window.scrollYscrollHeight −It is an HTML DOM element and a read-only property of the window. It returns the height of an element’s content including the content that is not ... Read More

How to pause and play a loop using event listeners in JavaScript?

Prince Varshney
Updated on 26-Jul-2022 08:50:15

1K+ Views

In this article, we are going to understand how we can pause and play a loop whenever we want using event listeners and promises in JavaScript. Pause and play to a loop refers to as a for loop is running and we want to make a pause in between any position in a loop or want to play it again.An event listener can be attached to any element to control how the event reacts to bubbling. It attaches an event handler to an element.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax of an event listener −element.addEventListener(event, function, useCapture);Parametersevent − it is the name of ... Read More

How to display a message when a given number is in the range using JavaScript?

Prince Varshney
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 12:54:56


In this article, we will check whether a number lies between a range or not and display a message according to the output we get. This feature of JavaScript allows you to put a number validation while creating a form or any other document.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax to check if number is in range and display the message −if (isNaN(number) || number < lower || number > upper){    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = number + " is not in range"; } else {    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = number + " is in range"; }Here number is the input number to check if it ... Read More

How to create dynamic values and objects in JavaScript?

Prince Varshney
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 12:48:46

8K+ Views

Dynamic values are the values we assign to the dynamic variables. A dynamic variable is a type of variable that doesn't have any specific name in the code through hard coded, its address is determined when the code is running. The name dynamic refers to the value which is capable of action and change.Here we will see how we can create the dynamic values in JavaScript which are also part of object values and change the dynamic variable name in the future without accessing the group. It refers to that we declare a variable and further on we use the ... Read More
