Found 217 Articles for Javascript Library

Handling events in React.js

Shyam Hande
Updated on 28-Aug-2019 08:27:24


There are some syntactical differences in writing events but it is handled similar to DOM elements event handling.The name of event handlers are written in camel case notations.ExampleEvent in simple html −    Add User Event in React with jsx:    Add User One of the difference is we do not write return false to prevent default behavior in React. Instead of that we specifically write event.preventDefault()ExampleIn simple Html −    Add User In React it will be written as −function addUser(event){    event.preventDefault();    console.log(‘Add user event clicked’); }    Add User Here event passed in ... Read More

Understanding state in React.js

Shyam Hande
Updated on 28-Aug-2019 08:18:45


State and lifecycle of component is very powerful to make things work in a dynamic applications.StateState is generally used in Stateful component. With the introduction of hook, we can add state in functional component as well now . The name of the hook is useState.State is a JavaScript object which can be changed by user actions and adds dynamism to UI. Updating the data from server with the use of state is common use case.Difference between state and props −As we know props is a properties JavaScript object which hold information passed as an attribute to the component.Props value are ... Read More

Understanding components and props in React.js

Shyam Hande
Updated on 28-Aug-2019 08:15:47


React applications are made up of components. Component are generally uses react elements. Components can be independent, reusable pieces.There are two types of components −Stateless component ( Basically JavaScript functions )Stateful component ( Uses JavaScript class feature )Both the components types receives a proprieties object generally called as props.Stateless component has a return statement in function and Stateful component has a render method which returns react elements.Simple react element to display on the page is −const message=Hello; ReactDOM.render( message, document.getElementById(‘root’) );It displays the Hello message on the screen.Creating a functional component −function Message(props){    return (       ... Read More

Rendering elements in React.js

Shyam Hande
Updated on 28-Aug-2019 08:08:15


The smallest building blocks of React applications are the elements. Example of an element is −const message = Welcome, Steve;React DOM updates the actual DOM with the converted react elements. React components are made up of elements.Rendering element on DOMWe will have a parent div element in the main html file . This div can be called as root. ReactDOM manages everything which is inside the app div. We can add multiple such an isolated div in applications if required.To render the element it will be passed to the ReactDOM render method −const message = Welcome, Steve; ReactDOM.render(message, document.getElementById('app'));This will ... Read More

Using JSX in React.js

Shyam Hande
Updated on 28-Aug-2019 07:47:20


JSX is like a template language with Power of JavaScript. It helps in creating the react elements. It’s an extension of JavaScript to include UI elements.Examplelet message = Hello World ;h1 tag is known html tag but with jsx we have created a variable containing the h1 tag with a hello world message.Usefulness of jsxThough it’s not mandatory to use jsx to create react elements. But its visibly appealing and helps in understanding the code in easy way. React embraces the concept of keeping UI logic and rendering logic together.We can build different loosely coupled components for separation of concernsExpression ... Read More

Display hello world using React.js

Shyam Hande
Updated on 28-Aug-2019 07:39:34

11K+ Views

create-react-app is a command to create a React.js project with default configuration. Create-react-app will help in running react applications. Command will be executed on npm or yarnIf npm and node.js is installed on computer, install create-react-app globally with command −npm install –g create-react-appCreation of project − to create a project once above commands are executed, run below command −npx create-react-app hello-world-examplenpx comes with npm version 5.2+ , npm version can be checked on terminal using npm –versionIf npm version is 5.2+, then react.js project can be directly created with command −npx create-react-app hello-world-exampleIf npm version is 6+, npm init react-app ... Read More

Find a new line character with JavaScript RegExp.

Sravani Alamanda
Updated on 26-Aug-2022 12:55:22

3K+ Views

The new line character, we denote as . This is used to make a line break. ASCII code for is 10 and it is also called Line Feed (LF). Now, let's see how to find a new line character using RegExp. A RegExp is an object that specifies the pattern used to do search and replace operations on the string or for input validation. RegExp was introduced in ES1 and it is fully supported by all browsers The RegExp meta character finds an index value of the first occurrence of a newline character in a given text. Syntax ... Read More
