Found 217 Articles for Javascript Library

Creating a Rich Text Editor in React JS

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 08:19:57

3K+ Views

In this article, we are going to build a text editor in React JS, where users can edit their text online. Many websites offer this feature. A text editor is used to edit plain text files. Text editors differ from Word processors, such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, in that they do not add additional formatting information to documents.ExampleFirst create a React project: −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeNow go to the project directory −cd tutorialpurposeDownload and install the following packages −npm install --save react-draft-wysiwyg draft-jsWe will use this package to include a "wysiwyg" editor inside our React project. draft-js will be used ... Read More

Creating a Map in React JS without using third-party API

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 08:16:48


In this article, we are going to create a React app which will show a map without any third-party API. You can edit the map's width and height, add markers to it, and do many more amazing things. We will use the pigeon-maps package to create the map. So, let's get started.ExampleFirst create a React project −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeNow go to the project directory −cd tutorialpurposeDownload the install the pigeon-maps package −npm install --save pigeon-mapsWe will use this package to add default maps which are downloaded with library inside the React project.Add the following lines of code in App.js −import ... Read More

Creating an Airbnb Rheostat Slider in React JS

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 08:11:57


In this article, we will see how to create an Airbnb rheostat. Rheostat is a www, mobile, and accessible slider component built with React. Rheostat is a scrollbar where you can slide the pointer to select some values or decide a range of values.ExampleFirst create a React project −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeGo to the project directory −cd tutorialpurposeDownload and install the rheostat package −npm install rheostatWe can use this package to include premade rheostats with default functions inside a React project.Insert the following lines of code in App.js −import React from "react"; import Rheostat from "rheostat"; import "rheostat/initialize"; import "./App.css"; export ... Read More

Creating a Plane in React using React-Three-Fiber

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 08:03:09

4K+ Views

In this article, we will see how to create a plane in React using React-Three-Fiber. Planes are widely used shapes in 3D rendering. We will create a 2D plane for now, but you can add orbital controls in it to make it 3D. We will also use lighting and different colors. Let's get started.ExampleFirst install the following package −npm i --save @react-three/fiber threethreejs and react-three/fiber will be used to add webGL renderer to the website and three-fiber will be used to connect threejs and React.Add the following lines of code in App.js −import { Canvas } from "@react-three/fiber"; export ... Read More

Creating a Customizable Modal in React JS

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 07:58:30


In this article, we will see how to make a customizable modal in React JS with multiple buttons which can be used in many types of projects like on landing pages or travel websites. A modal is a message box that is displayed on top of the screen. We can use Modals as a subscription box; we can also add animation to a Modal using CSS.ExampleFirst create a React project −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeGo to the project directory −cd tutorialpurposeDownload and install the react-modal package −npm i --save react-modalWe can use this package to add simple premade modals inside any React ... Read More

Creating a Particle Animation in React JS

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 07:56:41


"Particle animation" is a technique in game physics, motion graphics, and computer graphics that uses many minute sprites, 3D models, or other graphic objects to simulate certain kinds of "fuzzy" phenomena.In this article, we will see how to make a popular particle animation in React JS. We will do this using a third-party package called "react-tsparticles".First create a React project −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeGo to the project directory −cd tutorialpurposeExampleDownload and install the "react-tsparticles" package −npm install react-tsparticles reactWe will use this package to add default particle animations with different styling elements. You can also add id and different options for ... Read More

Creating an Excel-like data grid in React JS

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 29-Sep-2021 07:34:58


In this article, we will see how to create an Excel-like data grid in React JS frontend. We will use a third-party package for this, which is called react-data-grid. This is a useful package if you are working with data and want to make a dashboard application.First create a react project −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeGo to the project directory −cd tutorialpurpose ExampleDownload and install the react-data-grid package −npm i --save react-data-gridWe can use this package to add default styled grid tables or you can say data grids which are premade.Add the following lines of code in App.js −import DataGrid from "react-data-grid"; ... Read More

Building an animated loader in React.JS

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 28-Sep-2021 13:02:08


In this article, we will see how to make an animated loader in React.js. Animated loaders are used in many websites to enhance the look and feel. In React.js, we can use the react-spinkit package to create beautiful animated loaders easily without having to write hundreds of lines of CSS.First create a React project −npx create-react-app tutorialpurposeGo to the project directory −cd tutorialpurposeExampleInstall the react-spinkit package −npm i --save react-spinkitThis library provides premade loaders and it is really easy to add it in your project. Using spinner, you can add any animated loader in React.Add the following lines of code ... Read More

Adding OrbitControls in React using reactthree-fiber

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 28-Sep-2021 12:53:22

2K+ Views

In this article, we will see how to add OrbitControls in React using react-three-fiber. It is like making a camera; we can move on screen and view each side of any 3D object. We can use OrbitControl to provide zoom and sliding effects too. So, let's get started.ExampleInstall the react-three/fiber library −npm i --save @react-three/fiber threethreejs and react-three/fiber will be used to add webGL renderer to the website. three-fiber will be used to connect threejs and react.First create an orbital control object in App.js −import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import { Canvas, useThree } from "@react-three/fiber"; import { OrbitControls ... Read More

Making a wobbling cube in React using react-three-fiber

Ath Tripathi
Updated on 28-Sep-2021 12:44:41


In this article, we will see how to make a wobbling cube in React, which will be wobbling in a loop and spinning at same time. We will first make a cube and then add the wobbling effect. We can also add a feature to make the cube wobble on hovering. So, let's get started.ExampleFirst download the react-three-fiber package −npm i --save @react-three/fiber npm i --save @react-three/drei npm i --save threethreejs and react-three/fiber will be used to add webGL renderer to the website. react-three/fiber will be used to connect threejs and React. drei is used to add wobblingMesh.Add the following ... Read More
